Closest To 100 Words As Ive Ever Been - Tumblr Posts
6 months ago
I keep doing these so late, but still on the day so ha ! This ones not romantic just a bit of riz feels 💚
Day 7: Riz Gukgak
“You’re not as smart as you think you are.”
It’s something Riz has started telling himself, when he feels like he’s getting too cocky. Too comfortable.
Overconfidence gets people hurt. People he cares about. No matter how many cases he solves, how many pieces he puts together, it’s never a sure thing. Nothing is ever true until he proves it. And he needs to remember that.
It’s not exactly a kind thing to be thinking about himself, but it’s pretty tame compared to some of the other thoughts he could choose to vocalize. And it helps. Or it will. In the long run.
Words: 103
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