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"Oh, hey, that's pretty cool of you to do but unfortunately I think your professor set you up for failure." Taylor explained. "Now, I'm not saying anything bad about your professor personally-- I love everyone on staff here, and think our school has some of the best professor's around," that was definitely scripted, "but everyone on staff knows we aren't allowed to have any guests right now, or really have anyone around that isn't a member because of the whole probation thing. That's why I can't let you in. Under normal circumstances I would just get out of the way and let you do whatever you want but, like I said, rules are rules."
"--and, hey, I get that it's a bit of a weird way to get into the fraternity but our pledges go through way worse to get inducted into the frat. Put yourself in their shoes. You would be upset if one of your brothers, one of the dudes you're supposed to rely on and look up too, let's some random guy in because he's just being a good classmate without having to do anything. It just-- it wouldn't be fair, and I don't want to be disrespectful to them." That was one hell of a way to twist it.
"So, yeah, you're either going to have to suck me off so I can make you a temporary member or you'll just have to go back to your professor and tell her you couldn't do what she asked. Oh, wait," clicking his tongue against his teeth, he nodded as he remembered the other option. "I mean no one goes this route but we are allowed to have people buy in rather than pledge and rush and all that. You just have to pay the first year's dues up front rather than getting to pay it off over the year. Right now, last time I checked, that winds up equaling... $7000. So if you don't want to suck me off you can pay me. I can take cash or card."

Adam frowned as he was held up at the door to the frat, holding a set of papers he'd copied, along with the notebook that his lab partner in his class had left behind after dipping out of class due to not feeling well. "Yeah but... our professor asked me to bring this stuff to him," he said, holding up everything he held in his hands. Did the fraternity do something that bad that they couldn't have guests or anything inside? "She asked me to go over some complicated stuff...," he mumbled.
Suddenly his face flushed as he looked up, thinking maybe there was actually a way he could do that. "What? You want me to... what?" he flushed even redder at the thought. "That's not... you don't do that to get in the frat," he said, with a frown, biting his lower lip. It wasn't like the fraternity brother wasn't attractive. But Adam couldn't just go off giving blowjobs just to give notes to someone. "There has to be another way,"