Coming From Someone Who Could Start Somewhat Fresh I Completely Agree - Tumblr Posts
smash bros spoiling fucking everything, and years of internet spoiler osmosis, kind of ruined what i think must've been one of the most surreal and unnerving experiences for mother fans who did get to play this game blind. gradually realizing It's Fucking Porky, Porky Is Here, What Is Porky Doing Here, must've been an absolute trip after being thrown into a totally distant world. going into Mother 3 expecting More Mother 2 - then when the mother 2 finally arrives, it's zombified and haunted and blatantly Doesn't Belong Here. something about the way m3's setpieces weaponize nostalgia - as does porky himself. you can admire his teddy bears and baseball bats. lucas can interact with the scaraba sarcophagus, and you're familiar, but because lucas doesn't know what the hell that is, he goes "what could this be?" you can walk up to his jukebox and play humoresque of a little dog but it feels. Different. almost a little nauseating. the way new tazmily looks like onett but something is very Wrong. everything about New Pork and the movie theater. it's like taking all the nostalgia bait a nintendo sequel is supposed to indulge in and turning it on its head. some sort of meta or even profound commentary on those who demand a return to "the good ol' days," and in so doing rob others of a better future - whether we're talking about video game nerds or politics. i love it. if there's one thing i wish i couldda experienced fresh when i first played mother 3, it's whatever the hell all this is.