Connor X F!reader - Tumblr Posts
“What you deserve” (Connor DBH x Fem. Reader) 18+ ✨
Summary: Reader has had a stressful week working during the busiest month a year, December. That’s why you’re so relieved to come home to Connor for a much needed weekend. You’re however surprised when you come home and is treated to an amazing, romantic evening by your even more amazing boyfriend, that all ends up with the most intense and pleasurable night you’ve ever dreamed of!
Warnings: 18+, mature content, NSFW, smut, dirty talk, body worship, mentions of emotionally unhealthy previous relationships.
A/N: This is both my first time writing a reader insert story and more or less my first time writing an all out smut 18+ fic. Please let me know how I did and if you’d be interested in more stories like this. With that said, I really hope you enjoy my work and thank you for reading! 💚
Word count: 6.2K
Banner: By me.

You entered your and Connor’s shared apartment, turned and leaned against the door before releasing a sigh of relief. Finally it was weekend! Working retail in December was no joke. Customers had been rude and demanding all week and your hours had been hectic and full of overtime. Christmas was wonderful, but unfortunately it was also cold, stressful and demanding, so right now all you wanted was just to just relax and forget the world for a bit. As you hung up your winter coat, scarf and bag you noticed the sound of soft christmas music coming from the kitchen mixed with a delicious smell.
Smiling you made your way from the hallway to the kitchen. When you neared you could hear the soft baritone voice of your boyfriend humming along to the carol from the overhead sound system. You peaked through the archway and leaned against the wall as you silently watched Connor swaying and singing softly to himself as he handled and stirred several pots on the stove and peaked on a bread baking in the oven.
“Hey.” You greeted softly, your eyes shining with a mixture of amusement and fondness.
Connor turned and sent you that huge boyish smile he always got when he saw you after a long day. He was wearing a thick, white knitted sweater you’d gotten him on his activation day and his preferred dark slacks, his LED spun a contended blue.
“Y/N, welcome home!” He greeted warmly before making his way over to you to pull you into his warm embrace and kissing you gently.
You accepted the kiss with a satisfied sigh and rested your hands against his warm chest. When he pulled away slightly you got the chance to look over the rest of your spacious apartment. Soft candlelight was illuminating most surfaces, the table was beautifully set and a gorgeous bouquet of your favourite flowers was standing in a clear vase in the center.
“What’s all this? Did I miss an anniversary or something?” You asked suddenly nervous you’d missed something important.
Connor laughed softly and quickly reassured you. “Not at all don’t worry. I just know how stressed you’ve been and you’ve been working so hard lately, so I wanted to do something nice for you.” As he talked he went over to the small wine fridge, pulled out a chilled bottle of your favorite white wine and poured it into a glass he then handed over to you. He also poured himself a glass of thirium based wine to join you.
You accepted the glass and looked at him with big eyes. “That is.. So incredible sweet. Thank you!”
Connor smiled and gently guided you towards the set table and pulled out the chair for you to sit. “I take it you like it then?”
“I do! It’s amazing Connor.” You said as you took your seat and sipped your wine, enjoying the chilled, dry flavour. “It’s just what I didn’t know I needed.” You added with a smile over the rim of your glass.
“Good.” Connor smiled as he returned to the kitchen. “I hope you’re hungry, dinner is almost ready.”
“Starving.” You replied and took another appreciative sip of your wine and also enjoyed the sight of Connor expertly manuvering the kitchen as he finished dinner.
“That was delicious Con. Thank you for dinner.” You heaved, feeling so full from the delicious homemade meal. You leaned back to stretch in your chair, making your spine pop a few times and let out a groan. Your job left you on your feet all hours of your day ,aside from your 30 minute lunch and occasionally bathroom break. Especially in December the days were chaotic and hectic, leaving you feeling sore and spent both physically and mentally. You stood up to start clearing the table. Since Connor had cooked the least you could do was do the dishes and the cleanup, but Connor stood with you and stopped you.
“Hey none of that. This is your night off, you aren’t to do any work or cleaning” He chastised you jokingly.
“At least let me help clean up, you shouldn’t have to do all that work alone.” You protested, but Connor simply took your hand and began leading you away from the kitchen towards the bathroom.
“Absolutely not. I’ve got another surprise for you.” He said with a grin and pulled you into the master bathroom.
“Another one? Wha..” You started to question but stopped dead in your tracks as you entered the bathroom that was being illuminated by soft candlelight and a hot steaming bubble bath already filled and waiting for you. The tantalising smell of orange flowers and bamboo from your favorite soap filled the room. Across the tub the wooden tray held your current book, open on the page you’d reached (most people used pads these days but you still preferred the feel and smell of a real book). It also held your favorite hand cream, since the cold weather always left your hands dry and painful. Another vase with beautiful white flowers stood at the corner of the tub. The whole scene was intoxicatingly relaxing and romantic. You turned to look at your android boyfriend who looked back at you with a soft smile.
“How are you this perfect?” You asked, almost being serious. No one had ever treated you like this. In all your previous relationships you’d somehow always ended up being the sole caregiver and comforter, expected to always have an endless flood of love, empathy and care to offer and provide. You’d gotten so used to it you’d stopped expecting anything else and accepted that your role in a relationship was to make sure all your partner’s emotionally and physically needs were met. Even though you held a full-time job yourself, it wasn’t high paying at all so you’d never earned quite as well as any of your previous partners. So since they were usually the main financial provider they’d made it clear you needed to provide in other ways, wether it be cooking, cleaning or always being ready to offer affection and attention. And when, at some point, you’d find yourself so drained of energy that you’d no longer be able to live up to par they’d all left you with excuses such as you’d let yourself go, you didn’t appreciate them enough or they couldn’t function with a woman who couldn’t even keep her home proper. It’d left you heartbroken each time and it’d chiselled away at your confidence little by little until you’d given up on finding love, believing you weren’t worthy of it.
It wasn’t until you’d met Connor and he slowly but surely managed to show you he didn’t expect or want you to mange the whole household all alone. He’d affirmed, nurtured and supported you from the very start of your relationship, something that had immensely confused you and made you anxious at first, but with Connor it was so much different. You supported each other in the best way and if both of you had a bad day, he didn’t expect you to put aside your feelings or needs to accomodate his, you’d help each other.
Connor simply kissed your lips again and silently helped you to get undressed, the action making his LED spin yellow as he unveiled your body like it was a piece of fine art, unable to hide his appreciation before he prompted you to enter the hot water. You sank in with an almost sinful moan, loving the feel of the hot soapy water penetrating your stiff muscles. Connor exited only to return moments later with your refilled wine glass and put it on the tray in front of you along with a glass of water to keep you hydrated as well.
“Now, take all the time you want to relax and unwind and call me if you need a refill.” He instructed before landing another soft kiss on your forehead this time, then left the room to let you enjoy some peace and quiet.
You spent the next hour throughly enjoying your hot soak, reading your book, slowly sipping your wine and appreciating the much needed alone time you’d had for yourself for the first time this entire week. When the water started getting chilled you stood, drained the water, to then rinse and wash probably in a short shower. Once that was done you pulled on your green satin robe and excited the bathroom to find your boyfriend and thank him proper for the lovely bath. The kitchen was spotless but also vacant, as was the living room and all candles had already been extinguished, therefor there were only one place your lover could’ve disappeared to and it suited you perfectly.
You found him as expected in the bedroom, once again the space primarily being lit up with several candles. Connor was already undressed down to his black boxes as he lay reclined on top of the covers in your shared bed with a pad in hand. At the sound of you entering he however looked up at you with a smile and immediately put the device away.
“Did you enjoy your bath love?” He asked sincerely.
“I did, it was perfect. This whole night has been perfect. You’re the best baby.” You replied and made your way to the foot of the bed.
Connor stood to join you. He pulled you close and slowly untied the sash holding your robe closed but never breaking eyecontact with you.
“Are you tired?” He asked lowly as his hands found their way under the satin to your bare waist underneath.
You shook your head ‘no’ slowly, the simple touch already spreading goosebumps across your skin. “Not really.” You whispered.
“Good.” Connor growled before he swooped you up in one powerful motion, supporting you under your thighs, forcing you to wrap your legs around his middle and your arms behind his head for balance. He claimed your lips in a passionate kiss while he gently placed you flat on your back on the soft, white duvet on your king seize bed. You pressed up, though never breaking your kiss, in effort to turn you around so you could finally show Connor some love and attention of your own.
But your efforts were futile as Connor pressed you back down by your shoulders, letting your lips part and making you let out a disapproving whine both from being denied access to his body and his mouth.
“I want you to lay back and let me take care of you. Think you can do that for me gorgeous?” The android requested in that low, sensual voice of his.
Your first instinct was to protest, but you were already dizzy with lust and that deep voice and smouldering look he sent weren’t helping, so you nodded your consent, not trusting your own voice at the moment.
Connor smiled widely, even looking a little smug he’d get things his way. “Good girl.” He praised and oh God, you swore you could feel the growing wetness between your folds increasing at those simple two words alone.
The android slipped your robe out from beneath you, leaving you completely bare. He allowed himself a few seconds of appreciating your nakedness, his LED spinning yellow, then arranged the pillow under your head to make sure you were as comfortable as possible.
He placed a lingering kiss to your lips before he trailed kisses slowly down your body. His first stop was at the juncture between you neck and shoulder making you sigh in pleasure. Then he slowly descended down to your breasts, flicking his tongue repeatedly across first one nipple until it stiffened under his attention, then repeated the action on the other before shifting to broader licks. You moaned shamelessly at the attention, loving the feeling of his tongue in your breasts, but knowing how amazing that was going to feel once he’d go lower. Connor however seemed in no rush and made his way agonisingly slowly down your body making you whimper and sigh restlessly as you grew more and more desperate.
Your patience were rewarded however as you finally felt a broad stroke of the sinfully talented tongue move trough your slick folds and across your clit.
“Yes!! Ahh.. Connor!!” You moaned loudly as your lover lapped at your pussy in a steady rhythm, alternating between penetrating you with his tongue and licking your clit in tantalising patterns and pressures. Ever so often Connor moaned against you, the sound muffled by your sex, not holding back his own pleasure at servicing you like this. With practiced ease he build your pleasure to a crescendo and then he just.. Kept you there..
Your moans filled the room as every time you felt sure you were just milliseconds from tipping over the edge Connor skilfully pulled you back.
“Please.. God~ please Connor..” You started to beg as your climax moved just beyond your reach once again. “Let me cum, pleeeease~~!”
This time Connor actually stopped fully to peak up at you. He should have looked ridiculous with your juices glistening on his lips and chin in the candlelight, but he just looked criminally sexy. You whined at the loss, but Connor shushed you gently and stroked up your thigh and stomach with one hand, as the other kept you steady at your hip to keep you from chasing his mouth.
“I’m gonna take my sweet time with you tonight darling, keep it slow and gentle. I want you to focus on relaxing your every muscle, keep breathing deep and give yourself completely over to me. Let every little feeling wash over you and just.. Enjoy..” He said in a hushed voice and placed a pacifying kiss to your stomach. “Will you do that for me?”
You nodded eagerly, your cheeks flushed from neediness. You’d do anything to get that mouth back on you. You tried to buck your hips again but Connor pulled further back at the motion.
“Ah, ah, ah.” He tutted. “I said.. Relax.” He repeated pointedly.
You closed your eyes, drew in a deep breath and focused on relaxing your entire body on the exhale, practically sinking into the mattress this time and this doing what you were told.
“‘Much better, good girl.” He praised and returned his mouth to you.
You kept focusing on your breath and on staying relaxed this time, it was hard since you’d been so fixated on chasing your own orgasm just a few minutes ago, but the longer you did the more relaxed you became. It helped Connor’s movements were much slower now as well, his tongue moving almost lazily over your clit and folds. But despite the slow pace, every motion was teasing your most sensitive and pleasurable spots non stop and made you much more aware of every little nuance and feeling. After about 30 minutes you found yourself having slipped into an almost trance like state of constant pleasure.
“Ahhh~~Ahhh~~Ahhh~~” You couldn’t hold back low moans escaping your lips on every exhale. The pleasure then suddenly increased, your own sounds increasing with it, as you felt one single digit enter you and press firmly down on your g-spot, rubbing it with perfect precision.
“Ahh!! Oh God~~ Yes!! I’m.. I’m!! I’m gonna..” Your voice was breathy but impossible to hold back as you still lay completely boneless and relaxed while the pleasure just kept rising and you still didn’t feel yourself tipping over all the way.
“Cum.” A single muffled command then vibrated against your clit and the dam broke.
“Ahh~~Aaahhhh~~ Oooohhh my Gooood!! Yeeeeeeeessss!!!” You cried hoarsely as a tidal wave of immense pleasure washed over you. Connor never stopped his ministrations, still licking and fucking you slowly with a single finger, making your climax last impossible long as the pleasure decreased only little by little instead of disappearing in a few seconds like usual.
You were both surprised and pleased once your climax had run its course over several minutes that you found yourself right back at that plateau of constant pleasure that you’d been floating on before being pulled over the edge. Normally you’d be way too sensitive to receive anymore attention after coming down without it being downright uncomfortable. But despite having just experienced the most intense and powerful orgasm in your life your boyfriend’s mouth and finger kept going and it felt just as amazing as before.
“That’s it, love.” Connor’s low voice just managed to penetrate your pleasure fogged daze and continuing soft, appreciative moans.
You were so spaced-out, your eyes closed in content that you didn’t realise Connor had moved before you felt the press of his big, hard member gliding into your soaking entrance in one deep stroke. Your eyebrows knitted together and and you let out a long keen of absolute ecstasy as you felt every glorious inch filling you in the best way possible.
“Connor~!!” You gasped.
“You look so beautiful, Y/N.” He moaned quietly on his own as he started a slow, but deep thrusting rhythm. “I love watching you come apart like this. Love the way you moan my name..”
“Ohhhh~~ Connoooor!!” You mewled his name at both his words and the way he now managed to hit your g-spot with perfect depth and pressure while still doing it so slowly the pleasure was mind-numbing, but not enough to push you over the edge again.
Connor’s hands moved up your arms until he was holding you down gently by both hands above your head. Your entire body offered no resistance, all your muscles felt like feathers, light and almost weightless. Your breaths were deep and controlled, making your chest rise and fall gently in time with every perfectly aimed thrusts.
Connor’s moans mixed with yours along with the wet sucking sound each time his cock pulled out almost all the way, only to disappear into you again so very slowly. Connor kept up this slow pace for 45 minutes, never once faltering in his rhythm or precision of his thrusts due to his unlimited android stamina. Once again you found yourself in an euphoric state where the pleasure just kept building impossible heigh, but never tipping you over that last edge.
“I’m going to make you cum now~~” Connor moaned softly into your right ear then nibbled gently on the lobe. “Keep breathing for me and let me hear you.” He added and squeezed your hands a little tighter in his.
The change in his movements were subtle and almost impossible to detect, but you’d never been more tuned in on your own body than you were right now and you felt the minute change of pressure and tempo on that deep bundle of nerves within you like a freight train. The burning coil in your belly grew tighter and tighter and your moans louder and louder.
“Ahhhhh~~!! Ohhhh, R-Right there!! Ahhhhhh~~ Yess.. Yeeeesss!! I’m gonna cuuum~~ Ohhhh, you’re gonna make me cum again babbyyy~~ ” You cried as the pleasure increased even higher than the first time, even tough that should’ve been impossible. He hadn’t even touched your clit this time around, something that was usually a must if you were to have any hope of reaching your end, but here you were on your way to the best orgasm in your life from nothing more than excruciatingly slow repeated penetration.
“I’m!! Ooohhhhhh~~ Aahhhhhh~~ AAHHHHH~~~ YEEEEESSSSS ~~ I’M C-CUMMING!! I’M CU- AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH~~~~!!!!” If your first orgasm had been a tidal wave, this was a full blown tsunami. The amount of undiluted pleasure that submerged you were indescribable and you could hardly keep up.
In the distance you heard Connor’s echoing moans as your walls clenched and spasmed uncontrollably around his cock as he fucked you through your long climax that once again stayed at a unrelenting crescendo for minutes! You briefly wondered if you should be embarrassed about how much noise you were making, but you quickly dismissed it as you opened your eyes a fraction for the first time in forever and saw the look of absolute adoration, joy and pleasure on Connor’s face, as your body kept clenching and welcoming his still rock hard member.
“That’s my girl~~ You’re doing so well, darling.. Ahhh~~ You feel so amazing around me.. You’re gripping me so tight!! And.. Ohhhh~~ You make such beautiful sounds for me!!” He moaned freely, your eyes locked together making the moment even more intimate and intense. “One more precious.. I.. Ahhhh~~ I need you to see you cum for me just one more time.. Can you do that for me?” He moaned breathlessly.
Your second climax weren’t even completely over, your walls still contracting blissfully every few seconds, but you found yourself nodding slowly with absolute certainty Connor would be successful in pulling out one more earth shattering orgasm from your body, as your were still riding on an inconceivable high of constant bliss.
Connor smiled and leaned down to place a deep kiss against your lips, making you both moan into eachother’s mouths for a few moments. When he pulled back he gently lifted your right leg and placed it over his strong shoulder before leaning back over you to resume his gentle fucking into you soaking pussy.
The new position made him hit you deeper than ever. The thrusts were much more shallow than before, but the angle made the still perfect aim and now constant attention on your g-spot feel even better and you felt yourself melt into the soft mattress in pure ecstasy. Was is possible to die from pleasure? It sure felt like it, but you could not bring yourself to care just at long Connor kept fucking you like that!
Again, Connor let you reach a Sky-high plateau or pure pleasure for 30 minutes before you felt a gentle thumb being placed on your swollen clit that began rubbing you in perfect synch with each smooth brush on your g-spot. Your moans rose in volume and pitch once again as your peak kept getting higher than ever before.
“OOOOHHHH~~~ T-That’s perfect!! ohhmygoood~~ AAHHHHHH~~”
“Are you going to cum for me, again love~~??” Connor moaned from above you and increased his speed driving into you.
You felt your vision going white at the edges as the tempo rose both from his cock rocking into you and the thumb rubbing your clit.
“YES~~!! YES, CONNOR~~ OOOHH GOOOD I’M GONNA CUM~~” You wailed in ecstasy, watching him as he moved above you.
The android then stepped it up one last gear and plowed into you both hard and fast for the first time that night. His LED was spinning a fast red as he started to loose his ability to keep calm after having watched and listened to your lusty moans all night. It was intoxication to know he was the one to have given you so much pleasure! Being able to make you fall apart in ways he knew no one had ever taken their time to do for you before. Even more so knowing you trusted him enough to completely relax and give yourself over to him, the only reason he’d succeeded in reducing you to this blissed out state of constant pleasure. But even an android had his limitations and he could no longer hold back his own desperate need to cum inside you, but not until he made you cum one last time.
“I want to see you writhe on my cock, darling~~!! AAAHH~~ make you cum h-harder than you’ve ever done before!! AHH-HAA!! I need to feel you cum around me again!! SoOOHHH~~ Come on love, be a good girl and c-cum for me!! PLEASE~~” Connor moaned and begged from above you.
You were helpless to comply. “AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH~~~~ YEEEEEESSSSSS~~~!! OH~OH~OH!! AAAHHHHHH-HHHAAAAAAAA~~~!!!” You screamed as the strongest orgasm of your life ripped from you and a spring of juices squirted wetly from your entrance, soaking Connor’s still moving hips and thighs.
Connor moaned as he felt your pussy massage his cock tightly and felt the wetness of your ejaculation spraying from you. He managed to register a moment of immense pride that he’d succeeded in making you squirt and made a mental note to do everything in his power to make you do it again in the future, because it was the hottest thing he’d every witnessed and it pulled him right over the edge with you.
“OOHHH~~ YEEESSS DARLING~~!! AAAHHHHH~~ PERFECT!! AAAAHHHHHH~~” He echoed your shouts and filled you up with his synthetic cum.
Connor kept fucking you through your shared, shaking orgasms, gradually slowing down until he was just slowly rocking into you as he had for most of the night. It wasn’t until your voice returned to a soft, satisfied whimper and every last drop of both your juices and his cum had been wrenched out of both of you, he stopped he stopped completely, but keeping his cock inside you.
Your entire brain and body were flooded with endorphins from the most intense and satisfying lovemaking session you’d ever experienced. It felt like you were floating. Your sex still fluttered softly around the warm cock still inside you and you enjoyed watching with hooded eyes, how it made Connor shudder and whine softly above you resting on his forearms flanking both sides of your head. You reached up to touch his blue flustered cheek and guide him down into a soft kiss.
“Connor.. That was.. Incredible..” You breathed. You’d never felt pleasure like what you’d just lived through. In your past sexual experiences you’d rarely been able to cum during sex and if you did it was certainly never more than once. Connor was the first partner you’d had that somehow always succeeded in bringing you to climax every time you were together, but this had been three consecutive orgasms with the next more intense and exquisite than the last. You’d no idea you could even do that, much less squirt as you did on that last one! You’d almost passed out from sheer pleasure and here you’d always thought you just weren’t cut out for a rewarding sex life. How wrong you’d been, all it took was the right man wanting to take his time and enjoyment in learning you your body and its needs. “Everything tonight has been incredible.. I can’t believe how lucky I’ve been finding you..” You whispered honestly.
Connor looked down at you with those big brown eyes of his, like you were the most precious and beautiful treasure in the world, a soft smile adorning his lips. “I’m just as lucky and you deserve to be pampered and cared for once in a while, love.” Connor replied.
“Careful, I might just get used to it.” You grinned.
“Good.” Connor said in all seriousness. He leaned down to give you one last kiss before he stood from the bed, going to the bathroom. You heard water running and moments later he returned, having already cleaned up himself, but bringing a warm wet flannel he then carefully cleaned you with. You felt grateful for the thoughtfulness since you didn’t think your legs could carry you to the bathroom in your current blissed out state. After you were both clean Connor blew out the dozen of candles across the room, gently tugged the thick white cover you’d been laying on out from underneath you, then joined you in bed and pulled you close to his chest as he tugged the cover back over you both.
You let out a sigh of pure content as you snuggled up against your boyfriend, listening to the soft hum of this mechanical thirium pump inside his chest and purring as he started drawing gentle patterns on your back with the tip of his fingers with the arm wrapped around you.
“Goodnight Con.. I love you..” You whispered into the darkness, the only light coming from Connor’s blue LED.
“I love you too Y/N, sweet dreams.” Connor replied and planted a kiss on top of your head.
Only once he was certain you’d fallen asleep, protected and undisturbed, did he allow himself to enter stasis as well.