Cornelia X Reader Fluff - Tumblr Posts
Hey 🤗
Before making the request, I wanted to tell you I really like how and what you write ❤️
I saw the scenario of the first kiss you did for Naruto characters, could you also do it for Lelouch, Suzaku, male Kallen and male Cornelia (I'm obsessed with them in the male version; if you don't mess with characters' genderbends, you can not do them), please?
Thank you very much 😘
Code Geass ~First kiss~
Manga/anime: Code Geass
Warnings: nothing
(Y/N): your name
Kal: male Kallen
Cornelius: male Cornelia
Thank you very much for the compliment! Yes, I can make stories with male versions of female characters, but I'd rather not do the opposite.

"Z-Zero?" A meek voice rings out in the temporary headquarters of the Black Knights.
Lelouch blinks from behind his mask and looks away from some documents to look at the voice that had called him. (Y/N) was there, playing with her hair and with her pink-tinged cheeks, avoiding eye contact with her leader. The boy lets out a small sigh behind his mask, annoyed at being disturbed.
"What happens?" (Y/N) flinches at his words and shifts uncomfortably, the pink turning red on her cheeks.
"W-well, Tamaki told me you wanted to talk to me about the plan..." Lelouch's purple eyes narrow: he had never told Tamaki to call her. Damn Tamaki, he did it to embarrass me, the boy thinks.
The leader is both frustrated by the interruption of his work and annoyed by Tamaki's prank, but he suppresses the urge to get angry to avoid scaring the already intimidated girl in front of him. Actually, not because he doesn't want to scare the girl, but because he doesn't want to scare (Y/N): ever since Lelouch met (Y/N) at school a few months before obtaining the Geass, he's always felt a very strong attraction towards her; then, that attraction turned into love.
Furthermore, when she showed up in front of Zero, saying she wanted to join the Black Knights, his first instinct was to forbid her from participating in the missions due to the fear she would get hurt. However, the boy was then dissuaded from carrying out that behavior by C.C. to avoid anyone noticing his preference for the girl.
So, Lelouch quickly thinks about how to extricate himself from the complicated situation he's in: "(Y/N), I-"
He can't even finish the sentence he was about to say, because a loud sound screeches in their ears, echoing in the room occupied by Zero and (Y/N). The girl is stunned and closes her eyes, preparing for the worst, when they feel the ground shake and pieces of the ceiling begin to collapse. When she doesn't feel any pain, she opens her eyes.
"Z-Zero? A-are you okay? A-are you hurt?" One of Lelouch's arms is against the wall next to (Y/N); the other arm holds her close, caging her body with his and acting as a shield.
"I'm fine." The boy pulls away from the girl, loosening his grip.
After standing a little distance from her, Zero calmly presses a button on the side of his mask with one hand, shocking and astounding (Y/N) when she hears the whirring of gears, causing the back of the mask to retract.
"Z-Zero, what are you-"
"Answer me, (Y/N) -he interrupts her- are a few months enough to fall in love?"
"I-I think anything is possible in love. Why did you ask me this?"
(Y/N) swallows, watching the boy adjust his mask so his mouth is visible.
"Because I'm madly in love with you." The girl doesn't even have time to realize what he said, before Lelouch grabs her face and brings it close to his, and presses his lips to hers.

"Suzaku, I'm scared" (Y/N) whispers.
While she and her brother Schneizel were in a meeting, an attack by the Black Knights was reported, so Suzaku, (Y/N)'s Knight, grabbed her hand and started running to carry her to safety.
After they moved away from the attacked area, the princess felt the pressure collapse on her; she burst into tears, both because of the fear for her life and because of the concern everyone had managed to escape to safety.
The girl feels strong arms around her and then herself being carried against a warm body. Her eyes open: she sees her Knight embracing her.
"I'll protect you, princess." Suzaku says softly in (Y/N)'s ear, holding her tighter to him.
"S-Suzaku..." The princess murmurs in surprise, looking at him shyly and sweetly, heat flooding her cheeks.
Suddenly, loud battle noises ring out and the sounds of explosions, which cause the ground to shake, almost causing the princess to fall, are heard. Suzaku's eyes widen a little, and he immediately turns, almost as if to go back.
"Where are you going?" She cries.
"I must go back to fight with 'Lancelot'. Please, princess, stay here, so you'll be far enough from the combat zone."
"But Suzaku, you have to follow me -she whispers- I'm scared."
"Princess -the boy approaches the girl, with his eyes full of pain- I have to fight again to protect you." (Y/N) knows Suzaku must respect his duties as a Knight.
"But... You can't protect me if you're there." The girl says, trying to convince the boy to stay with her, since she doesn't want him to go because she fears he might die.
"I have to go -Suzaku replies with regret- those from the R&D Division have already called me before: they need 'Lancelot'."
"Wait!" (Y/N) screams as her Knight turns and takes a few steps towards the headquarters Zero attacked, running to hug him from behind and starting to sob.
"Please, please, don't go! I already lost Euphy, don't leave me too!" The princess can't breathe because of the tears and sobs, and she's crying so much she can hardly stand up straight: she's in the middle of hysterics.
So, Suzaku immediately hugs (Y/N), first hesitantly, fearing her panic attack might get worse, then more tightly, after seeing she showed no sign of resistance and, indeed, she seemed to calm down the closer he was to her.
"I'll never leave: I'll always stay next to you and protect you."
Minutes pass, and (Y/N) slowly calms down, cradled in her Knight's arms and soothed by his sweet, relaxing words.
"Hold out your hand." Suzaku says, placing a watch on his princess' outstretched hand, and he continues: "This watch is very important to me: it's the last gift my father gave me. Keep it safe for me -he gently closes her hand- and, when we meet again, you can return it to me. I swear I'll come back to you."
After saying that, the boy starts to turn around, but the girl calls his name, so he turns back again to look at her.
"I love you, Suzaku! Please, come back." After saying those words, which shocked him, (Y/N) looks at her Knight softly, and she gently presses her lips to his.

Britannian Military Prison in Japan, evening.
After another day of torture, (Y/N) is in her cell, hurt, sore and crying in pain.
Unfortunately, the Britannian Military had discovered the girl was one of the Black Knights' girlfriend, so it had captured her and has continued to torture her to have information about them. However, it was wrong: (Y/N) didn't even know her boyfriend Kal was one of the Black Knights.
While the girl was reflecting on her boyfriend, a very loud noise is heard and the ground begins to shake, and her cell's door is thrown open. That scares her a lot, so she tries to hide herself in the most remote corner of her cell. Nevertheless, it isn't a soldier who enters, but a tall man, dressed in black and with a mask on his face: he's one of the Black Knights.
"(Y/N)!" The girl recognizes the man by his voice.
"Ohgi? It's you?"
(Y/N) already knows Ohgi: he had come to Kal's house several times while they were together; her boyfriend said he was a friend of his brother and, after his death, he continued to come to visit him. The girl never would have thought that kind man was one of the Black Knights.
"Yes, it's me. (Y/N), are you ok? Kal was so anxious about you... Come, he's waiting for you outside." Ohgi holds out his hand towards her, but (Y/N) pulls away.
"I don't want!"
"I don't want to see Kal: he lied to me the whole time! I don't want to go back to him! Please come back. I don't want you to get hurt because of me."
The man looks at the girl for a few seconds, torn between whether to leave or try to convince her to follow him. However, before Ohgi can make a decision, sounds of footsteps are heard, and then a head pops out of the door: Kal.
"(Y/N)!" Kal rushes to embrace (Y/N), wrapping his arms around her waist and burying his face in the crook of her neck. Nevertheless, she doesn't feel good in his embrace like all the other times: his lie has hurt her too deeply. In fact, she violently and quickly breaks away from the embrace.
"Stay away from me!" The poor girl screams, quickly pulling away and falling to the ground from the force she broke away with.
"Darling?" The boy tries to move closer to his girlfriend, but she pulls away again, trembling and almost crying from the pressure and worry.
"What happens? Are you ok? What have they done?"
"The soldiers hurt me, but you hurt me more: why did you lie to me? You were taking advantage of me, weren't you? I'm a Britannian, were you pretending to love me just to get information about the Britannians?"
"No!" Kal exclaims.
"I swear to you: I've never taken advantage of you. When I fell in love with you, I wasn't one of the Black Knights yet; after I became one, I didn't want to tell you anything because I didn't want to worry you or put you in danger." He continues more calmly, gently helping the girl to get up.
"You don't necessarily have to continue to be my girlfriend, but at least let me continue to protect you, please. I don't want anything to happen to you again." After saying that, Kal hugs (Y/N) again, taking care not to hurt her, and he brings his face closer to hers, until they touch their foreheads.
"Will you let me protect you?" After she gives her nod, the Black Knight captures his girlfriend's lips with his in a tender kiss, while continuing to hold her tightly, as if protecting her from all harm.

"I'm sorry."
"Don't be."
"Sorry." (Y/N) repeats, as she finishes treating Cornelius' many wounds.
"I already told you not to be." The prince replies.
They both remain silent for a few minutes. (Y/N) is embarrassed to be so close to the person she loves, Cornelius is trying to repress the groans of pain caused by his wounds.
"Are you angry?" The woman breaks the silence, worried her superior was angry with her. In fact, (Y/N) was a new Knightmare Frames pilot, but, during her first mission, an attack against the Japan Liberation Front, a disaster happened: the group led by Prince Cornelius, in which she had been placed, was the victim of a surprise assault, and (Y/N) would have died if it weren't for her commander, who threw himself into the path of a spear to save her, but injuring himself.
"Not with you." The prince answers.
"Why not with me?"
"Why should I be angry with you?"
"I was careless. I almost got myself killed. Because of me you got hurt!" The soldier screams with a broken voice, surprising Cornelius with her outburst.
The man, recovered from the shock of the woman's outburst, smiles almost sweetly, and he gently caresses her head.
"Don't worry. I don't care you cause me trouble or I hurt myself to save your life."
(Y/N) wonders if what Cornelius told her was some kind of confession, while blushing profusely. Nevertheless, despite wanting to ask him the meaning of those words, she can't say anything other than an apology.
"Stop apologizing or I'll get angry."
"Excu-" (Y/N) stops before finishing the sentence.
"I can't help saying that!" Due to her phrase, the prince bursts out laughing, making the soldier blush again.
"I've done it!" The woman exclaimes happily and, after seeing the man's confused look, she continues, but with a bit of shyness: "Since you're always so serious and, forgive me if I say it, even a little sad, I set myself the goal of making you laugh at least once."
After a few seconds of silence, Cornelius murmurs: "You're wonderful, (Y/N), you know?"
"Really? Are you serious?"
Without even realizing it, the soldier steps closer to her superior, taking his right hand in hers.
"I really mean it." The prince whispers, tucking a strand of her hair, which had escaped from her bun, behind her ears with the hand that wasn't held by hers.
"I think this is why I fell in love with you." Without giving (Y/N) time to realize his words, Cornelius bows his head and presses his lips softly and delicately to hers.
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