Cosette Fauchelevent - Tumblr Posts

I just think cosette should get a sword when she’s older too

Cosette greeting the dawn for Day 2 of Cosette Appreciation Week!
[ID: Pencil drawing of Cosette leaning out of a window with her arm outstretched, surrounded by plants and flowers from a window box. End ID.]

aaaaaah late for @cosette-appreciation-week but here's our goth girl!!

Heroic decision of Monsieur Valjean aka 5.8.3
(Not very proud of this piece, it definitely looked better in my head lol)
éponine/cosette is goth gf/pink gf but cosette is the goth and éponine is the pink one
This because I met a girl who is literally the perfect Cosette, and she made me love the character so much.

If Cosette has a million fans, then I am one of them. If Cosette has ten fans, then I am one of them. If Cosette has only one fan then that is me. If Cosette has no fans, then that means I am no longer on earth. If the world is against Cosette, then I am against the world.
Lots of brilliant Cosette notes on today's chapter alr 😍 so I'm just gonna throw in my two cents too!
Firstly, I love this quote:
God willed that Cosette’s love should encounter one of the loves which save.
especially after the Romeo and Juliet comparison from earlier. R+J is very romantic pair but ultimately theirs is a love that ultimately kills them, and so Hugo wants to set Marisette apart (and 'better' in a way) by assuring us that their love is something that will have a happy ending. And in a literal sense, Cosette's love DOES save Marius too! It is her love for him that pushes Valjean to get him from the barricades, thus labelling her as his saviour too.
Also, the contrast between Marisette's very 'pure' and sexless relationship does remind us sadly of Fantine and Tholomyès. It is lucky that Marius is such a sweet and innocent man because if he was anything like Tholomyès, Cosette would have quite literally shadowed her mother's fate. It makes me think about what would have happened if Cosette and Theodule had actually got together; I doubt their relation would have been anything as pure and chaste as Marisette.
And finally, I adore Cosette's lines:
“Monsieur, you are handsome, you are good-looking, you are witty, you are not at all stupid, you are much more learned than I am, but I bid you defiance with this word: I love you!”
“Don’t cough, sir; I will not have people cough on my domain without my permission. It’s very naughty to cough and to disturb me. I want you to be well, because, in the first place, if you were not well, I should be very unhappy. What should I do then?”
Her speeches have a healthy sense of sarcasm while still being full of love for Marius. She is also very clearly headstrong— "I will not have people cough on my domain without my permission"? What a slay. Obviously being sarcastic about 'owning' their space but in this private sphere of theirs, she is free to put her foot down and command him, even if its teasingly so. It reminds me of this line a few chapters back:
Ten years later, with the love of Marius in her heart, she would have answered: “A pedant, and insufferable to the sight! You are right!”
when Valjean points out how weird Marius is. All this tell us that Cosette clearly loves to make fun of her loved ones! She's so full of spunk and life and nothing like the usual image one might have had of a lonely, sheltered bourgeois girl.
Overall, a very cute romantic chapter. Hugo does have some Weird Comments when it comes to women again but this is still one of many Cosette’s shining moments where we as readers learn a little bit more about how assertive and bright of a character she is :)

Love how Jean Valjean and Cosette are just the samurai cat meme

yeah so 8 year old cosette wasn’t the sweet and gentle child that the musical portrays her to be. she was feral and “peevish” and numb because not all child abuse victims need to come out as little angels to be victims.
Cosette is Valjean's biggest advocate. She would be in the restaurant telling the cashier "he said no pickles"
Okay I’m all for short tiny Cosette but have you considered
-tall Cosette who towers over almost all Les Amis (she instantly bonds with Bahorel)
-tell Cosette who still wears heels because she feels like it, thank you very much
-tall Cosette who loves helping strangers by grabbing stuff from the highest shelves for them because she is precious like that
-tall Cosette who gets cute nicknames from Courfeyrac like “extra long baguette”
-tall Cosette being an absolute champ at volleyball when Les Amis get together to play
-tall Cosette who loves to give piggy back rides to all her friends
-tall Cosette who has to lean down to kiss Marius
tall Cosette
so much toxic yuri from you lately but where is the toxic yurification of enjolras/grantaire, unicorngunter.

Oh I have something even better. Old women toxic yuri