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1 year ago

TVDu femslash week

Day 3 - slice of life

Hayley's birthday was coming and Rebekah wanted make a surprise to her girl <3

TVDu Femslash Week

"Rise and shine beautiful one!" Rebekah says with a smile in her face while opening Hayley's bedroom windows. "I planned an amazing day for you and we are going to enjoy everything from now until midnight."

Hayley just sat on her bed and smiled.

"Where are we going to?"

"Well, first we are going to my closest get you the best outfit we can. I'll take you in one of the best New Orleans bakery for breakfast, we are going shopping, lunch, Movies and a little party on my room because you don't really like people." Rebekah just grabbed Hayley's hand and pulled her out of bed. Rebekah choosed something simple but stylish for Hayley, that was just waiting on Rebekah's bed while thinking how hungry she was.

"You really look like a mean girl movies but better, nicer and hotter" Rebekah said for Hayley while the brunette was looking herself on the mirror.

At the bakery, they had an amazing breakfast with everything they could: cake, cookies, juice, coffe, milkshake, tea, fruits, bread, mixed eggs, bread... while eating, they were talking about life and just telling what gossips they knew and didn't told each other. Was kinda weird or dark because all gossips were like "he died" "she got turned into a vampire" but they couldn't just turn into humans and pretend those things didn't happened.

TVDu Femslash Week

When they finished, they went to various brand and expensive stores to buy clothes, bags and jewelry for themselves.

"Isn't all that too expensive?" Hayley said naively.

"Oh, Hayley, don't worry with that. First: we can compel anyone here so they will let us get for free; Two: Mikaelson family is probably richest than those stupid and ugly millionaires; Three: you think Klaus and Elijah wouldn't buy some stuff for their little sister and for you? They obviously would." Rebekah replied in a simple way. "Just enjoy and let the money with me, that will let with my older brothers."

Hayley bought more stuff than she thought she would, Rebekah made her keep almost everything she liked. They didn't payed much ofc, just part of it because "it's not theft then" according to Beks.

They went lunch after going shopping, was already late but Rebekah insisted. She had made a reservation on Hayley's favorite restaurant of New Orleans.

"That was delicious, Bex. How did you knew thats my favorite restaurant?" Hayley was so happy, she was having something that never had before in her life and in the company of her best friend.

"I have my own ways to find out" Rebekah replied with a smile. The blonde girl was happy to see the little wolf smiling and having fun without any problems around.

TVDu Femslash Week

After eat, Rebekah took Hayley to the Movies.

"You wanna watch anything specific?" Rebekah asked softly.

"Not really. You can choose this time." Hayley replied. "You buy the tickets and I'll get us some popcorn."

Hayley got the popcorn and they went watch it. Hayley didn't knew what movie was but she trusted Rebeka's choice. In fact, the movie was amazing and Hayley loved, but got intrigued. Was a sapphic movie and she started to think if Bekah was into girls just like she was. Hayley had an affair with a girl when she was 16, but things didn't went well and the girl was human what made harder.

Was already dark when the girls left the movies and went back home. Hayley went to her bedroom for a shower and Bex prepared everything on her room. They were going to make nails, drink wine and eat candies until get tired and then sleep.

Hayley was on pijamas in Rebekah's bed waiting for the blonde, she was having a shower. Hayley started imagine again, if Rebekah was into girls or not. She didn't even knew why she was so bothered with that at all. When Rebekah come, Hayley just ignored her thoughts and girls went talk and drink. They made their nails together and after some wine glasses, Hayley decided to ask:

"Bex, why you decided do all that?" Hayley said. That's not what she was going to say but she was also curious about this.

"Look, when I was young, nothing of this existed. I wasn't poor but I wasn't even close to be rich and we just lived our lifes simply. You never had the chance to have any experience like this and you definitely deserve it. Im rich has a thousand years but I'm not your friend that long. I thought would be good enjoy our time together living the life we never could get."

"That's so beautiful, Bex. I can't even thank you enough for today"

"You should thank Klaus. He made you pregnant and a part of this family. Technically wasn't him who made you part of this family but-" Hayley interrupted Rebekahs speech.

"Are you into girls?"

TVDu Femslash Week

"Yeah, of course, but why the question?" Rebekah was curious to know what Hayley was going to say. Obviously she liked girls too, she just didn't felt like needed to tell anyone because her partners would end up killed anyway.

"I just... I don't know why this bothered me so much, but I couldn't keep wondering."

"Are you into girls?" Rebekah asked a little apprehensive.

Instead of just say "yes" or something affirmative, Hayley went to Rebekah and kissed her. Rebekah was confused at first, but started enjoy the kiss. The blonde put her hands on Hayley's waistline and brought her to her lap. After some minutes, Rebekah put Hayley on the bed and they took off their clothes while still kissing.


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