Cravity Blurbs - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

woobin with four please🥺👉🏻👈🏻

“woobin, just tell me what’s wrong,” you urge, grabbing onto his wrist and forcing him to face you. 

woobin pulls his hand back and looks at you straight in the eye, tears cascading down his cheeks.

“i think i’m in love with you and i’m terrified.”

you stare at him, dumbfounded.


“i said i’m in love with you!” woobin exclaims, his face transforming into a look of hurt and frustration.

“woobin, we can’t--,” you begin.

“i know,” woobin says through gritted teeth. “i know that, _______. that’s why i’m scared.” 

woobin walks up to you, hand reaching up as if wanting to hold your face. he stops before his fingertips could even graze your cheek.

“you’re getting married to my best friend,” woobin whispers as he blinks tears out of his eyes. 

“but, i don’t want to let fear take over my life again,” woobin explains. “that’s why i had to let you know.”

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4 years ago

25, 44, 46 with woobin too if you could

the joy you felt when woobin opened his eyes was incomparable.

“squeeze my hand if you can hear me,” you had said. 

and he did. moments later, his eyes fluttered open and now you’re here, crying tears of absolute joy while you clutch onto woobin’s hand.

ever since the accident, all you could think about was woobin and when he would wake up. 

if he would wake up.

all the weight in your chest these past few weeks have been lifted, replaced by elation at the fact that you have your boyfriend back. you’d get to hold him again, watch him cook your favorite meals, binge watch all those netflix series together, and everything else that you took for granted before the accident.

woobin faces you, his eyebrows knitted together. 

“wait,” you say before he can get a word out. “i need to let your doctor know that you’re awake.”

you stand up, reaching for the call button, when woobin grabs your wrist gently. 

“who are you?”

the words stop you in your tracks. it throws you off completely, the heavy weight gone from your chest but is now present at the bottom of your stomach. 

of course you knew this was a possibility, the doctor had told you that. but, you didn’t want to be consumed with the thought that woobin would ever forget who you are. it was just too painful to think about.

but, now you realize that your willingness to stay ignorant to this possibility is making you feel much, much worse.

you look down at woobin and there isn’t a single ounce of recognition in his eyes.

and suddenly, we were strangers again.

you sink back down to your chair, a million emotions running through you. you sit there, motionless for a moment, before you ask, “you have no idea who i am, do you?”

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3 years ago

I Love You, I Love You \\ Park Serim

pairing: boyfriend!Serim x reader

genre: fluffy fluff

warnings: none really, a slight curse once

word count: 873

synopsis: Cravity has a comeback coming up and Serim has been really busy


It was another night lying awake in bed waiting for your boyfriend to come home from work. Serim had said he would come by after practice and you were determined to stay awake no matter how late it got because it’s been a while since you’ve gotten to spend more than 5 minutes with him.

Cravity is having a comeback with their first full album in less than a month and Serim has been busy practicing basically every second of the day. Whenever he isn’t practicing he is handling some other aspect of the comeback plans. He has committed everything as usual, even dying his hair more than once to get the look the stylists wanted for the concept. You knew he loved what he did but also that it was a lot of work and really takes a toll on him sometimes; he wasn’t the best at knowing when to take a break and rest.

To try and help where you could you had gone out and gotten everything you could think of: vitamins, face masks, his favorite snacks, and even one of those neck pillows with a hood attached in the hopes he’ll take a nap here or there when he can. You rolled over to check the time as you heard keys jingling and unlocking the front door of your apartment: 1:48 am. You climbed out of bed to meet Serim in the kitchen where he was investigating the bags of stuff you had gotten.

He smiled when he noticed you approaching. “What’s all this?”

“You’ve been going and going nonstop preparing for the comeback and I know there’s not much I can do so I thought I’d grab a few things to try and help my favorite boy destress and stay healthy” You took the items out one by one for him to see but when you looked up at him to see his reaction you noticed he was only looking at you. You reached a hand out to gently stroke his cheek and observed the bags under his eyes and how exhausted he looked.

Without a word he pulled you into his arms and rested his head in the crook of your neck, sighing deeply in content. He mumbled a “thank you” against your skin and you pulled away to plant a soft kiss on his lips.

“Did you eat?” You asked and he nodded. “Come on then, you need to sleep” You took his hand to pull him towards your bedroom and the two of you climbed into bed.

“I don’t want to go to sleep yet I want to hang out” He said while obviously fighting a yawn. “Tell me about your day. I miss you”

You laid your head on his chest and started drawing soothing patterns with your fingers across his rib cage.

“I miss you too, Ser. But you’re working nonstop all day and I know this album is important to you. I’d rather have you get a good night’s sleep than try to entertain me. I’m just happy to get to sleep in your arms. I’ll still be here after the comeback is over, and for the next one, and the one after that, and every single thing you do. I’m not going anywhere and I’m definitely not standing in the way of your dreams. So get some rest, okay?”

You felt his chest rumble as he laughed lightly. “You promise?”

“Promise what?” You turned your head to lock eyes with him.

“That you’ll still be here after every comeback no matter how crazy or busy I get?” He says with real concern in his eyes.

You sit up and fully face him so there’s no chance he’ll miss the genuineness in your response. “I absolutely without a doubt can promise you I’ll be here through it all. And that’s a big promise cause I’m pretty sure my extremely talented boyfriend has a loooong successful career ahead of him. And I’m sure as hell not gonna miss a single album, a single performance, or a single second of any of it. You’re stuck with me.”

His hand comes up to caress your cheek, similarly to what you had done to him a few minutes ago. He grips your chin lightly and pulls you towards him for a slow, sweet kiss so full of love and appreciation you thought you might explode. He pulls away and rests his head against yours, smiling brightly.

“Have I ever mentioned that I love you?” He whispers. Remembering that it was after midnight already you responded, “hm, I don’t think you’ve said it today”

He furrowed his eyebrows then made the realization himself and smiled again. “Well, miss y/n y/l/n, I, Park Serim, love you. So much. Like a lot a lot.” He places a kiss on your nose before laying back down on the bed and tucking your body back into his side.

“I love you too. To the moon and back again. Every second of every day. With every beat of my heart. I love you, I love you” You say, voice getting quieter and quieter as you notice his breathing slow as he’s lulled gently asleep by the reminders of your love for him.

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