Creepypasta Fluff - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

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įƓā˜… š£š®š§ššš›š®š š š²

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5 months ago

Carving pumpkins with Toby !!

A/n: Happy spooky month !! I'm watching kubzscouts while writing this, he's pretty kewl

Warning: None Ł©(ą¹‘ā›į“—ā›ą¹‘)Ū¶

Carving Pumpkins With Toby !!
Carving Pumpkins With Toby !!
Carving Pumpkins With Toby !!
Carving Pumpkins With Toby !!
Carving Pumpkins With Toby !!

Toby didn't care much for Halloween. I mean sure, it's fun when you're a kid, banging on your neighbours doors in a cheap halloween costume, shitty face paint and a pillow case to collect the candy you demanded from them after trespassing on their property in the middle of the night... At least, that's his idea of the holiday.

But since he's met you, an avid lover of Halloween, he's participated in a few festivities during spooky season because, well, he loves you.

Carving pumpkins wasn't his idea of fun, he'd rather be watching a horror film with you or something, cuddles up under blankets together with some popcorn... But again, you liked to do it and so he'd indulge just for you.

Soooo here he was, sitting on the kitchen floor in the manor with you and carving pumpkins. You were carving a character from a game he didn't know much about into the fruit and he was carving the standard design: triangle eyes, triangle mouth and a triangle nose.

"What're you carving?" He heard you ask, hesitating for a moment before he turned the pumpkin towards you, a sheepish smile adorning his lips.

"Don't laugh at him.." Toby murmured, eyes flickering down to its face as you attempted not to giggle at it.

"I'm not! He's very... cute." You managed to get out, letting out a laugh and covering it with a cough into your shoulder before turning your pumpkin around to show him the design on it. "What do you think about mine?"

Yeah, his jaw dropped. How the hell did you manage that?! He stared at it with a pout. "How the fuck did you even do that??"

"It's called preplanning, being meticulous and not just raw doggin' it like you do." You said back playfully, leaning over and giving him a kiss on the cheek. "We can always get you another one and you can try again?"

He nodded slowly after a moment "Only if you help me out this time, oh great and wise pumpkin carving master." His words laced with sarcasm but a smile tugged at the corner of his lips once more.

Carving Pumpkins With Toby !!

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įƓā˜… š£š®š§ššš›š®š š š²

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