Crow To The Head Priest Guy: - Tumblr Posts
Chapter 36
The peasants are reacting predictably to the news Belca didn't show up:
The King's Sword's leader approaches Tenko, saying if the peasants will not surrender, they will attack. And if that happens, they'll fight Tenko too.
We get a flashback to Tenko planning the whole day out, even knowing what The King's Sword will approach from...then we cut back to Tenko spilling the beans that Belca went off to save one of his servants so what do they think he'll do for all of them? He then tells them to trust Belca and lower their weapons. The peasants are still reluctant but then Eco sings his song about Belca...and then Belca shows up.
Eco and Seamrog chat after the song, saying that they see their heroics as transactional and they're only helping out to get something. Eco hopes that he plays nice with Belca, he'll get some riches...but Seamrog doesn't have to worry about that because he got a big gem from Musca already. Eco points out that that's the jewel the royals give their future spouses. Seamrog has the appropriate reaction:
Back at the palace, Kiliko says the herbs have been gathered for the cure but they still don't have enough citron. It's not a usual crop in the area so they had to plant more. The royal family will be among the first treated. He leaves Orcelito along with a bell to call him and Orcelito goes to bed, noting he's turning out like his ancestor Reitz. He wonders if it's right for a guy with tainted blood like his to rule over a kingdom...
Interestingly, Belca is a bastard and doesn't even have the same hair color. Would he be better? Hmm...nah. Orcelito has already decided to take the kingdom back from the elders. Slowly, of course. Can't rock the boat too much...but he dozes off thinking he speed things up a bit.
Meanwhile, Kiliko's Elite Guard, led by Black, are taking down the Hokulea before Belca and Linna jump in to help. After a battle, Crow stops the fight and asks for Belca to return with them. Belca asks how he thinks being a violent dick to his allies was going to make him come back with him only for Crow to say The Plague has been claiming lives in Neue Favrille. And Orcelito is worried so...
The priests come by to yell at Crow to hurry up and capture the Hokulea. When Crow won't work as fast as he likes, he orders his own men to seize him...
So Crow slits his throat.
Crow says he wasn't fit for the job anyway.
He apologizes to Belca for showing him something so unsightly only for Tenrou to call out, "Damn! His own crew!" (paraphrased). He ends the chapter by revealing more Hokulea, saying he just brought the reinforcements.