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3 years ago

Theory time!

As I’ve said, I’m fine with Aoyama being the only traitor and Hagakure not being a traitor at all, but I also think it would be cool if Hagakure was also a traitor because it would be really good but also very funny fandom-wise

I’m just thinking, but…

What if Hagakure IS a traitor, just not for AFO?

Like it’s the HC or something. And they sent her into UA to survey the Hero course and make sure there weren’t any heroes-in-training connected to Villains, like family or friends etc

Like the HC saw Keigo, took him in anyway and changed his name, but were like “yeahhh after this child, we can’t let anymore Heroes with Villain connections into authority” (something something villainous influence and children being easy to manipulate if they were brought up surrounded by villain connections - the reason they would give for why they decided to do this) and so sent Hagakure to train and watch the hero course. It would double as her own Hero training while also working on the job for the HC

I think it would be really interesting if this were the case!

On the whole, while Aoyama was revealed as the traitor, I still feel like Hagakure is suspicious. Namely because 1) we don’t know how she passed the entrance exam and 2) we still don’t know where she was during the USJ incident. If she really was with Shouto, why didn’t she say anything? Why didn’t she make her presence known?

(also it’d tie in with the whole Unwilling Traitor thing. Or not even a traitor at all, in her case. Just that her loyalties are elsewhere)

Anyway this is just a thought that I think would be cool if it happened

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