Dad Aizawa - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Could I get some parental Aizawa with a reader who has anxiety please? (And maybe undiagnosed adhd?) thanks!!

Parent!Aizawa with anxiety / ADHD reader

A/N: I have ADHD so i got this IN THE BAG you know how many times i’ve thought about parent Aizawa it’s so cute!! ahhh i love you 💕

Warning: swearing

Could I Get Some Parental Aizawa With A Reader Who Has Anxiety Please? (And Maybe Undiagnosed Adhd?)

╰➤ Aizawa is so parenting to his students so you know he’d 100% be the best dad

╰➤ He falls asleep everywhere and you know he falls into a DEEP SLEEP there’s definitely been times when you thought he was dead

╰➤ Once had a panic attack when he was asleep because you were like “oh my god my father is dead and now i’m an orphan” and he just like woke up in the middle of it. You literally slapped him, such an ass. He apologized about it too but you were like “WHY DID YOU SLEEP ON THE TRAIN AND THEN JUST NOT BREATHE”

╰➤ He’s so sweet about your anxiety too, he’s definitely done research and he was the one who originally brought you to get diagnosed when you were younger because you know he’s educated on mental illness

╰➤ Makes sure you take your meds if you have some, your ADHD brain will forget sometimes and completely ignore your alarm(s).

╰➤ Somedays you’re stubborn and he just goes “take your pills,” and you’re just like “no,” he’s tired of this shit please he just wants sleep

╰➤ Will FORCE it down your throat and then nap because HOLY SHIT you are strong please just take the pills bb

╰➤ He’s so patient with you! If you’re struggling with any homework and can’t focus he’ll sit with you to help and calm you down. He isn’t fussy with grades so if you’re not doing too well he won’t scold you, but he’ll help you if you’re failing so you at least pass

╰➤ If you’re having a super bad day with anxiety, he’ll sit with you and make sure you’re okay. If you want alone time he will just sit up, shuffle to his bedroom, and sleep until you come to wake him up

╰➤ Speaking of waking him up if you’re having an anxiety attack and need him, or you’re feeling overstimulated and need him, he doesn’t care if you come over and wake him at any time. He can easily fall asleep after anyways and he’d much rather make sure you’re okay

╰➤ Due to anxiety you may get anxious when he goes away on hero work. Aizawa is very cautious when he’s working, in fact your one of the main reasons he took a teaching position. He gets less hero work and more teaching work, so he can spend time with you and it takes some of the stress off

╰➤ When he does have to go for work, he makes sure to give you constant check ups, messaging you every hour and every second he gets just so you aren’t anxious. He doesn’t think it’s a bother, and it’s not annoying to him so you don’t need to worry about bugging him.

╰➤ When you were younger he made Present Mic look after you while he went on missions. He always called at night before bed and required Present Mic to be giving him constant text updates

╰➤ Now that you’re older he just makes Mic check in on you, but trusts you to be home alone majority of the time

╰➤ As for ADHD, if you’re feeling overstimulated (holy fuck this is the worst) he stays right next to you. Mental breakdowns are common with both your anxiety and ADHD so as much as it hurts, Aizawa has really gotten used to seeing you with tears streaming down your face

╰➤ There’s nothing he can really do with overstim, you just gotta wait it out or distract yourself, but he tries his hardest

╰➤ If you lash out at him he doesn’t mind, but makes sure you know to apologize when you’re feeling better. He understands that you’re feeling overwhelmed and need some space, so he’s willing to give you just that

╰➤ Aizawa is such a good dad and would do anything to make you happy. He’d be the first to take you to a doctor for diagnosis and he’s always supportive. Please, if any of you have kids be an Aizawa.

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1 year ago

Aizawa as a Dad

(Disclaimer! This is MY version, I'm sorry if YOU disagree but these are mean everyone can have opinions so don't hate lol)

Totally the dad to crack dad jokes at the WORST POSSIBLE TIME

Makes hella good breakfast

He has to Listen to his Random 70s/80s Music OBNOXIOUSLY loud

Tries hard to embarrass the heck out of you throughout the day

"Heya Squirt", "Howdy there Bucko", "Yo Wassup Dude", "Stay Loose Broski"


He Knows He's don't even have to say anything

Hecka Supportive!

Wanna Play VolleyBall GOT IT! HE'S AT EVERY GAME!

Wanna Do Pottery CHECK! Keeps every Lil thing you make

Eri makes sure to tag along as well

Tells you about his Highschool Days with Hizashi...Don't ask him about the Swordfish tho

overall the most loving and caring dad treats his kids like gold

More Pro-Hero Dads coming soon.

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4 years ago

What’s In A Forever

Pairing: S. Aizawa x Male! Reader

Rating: 14+

Words: 1k334

Warnings: Adoption Restictions

Request: Anon <3--  Mind if I request a fluffy scenario for Aizawa where in the past, his male s/o gave him a promise ring promising that he would marry him in the future, but then a time skip to the present where there both pro heroes, Aizawa and his husband both married with two children, the first being eri, and the other being a baby boy named Oboro (who Aizawa named after his friend), who which looks more like Aizawa

A/n:  As of April 2020 Same-Sex couples are not allowed to adopt in Japan. This work will be gently ignoring this outraging fact! Enjoy and read on!

Whats In A Forever

       Perhaps forever isn’t what it’s meant to be. Maybe things shouldn’t end up how they’ve planned– Sure the dream was nice and all, but it wasn’t particle. They were just kids after all, it wasn’t realistic for then to end up with the happily ever after they had dreamed of; especially with the line of work they planned on dedicating their lives to.

The lunch rush was just subsiding when the rooftop-quintumplet sat with their meals. The cafeteria was always a little too crowded, one too many peering eyes. It was much more comfortable outside on the roof. 

Aizawa had taken his signature place against the old and broken air vent, which always resulted in his sneezing throught the day while Nemuri. 

Yamada and Shirakumo were conjoined at the hip since the two groups had merged. Their personalities meshed well, though Yamada’s noise levels were enough for anyone to get annoyed. 

It had been the beginning of year two when Y/n and Oboro had joined forces with Shouta and Hizashi. They hadn’t interacted at all in their first year of school– not with Shouta hyper focused on proving himself worthy of the hero course, with the minor exception of Shouta and Y/n going to the same internship. 

Nothing had happened between them, of course. Oh no– surely all the time they soend training together and nights spent learning in ths dark streets hadnt resulted in tention building between them. They exchanged numbers and met up outside of the internships, and it might not have been completely out of the question if they flirted a little. It’s possible there was a small, itty bitty, minuscule, mutual attraction between them, but nothing serious. Nothing at all.

They hadn’t done anything- and they definitely didn’t tell anyone. They were fine with this, with sitting shoulder to shoulder at lunch. They had their little looks and inside jokes- late night work outs and study sessions. They had all they needed- it would be selfish to demand more than that.

Y/n and Shouta seemed to mesh just as well as Oboro and Yamada. Shouta was thoughtful, he had only a few people he enjoyed being around, and when someone’s excepted into his friend group it’s almost as satisfying as a cat claiming their lap for a nap. 

Y/n seemed to be the opposite of Shota. He either knew or was friends with everyone. It never mattered to him what their quirk was, who they liked or what they enjoyed, he truly got along with everyone, including Shota’s long-time older ‘rival’, Toshinori. 

Y/n understood where Shouta was coming from, he truly did, but Yagi always had good advise- and an even better taste in jewelry. It was a weird thing to know, but Toshinori seemed to be well-versed in everything when it came to jewelry.

The velvet box sitting in his back pocket was a reminder of their little shopping trip. It was a pretty little box, but inside was all of the doubts and fears he had, all of his insecurities were piled into one place. It was a heavy box, but the red color only reminded him of the blush on Shouta’s cheeks, of late night talks and locked pinkies, it was their love- flaws and all. 

This little box held the glares they received in the halls and the abuse they faced from protesters, but it also represented their hour long conversations- every time they talked about a flat in the city, one with a floor length window and two cats, and the names of their fur babies. This box was everything that they were- everything they will be. It was them.

And now, all that was left to do was give it to him.

“Shouta,” Y/n whispered to his boyfriend. He stood behind Shouta while they gazed out on the stars. The night sky was beautiful, but Y/n couldn’t bring himself to admire it. 

“Yeah?” He breathed, not able to remove his sight from the twinkling stars that look just like the ones in his beloved’s eyes.

“Babe,” Y/n said, lowering himself to one knee.

Shouta turned around and took a stark breath in, “What are you doing?” 

“I- Shouta... I love you,” 

Aizawa’s eyes darted around the empty rooftop, but the only other things up there were his boyfriend and a velvet box. “Y/n,”

“I know that-” Y/n stopped to sniffle and re-gather the air that had flown from his lungs. “We’ve faced a lot in our lives. I know that some people will never approve of us being together, and I know we’re going to have to fight a lot harder. But I also know that I love you, and I want to be with you,”

“Y/n, we can’t get married,” Shouta said, shaking his head.

“I know! I know, this isn’t an engagement ring- not yet. Just a promise. A promise that I’ll be with you through everything- the ups and the downs. And one day, even if we lose a lot on the way, we’ll be able to get married. I don’t care what it costs because I love- I love- I love you,” tears have stained the concrete floor beneath Y/n’s head, and the dark grey was barley visible even with the stars illuminating the area around them.

“Do you really think that we’ll be able to be together?” He asked, not looking down from the sky- mostly in fear of joining his boyfriend in his tears.

“I do! There are places that allow it! Even if we can never be married here, I’ll take you somewhere else! We’ll go to Canada, or the Netherlands, or Massachusetts! I’ll take you where ever we have to go, as long as you say yes,”

Shouta got down next to his boyfriend and collapsed into his shoulder, burying his teary eyes into his neck. “Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes...”

For what felt like an hour they sat there, with bruised knees and puddles of tears on the floor, and yes’s were exchanged never-ending. 

Well fast-forward 15 years and it’s now 2020. The flat is amazing, and they curl up next to each other and read on rainy days- looking out to the twinkling lights of the city. The cat’s are named Buttercup and Snowball, but there was an addition of a kitten that they took in- Mittens. 

The ring he once had to wear on a chain hidden beneath his shirt was now re-sized and on his finger, sitting daintily next to the marriage ring that they exchanged not ten years prior. 

Their forever was beautiful- working together as under-ground hero’s was a dream come true. But, even though he hates to admit it, Y/n feels a bit better knowing his husband is now working mostly out of a classroom. It’s comforting to know only one of them is doing stupid things 24/7.

Even though their future has everything they wanted it to, it’s not quite like how they imagined. Taking in a little girl with a dangerous quirk was an unexpected addition to their road, but Eri made every day magical. 

Even after adopting the beautiful girl, Shouta had approached Y/n with the idea of taking in another child. While his argument was that he didn’t want Eri to be lonely when both of her dad’s were at work. Y/n knew right away that her husband had gotten baby fever. 

After discussing the legalistics for months, they adopted their first boy. His beautiful black hair was scarily similar to Shouta’s, and he also had the traditional Y/L/N family red-eyes. 

Eri loved Oboro, named after their fallen best friend, with all of her heart. While they still mourn their best friend, it’s almost like he lives on through his name’s sake. They can see him in the baby’s smile, in his laugh and face, it’s Oboro through and through.

The future is hard to predict, and it’s even harder to deal with. It’s full of twists and turns, heartbreak and love, it’s a never ending paradox that changes the moment you think you figure it out. It’s pain and joy, it’s a contradiction to everything logical.

But here, surrounded by his family, Y/n can’t help but to watch the stupid disney movie and think, what’s really in a forever?

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2 years ago
 Aizawa Shta (November 8)
 Aizawa Shta (November 8)
 Aizawa Shta (November 8)
 Aizawa Shta (November 8)
 Aizawa Shta (November 8)
 Aizawa Shta (November 8)
 Aizawa Shta (November 8)

相澤消太 ⭐ Aizawa Shōta ✴ (November 8)


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2 years ago
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ꜱʜᴏᴜᴛᴀ ᴀɪᴢᴀᴡᴀ ⛧ 相澤消太 ✦ (ɴᴏᴠᴇᴍʙᴇʀ 08) ♥

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