Dad X Reader - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

I love you

Dad!Bobby x reader

Summary: You had gone on a hunt alone, simple salt and burn. But when has a hunter’s life ever been simple?

a/n – Sorry, I really like angst fanfics! Hopefully I’ll be able to get part two to join the hunt out next week sometime, but bear with if not as I have a training course for work. Feedback appreciated :)

warnings – angst, demons, bleeding out, blood, blade.

word count: 1109 


You had gone on a hunt alone, simple salt and burn. But when has a hunter’s life ever been simple?

“Fuck!” You yelled. You had just finished the salt and burn, the grave glowing oranges and yellows, the ghost haunting and killing young children put to rest, when suddenly a sharp pain stabbed you in the side. You looked down, a blade was stuck in your side, it felt like poison was flooding your body, you could feel your t-shirt getting wet with blood. ‘Fuck! Why are hunts never so simple’ you thought to yourself, the pain becoming more and more unbearable, paralyzing even.

You coughed a little, blood splattering over your hand and dribbling down your face. The coughing moved the blade within you, and a new wave of pain rushed through your body. Whoever or what had gotten you was hidden in the darkness, but you could hear it, footsteps getting closer.

“My, my, my” A deep voice emerged, surrounding you, it sounded as if it was coming from all directions. The creature stepped out in front of you, in body clad in a black crisp suit, dark red splotches scatted on the material. Its hair was slicked back, styled smartly. It emerged from the shadows, into the slight light the salt and burn was casting, blue eyes, switching and turning black, the smell of sulphur and rotten eyes overpowering your senses.

The demon laughed, more like cackled as it walked towards you. If you weren’t incapacitated you would have fought back, but the searing pain froze you to the spot you were stood in. The vessel the demon was occupying was definitely attractive, but that didn’t matter. The demon got closer, until it was a few inches from your face, it grabbed at your face, leaning forward, inhaling your scent. “My, my, my” it repeated again, leaning in towards you, its hot breath ghosting over your ear.

“Who would have thought that I would get the jump on the infamous y/n Singer” it whispered, its voice sweet almost melodic, but the sinister undertone was still there. “I can’t wait to tell your dear old father” it continues, running a finger over your cheek, down to your side, where the hilt on the blade was sticking out of you. Its hand wrapped around it, wiggling it up and down, the pain surging again, as your knees weakened, and you collapsed to the floor with a gasp. The blade puncturing more of your insides as it stayed in the demon’s hand when you fell.

“Oh, yes!” it giggles manically, “I can’t wait to tell dear old daddy, but first you get to suffer” It kicked you in the side, dirt and mucked adding and mixing into your wound. It turned to look at you, smirking before disappearing in a cloud of black smoke. You could feel the blood pouring out of your side faster than before, laying down you curled into a ball, trying to maintain body head. You could hardly feel your hands and feet by now, your body going into shock with the blood loss, but you willed yourself to dig around in your pocket, pulling out the phone, and calling the only man you had on speed dial.

The phone rings a few times, your close to giving up, conserving your energy, when a gruff voice finally answered.

“What have you done now, Idgit” The voice askes, the undertones soft and gentle, caring.

“Dad” you whisper, more blood pouring out of your mouth, you breath in shakily, pain rippling throughout you. “I need to visit you soon; it’s been too long” You try to keep your voice cheerful, not allow him to realise anything is wrong

“What’s wrong y/n” His voice is hard. Of course, you couldn’t fool your dad, of course the infamous Bobby Singer knew when something was wrong. The concern in his voice rolling in waves through the phone, you could imagine him now, standing in the yard, dark eyebrows scrunching in confusion.

“Nothing’s wrong Dad” You squeak out, before a coughing fit overtakes your body, droplets of blood being expelled out of your mouth.

“That’s Bullshit, y/n!” He yells, dad could always tell when you were lying, but you ignored him, continuing with the story, that nothing was wrong.

“I just wanted to call you Dad, it’s been awhile s’all” You whisper, energy draining from your body quicker after you stopped coughing. Though a smile planted itself on your face, thinking of your father and the memories you had with him.

Bobby takes awhile to respond, you can imagine the cogs in his head turning, trying to figure out what was going on and how to help you. But you knew you weren’t long for this world, and you needed to tell him one last thing.

“Dad” you gasped, it was getting harder to breath, your eyesight had started going black around the rims, almost like those stylised photos you saw every so often.

“I love you Dad” Your energy was almost depleted now. Body cold and blue, most of your blood on the floor underneath you. Your ears had started ringing, your brain going foggy. Closing your eyes, it was easier to concentrate on your father’s comforting voice.

“Y/n! What is going on?” He yells down the phone, impatience and fear radiating from his voice.

“I love you Dad” You responded, a happy smile slipping over your face as you got to tell him something you didn’t say often. A hunter’s life was one of gore and hard-faced people, not a life full of lovey moments, though you wished you had said that you loved him more.

You couldn’t open your eyes anymore, eyelids to heavy to move. Your chest felt like the weigh of the world was rested upon it, organs shutting down one by one. Your heart slowing, trying to pump the last remaining blood around your system, your lungs hard inflating with much needed oxygen. It was your time. “I love you, Daddy.” You mustered up the last of your strength, taking the deepest breath you could, before repeating the three little words you wished you had told your father more. Your soul started to slip from your body, the ache in your side becoming more distant, your senses becoming numb, fading. Your dads voice distant, yelling and pleading your name over and over again like a broken record. You smiled as darkness encompassed you, your life slipping away, peace holding your hand as you crossed the line between life and death. Happy as you got to remind your dad that you loved him one last time.


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