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True form Sukuna (NSFW)headcanon’s🔞

You CANNOT tell me this man does not have a size kink
This man totally make extra mouths on his hand and have you sit on it
He will have you cock warm him while you both are on his thrown
He love’s when you claw at his shoulders and or bite his neck cause to him that’s just telling him how good he and only he can make you feel
Sukuna love’s to have you bounce on the mouth on his stomach, while he just lays back against the pillows and just watches you work your self on him
I think we all know Sukuna has a breeding kink-
Just loves to fill you to the brim with his seed thinking about how cute you would be pregnant with his baby
yuji my cutesy
Yuji stood there with teary eyes, sniffling and ready to scream
His father was sat there with a smug smile staring down at him
You could barely see over your husband’s shoulder who was leaning on his side over your lap. Yuji’s hands coming up reaching for you only to lightly be swatted away by Ryomen
“No, mine.”
Yuji let out a silent cry, Sukuna’s grin widened as you sighed
“Moommmyyy” he tried to push past his dad hands reaching out for you again
“No,” Sukuna swatted his little hands away again, “Mine.”
Yuji let out a small scream and started crying falling back and down onto his little butt, “MooMMMYyyyy”
You had watched this happen for five minutes and you shook your head with a smile, “Come here baby.” Sukuna moved out the way and you lightly shouldered him with a smile, he still had a grin on his face as he picked up Yuji dropping him on your lap
Yuji’s hands clinging to your shirt as he sniffled into your chest, only for Sukuna to lean down to his ear, “still mine.”
Yuji wailed looking up at you before you placed a hand on his head kissing his forehead, his smile was wobbly with teary eyes as he buried his face into your chest again and Sukuna chuckled placing his hand over yours on Yuji’s head. “Heh, brat.”
@sakuxxi @mercymccann @certainduckanchor @najiiix @bakugou-katsukis-wife @amitiel-truth @souyasplushie @mylovelessnightmare @ynjimenez @dolliira @princessluvz @furiousblacktiger @anyaswlrd @shytastemakerthing @alialucille

Baby Yuji who clings and cries to you when your helpers try to take him away because someone with such a high reputation to hold shouldn’t be seen with a babe latched onto their breast
His little cries that make your heart ache outside his nursery door. Barging in and picking up your baby boo and cooing at him as he instantly stops crying his little fish taking a death tight grip to your shirt asking for you never let him go.
Baby Yuji who gets mushed instantly as your enter your private chambers because Sukuna was ready for a second child only to be stopped when he heard his sons muffled cries against his own bare chest.
Sukuna who sighs carrying his baby boy using his reverse cursed technique to heal him of any squish damage. Cradling him against his chest in he massive arms. Squeezing his yawning sons cheeks between his hand just for his son to take a tight hold on his finger. The way Sukuna laughs proudly at how his son was so strong for someone so small
The smug look when you try to take Yuji away from Sukuna only for Yuji to cry and cling to his daddy
Your little pout as Baby Yuji sleeps on his daddy’s chest secured by his arms and you held against your husbands side with his free arm
Toddler Yuji who’s first word isn’t mama or papa but “koo… kooo kooOUuna…” you look confused turning to your husband with a raised brow “whose Kouna?” “It’s KUNA woman! As in SuKUNA,” he crossed his arms against his chest smug smirk, “We can see who the preferred is.” You puffed your cheeks “Ryomen Sukuna i have half a never to- Koona!” You turned to your son picking him up “little traitor”
Toddler Yuji who no matter where he is, he’s not afraid to walk, he knows his mom and dad will be right there to catch him and pick him up to try again
The time Yuji was across the massive palace room, you were watching him sit and play. Sukuna was lounged out in front of the sunny window after a bath trying to relax. Never had he felt the instinct that forced him up and over, catching his son just before he toppled over into the floor. His speed was scary and accurate turning to you as you were just behind him.
Little Yuji who yells in delight when you throw him up in the air to catch him again kissing his cheeks, is the same Yuji who screams when his dad hurls him into the air only to fall back against his dad clinging for life against his dads rumbling chest. He dad laughing out loud before Yuji is screaming “again again!”
The heart attacks you’ve had watching these things happen just for Uraume to assure nothing bad will fall upon the heir
The cute moments when you and Sukuna take Yuji’s small chubby hands while walking and picking him up and swinging him every third step. His little smile and laughs as he looks up at both of you, your smile as you look at Sukuna, that rare soft smile and look in his eyes that remind you why you fell for him. Proving he’s not the cruel tyrant others have him to be.
Sukuna who threatens the best artist in the village to create an oil painting of you, your husband and Yuji with every birthday that passes because even though he won’t express how much he enjoys these moments, he’s afraid of time slipping through his fingers