Damalynas - Tumblr Posts
Mage Sandwich (AG/Female; Digestion)

“Hm... how can I get her acceptance?” The Djinn of the Wellspring of Light and Dark hovered two feet off the ground as she pondered to herself on what her next course of action should be regarding her “practice partner.” She knew that she came off as too strong, but she could not determine what exactly she did wrong. It did not help matters that Damalynas was becoming increasingly distant from her and continued to fight back within the Djinn’s psyche world. In all her immortal life, she had never faced such a conundrum.
“Hiya? Is something wrong?”
Hiya tilted her head to look at the tall, dark-skinned woman. That’s right: she was in the middle of helping her cultivate a vegetable field. “Lady Blossom. I apologize for the inattention...” The orange-haired woman floated over to a row of corn and deposited some of her magic over it. She watched Blossom as she directed her Psychobear partner with tearing up the soil with its massive claws. “Lady Blossom... may I inquire you for a moment?”
Blossom wiped some sweat off her brow as she put her hoe down. “Sure thing. What’s up?”
The Djinn thought her words over for a few seconds before speaking. “You must really love Sybe .”
“Of course, he’s a great help,” Blossom said. She stroked the monster bear’s head and received a low grunt from her teammate.
“Then I take it you have the same relationship with Sybe as the Exalted One has with Lady Rys.”
The brown-haired girl did not say anything at first, uncertain what she was implying. However, once the thought crossed her mind, Blossom wrinkled her nose in disgust. “ Ew , no, no. What the hell, Hiya?”
Hiya frowned having already anticipated the reaction. “You aren’t mating with Sybe ?”
“No, that is gross, Hiya.” Blossom shook her head to clear it of any zoophilic thoughts. “Why are you wanting to know something like that?”
“ It’s just... well... Damalynas has been especially resistant for a while.”
The brunette’s eyes widened. “That mage that escaped around the same time you were freed from your imprisonment? Why... do you want to mate with her?”
Hiya opened her eyes for a brief second to look at her teammate. “I am one who commands the origin of light and dark. I transcend sexual dimorphism.” The Djinn sat in midair, her legs criss crossed. “That being said, ever since seeing the Exalted One and Lady Rys at their most intimate, I became fascinated with sex.”
Blossom opened her mouth to say something before slamming it shut. “Wait... you’ve been spying on Flio and Rys!?”
Hiya continued unperturbed. “I had tried different things to get Damalynas’ acceptance. I researched into it considerably . For instance, I learned about how beads could be stimulating if they were inserted -”
“Okay, I think I get the problem now,” Blossom interjected, “do you really love Damalynas?”
The one who mastered all of Klyrode’s magic did have a type despite never feeling the necessity of intimacy. All those who summoned Hiya for three wishes had one thing in common: their excessive greed knew no bounds much like that one poor shmuck who unwittingly sacrificed half of his kingdom to defeat the Dark One years ago. Damalynas was especially enticing. A mage that forsakes her own humanity in the name of power was the most wicked of souls who deserved nothing less than existing within Hiya’s psych world.
“Yes, she is the one I want to mate with,” Hiya stated bluntly.
Blossom retrieved her farming tool and resumed working. “Never imagined someone asking me for dating advice.” ‘Tis was true... while the tan-skinned woman was tall and muscular, that proved to be off-putting to some potential suitors.
“So, what should I do?”
Blossom scratched her head. “Oh... um... guess you can try making her closer to you.”
Hiya’s golden eyes glowed in contemplation. “But how?”
“I don’t know. I guess eat her a second time since you did so with her soul?”
The Djinn’s eyes perked up. “Yes... that sounds like a great idea. Thank you, Lady Blossom.”
Before the farmer girl could reply, Hiya flew away from the field and entered the house. Blossom shrugged to herself and gave a confused glare at Sybe .
The Grand Magus of Midnight, Damalynas, sat in the inky void of the Inner World with boredom spread from ear to ear. Once the greatest mage of the kingdom whose soul was imprisoned within a pedestal stashed away in the treasure room, Damalynas was now the prisoner to the whims of the Djinn of the Wellspring of Light and Dark. She gnashed her teeth in fury and slammed her fist against the inky darkness. How could this happen? She didn’t even get to enjoy exacting her revenge on the princess and all others . Worse, her captor started to become persistent on making her into her plaything.
“Oh, so you’re back, aren’t you?”
Hiya floated down from the shapeless sky smiling at her “lover.” Damalynas mentally prepared herself for whatever scheme the demon had in store for her. Hiya chuckled lightly in amusement, opening her eyes to observe her prisoner. “I can see that you’re as feisty as ever, Damalynas.”
Damalynas rolled her eyes. “So, what is it now? Will you try having your way with me again? I can assure you I can just toss you out if you go that far again.”
Hiya giggled again. “Of all the people I have encountered in my endless life who have sought me out to satiate their greedy desires, you are the worst of them.”
She hovered closer to the mage, her lips twisting into a mischievous grin. Damalynas tried to back away, but she could feel Hiya nonchalantly holding her in place. Hiya stroked her cheek and, without warning, the orange-haired woman leaned in and sniffed her luscious dark hair. “ Mmm ... you smell wonderful as always.” Before Damalynas could protest, Hiya’s hand slid down her back. “If I am being honest... you look delicious .”
“De-De- licious !?” Damalynas stammered. The Djinn stared intently at the mage eyeing her over like a slab of meat. It sent a shiver up the woman’s spine as she felt hot breath wafting on the side of her neck. Everything about her prisoner was delectable; her thick legs. Her ample buxom. Those wide hips of hers. Hiya sensed the Grand Mage’s heart beating against her ribs.
“Yes... Damalynas... I intend on eating you.” Hiya gave a smile that was supposed to be reassuring, but it nevertheless filled the darker-skinned woman with dread. “It was Lady Blossom’s idea to help us better our bond.”
Damalynas shook her head fervently. “That is insane even for you!”
Hiya ignored her captive’s complaints instead using her powers to lift Damalynas into the air. The mage flailed about trying to use her own powers to cancel out the Djinn’s, but Hiya proved to have the greater will. “Hm... how should I enjoy you...?”
“No, no, wait! Please!! I- I'll mate with you... anything but getting eaten again!!”
Hiya pondered over her decisions for whatever reason she remembered going to a restaurant with the Exalted One and the others. Her golden peepers lit up in excitement. “I know.”
With her training partner still suspended in the air, Hiya snaps her fingers and forms two pieces of bread. “H-Hiya... you can’t be serious!!”
Damalynas found herself plummeting on the soft, cushy “bed” of the lower half of bread once more attempting to struggle against her imprisoner. However, every time she flailed, her limbs weighed down like rocks. Hiya hovered over Damalynas and cupped her face in her hands. “I know this is scary, but I promise it will be good for us and our practice.”
Hiya’s pink tongue rolled out of her mouth and licked Damalynas’ right cheek. “Your skin tastes exquisite.” With another snap of her fingers, meat began falling from the sky. Salami, pepperoni, ham... they fell on the mage despite her protests. Hiya gently spread the meat evenly humming to herself while she continued conjuring different ingredients.
“Stop it, this feels disgusting...” Damalynas’ struggling diminished once she realized that she had no chance. “ I’m not food.”
Hiya dispensed lettuce and tomatoes on Damalynas’ body next. “You are looking awfully tasty, Damalynas!”
Damalynas, off put by the morbid comments, tried to say something, but she suddenly found her face getting covered by a large piece of sliced cheese. Much like getting under the bed sheets, Hiya layered her lover in blankets of parmesan cheese. The sticky drizzle of condiments brought goosebumps to Damalynas’ skin as Hiya drizzled mayonnaise all over her. The mage’s screams became muffled under the layers of cheese pressing against her face. It pooled between her breasts and puddled around her hips. The wet squelches droned in her ears making her nauseous.
Hiya further startled her by scraping some mayonnaise on Damalynas’ crotch and brought it to her face. The Djinn first lightly sampled it before popping her finger inside and sucking on it. She moaned and shivered in excitement. “Very delicious...”
“ Mff ! Mf !!!”
The Djinn clapped her hands together pleased with her work of art... even though Damalynas was clearly not a fan. “Well, I suppose it’s time to eat. Thank you for the meal.”
Hiya snapped her fingers casting the upper bread half over Damalynas. She twirled the mage sandwich around and hoisted it into the air. Clasping her hands firmly on her behemoth of a meal, Hiya’s lower jaw cracked and unhinged like a snake. The Djinn’s eyes perked up the moment she took her first nibble. Damalynas’ flavor became more pronounced tasting like cured beef. She chewed again, pulling Damalynas’ feet inside her wet maw.
The Djinn crammed more of her mage sandwich into her piehole and leaned forward on her tip toes as she grabbed the rest of her meal. She adjusted her jaws to get a better hold and began inhaling faster than she could chew. The rings around Hiya’s neck expanded as her throat swelled to make more room for its haul. Somehow, Damalynas managed to wriggle the parmesan on her face off and looked down. Her eyes grew as large as saucers seeing the morbid sight of Hiya inching her way towards her. She was sandwiched between her upper and lower jaws keeping her from even the slightest of movements.
“Stop, please! I’ll be good, I -!”
Damalynas felt her hips get dragged in slowly. When Hiya took another bite of her delicious mage sandwich, mayonnaise splattered on Hiya’s face. The Djinn giggled to herself. Was her Damalynas finally reciprocating her love with that facial. She took her time savoring the assorted meat and how it made Damalynas more exquisite. Her cheeks bloated to the size of a squirrel stowing away acorns for the winter. In two gulps, the orange-haired Djinn advanced towards Damalynas’ chest.
The large sandwich entered Hiya’s spiritual stomach and was quickly ballooning her abdomen and ruffling her garment. Leaning over her wobbly, round ball, Hiya wrapped her lips around the end of the submarine. Damalynas tried to move her head far away from her “lover” to no avail. Never in her former life was she ever made completely terrified, but the sight of staring into the infinite void of Hiya’s gullet brought despair to the Grand Mage.
“Please, I don’t wanna be eaten! Anything but this! Anything but this!!”
The Djinn’s lips clamped shut sealing the hysterical woman inside. The incessant wailing of the former human echoed through the orange- head's cheeks as she rolled her tongue Damalynas’ face to hold onto what little flavor remained. The strong muscles contracted on Damalynas pushing her deeper into the darkness. Hiya tapped her gloved finger on the misshaped bulge. With her meal well and earned, Hiya groped her huge belly, drool rolling off her cheek. “ Mmm ... so good.”
Damalynas was finally permitted to move, but even with that newfound privilege, she was wedged between meat, vegetables, cheese... Each thrash and buck the Grand Magnus of Midnight only further amused her tormentor. “You are really excited about becoming one with me I can tell.”
Hiya popped her fingers into her mouth, sucking up the slight traces of condiments. She went to say something only to be on the receiving end of a sucker punch. Damalynas was a feisty one, but that was something that the Djinn always loved about her. Hiya responded by clutching her gut harder and groping the curves and dents Damalynas made.
“Your beautiful body... your breasts... all of it will be mine.”
Without a care for how uncomfortable she was making Damalynas, Hiya groped her boobs from the outside as they bulged beneath. “HYAHHH!!! That hurts!!”
Hiya opened one eye faintly. “You have such an adorable squeal...”
On the outside world, Hiya’s body sat in the kitchen completely immobile. During that time Balirossa was teaching Fenrys how to make a cake. As she explained the process making the baked good lighter, a meaty belch bellowed from Hiya’s mouth. The two women wrinkled their nose in disgust.
“Manners, Ms. Hiya,” Balriossa groaned.
Hiya rubbed her mound of flesh pushing her girth inward and releasing it to watch her pudge jiggle like gelatin. “There... now was that so bad, Damalynas?”
The Djinn rubbed her hips which Damalynas gracefully rounded out with padding. “But I am most certainly not satisfied just yet.”
Snapping her fingers together, Damalynas rematerialized her body freed from any of the residue she was brewed in. “I... I’m alive... oh, thank goodness.”
Her newfound gratitude diminished once she saw Hiya give her a mischievous smile. “That was an interesting experience, was it not?”
“You’re crazy...” Damalynas backed away. “When I get out of here, you will be sorry you ever messed with me.”
Hiya tilted her head. “I see... you still refuse to be mine. I just have to try harder.”
A bowl erupted from the ground and scooped Damalynas inside. “What the! What are you doing!?”
Damalynas looked up to see noodles rain down from the sky. Before she could even understand what was happening, she was buried in an avalanche of slimy, stringy noodles. Her arms and legs became entangled restricting her movement. Hiya floated over and drew a pair of chopsticks from midair. “ I’m sure you’ll taste even better the second time.”
“No! No, wait! Not again!!”
Hiya giggled and picked Damalynas’ head with the chopsticks and opened her mouth.