Damara Megido X Reader - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Damara hcssssssssss I love my girl (also hey your stuff is amazing. Thanks for the good food)

I do it for the girls and the gays that’s it’s 🥰🥰😼😼


/I will be using her cannon way of speaking in English, which is broken and in all caps\

Damara is genuinely very happy to meet you and your friends. She immediately asked you questions that you didn’t understand and Japanese.

she understood that you couldn’t understand so she, begrudgingly, started to talk to you in her English. “ME DAMARA NAME YOU?”

It took you a second to understand her Japanese accent, and it was it because you couldn’t understand what she was saying but it was because it took you by surprise how cute she sounded

You laughed and she got embarrassed. She thought you were making fun of her, meaning you had to explain that you just thought she was cute.

After that day she loved talking to you more than anyone, she’s tried to give you more kisses on multiple occasions..

It took her so long to understand how she felt about you. After what happened with horuss and Rufioh, she had put so many walls up.

She ended up having to talk to the person youd, MOST, Porrim!

“Damara. Yo+u’re feelings fo+r that human are very o+bvio+us. I kno+w it’s been so+ kind sense yo+u’ve had a matesprite, but yo+u have to+ give them a chance”


“I understand, yo+u’re scared. But yo+u have to+ give them a chance.”

“太陽が私たちの肌を焼き尽くすまで私はそれらをファックしたい.” (i want to fuck them until the sun burns off our skin)


“Yo+u kno+w I can’t understand yo+u.”

After that she’s very nervous and shy around you. She stops making sexual comments in Japanese around you and she begins to take a subtle approach lingering touches, small smiles.

She finally truly understood how she felt about you, and she was absolutely so nervous.

She tried to confess multiple times but ended up panicking

“あなたへの私の気持ちは本物で赤い。それは私の皮膚の灼熱感です。唇を唇に感じたい” (My feelings for you are real and red. It's a burning feeling in my skin. I want to feel my lips against your lips)

“Damara sweetheart. I can’t understand you.”


Cronus accidentally confessed for her

“Hey doll, you’re one lucky bastard.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, it’s my it obvwious? Ya got Damara melting at the seems- is that howv to quote goes-“

“It’s come apart at the seems and do you mean she has feelings for me?”

“Wovw you’re kinda dumb, yes she’s so obvwious flushed for you”


meaning your stupid ass ran to her and hugged the shit outta her

After that you were both practically inseparable.

She stopped flirting with everyone and only came on to you with disregard for what anyone else thought. She’s hold onto you, kiss you, and most importantly grab your ass; WHENEVER SHE COULD

Even if you have no ass she still gives you a nice fucking squeeze.

She may be a bit possessive but she can’t help it. She needs you around. You’re her last hope for love.

Unlike her regular personality, her kisses are small and quick with a lot of love and meaning.

She really does love you.

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