Dating Draco Malfoy - Tumblr Posts
Ahhh I lovedddd reading thisss <33
tw / blood, self-harm!
Your heart ached as you saw your first child, your first baby, get on the train to Hogwarts. The school you and the love of your life went to—Draco Malfoy.
He waved off his kid with a small side smile, looking at him with pure happiness in his eyes. Once you two had gone home, he didn’t hesitate to fall against the dark grey couch as he had rubbed his temples.
The time you and Draco had shared was with difficulties, hatred, and genuine memories. It wasn’t the best as he’d call out to you in the same time he’d done with Hermione Granger before, mumbling and yelling out: “You stupid Mudblood!” and after he’s asked for your hand to the Yule Ball in your fourth years, he’s apologized profusely with gritted teeth and ignorance, trying to maintain his image as he gazed upon his Slytherin gang and friends who laughed under their breaths.
You, too, had also maintained your image. You were associated with the trio themselves, they’d look at you from time to time with raised eyebrows and side smiles, hoping you’d give them secrets Draco has never told anyone. “So, tell me, does he wet the bed?” Ron asked intrigued, leaning in against the table with a wide smile. He and Harry had hoped you’d say yes but you couldn’t tell them anything—especially after he’d been vulnerable with you. “Look at her, dancing with Krum,” Ron mumbled under his breath as his date, Padma Patil, rolled her eyes.
If there was one thing that Draco Malfoy said to you during the Battle of Hogwarts, looking pale and ill, he hated you. “I just used you to get closer to Harry. I’ve not once loved you nor have I ever meant anything I’ve said,” he spat, his eyebrows furrowed while glaring you down while his hair was starting to fall apart, the gel he would attempt to roll his hair back. “I was confidential, meaning it was purely business and everything we did didn’t mean anything. I would never fall in love with a girl—who didn’t even know this world could have possibly existed!” Draco’s aunt, who you have met multiple times, Bellatrix Lestrange crept up behind him with a creepy and wide smirk.
“You hear him,” She whispered. “He didn’t love you, never have, and never will,” Bellatrix’s back begun to straighten as she raised her wand, pointing directly at you as you kept your ground. You didn’t bother to move or glance away the slightest bit—despite what you’ve heard, mortified, and disappointed at the fact you had thought at the time you captured his heart and he had yours. “You better get moving, little girl, for this is the only time I’ll ever be generous to let one of my victims leave alive and well,” She twisted her wand towards you. But all the time, you kept looking at Draco with pity and disappointment.
But he, too, had raised his wand with wobbly lips and soon to be a hard gaze filled with hatred and stone cold. You saw how hard his eyes were, as if everything really didn’t mean anything at all, when you two had shared a night with love and tenderness and at that fact, your first love, Draco Malfoy. But even in those times, you didn’t believe Draco could’ve said that by himself, he looked at you still with the same love and care he did that night. He almost looked as though he didn’t want you to leave—but in the situation, he wanted you to.
He had risked everything to make sure your safety was assured even if his was put in vain—even if he believed that you truly loved him when he had fought many times in his head that you didn’t, that you were a spy for the trio and order. Still, he told you everything but not this, not this. “Draco, is this all true?” was one of the first things you’ve spoken that day. Soon after you said that, Lucius and Narcissa crept up behind Bellatrix and Draco, surprised that their own son would raise his wand to the girl he shared many moments of weakness with—even if they hadn’t known about it but still, surprised.
“I lost interest in you the moment you spoke about your stupid life,” he spat out, his voice cold. “Your filthy parents, the way you’d smile each time you spoke about them, and the way you’d like everyone even when they didn’t like you back,” he rolled his eyes. “I wondered how a girl like you could ever be or think that way,” he paused, taking deep inhales. “But then it hit me, you were broken. Nobody ever liked you when you were a poor, weak of a girl, so you changed yourself. Everything you said to me, I told to everyone at the table,” Draco’s voice cracked for a second, his hand had trembled for a moment before he collected himself.
“As if I could ever love someone like you, a filthy muggleborn of a girl,” and it was left at that. Bellatrix had smirked and begun to laugh at his words, looking back and forth at you and Draco and in the corner of your eyes, you heard Narcissa’s breath hitch and Lucius adjust himself uncomfortably. “Now, run along and go tell the order, if I assume they’ll still take you back for betraying them,” Bellatrix laughed harder, her wand still pointed at you until she began to back you up against a hard black door, shutting you out.
At that time, you hadn’t known what to do as you betrayed Harry coldheartedly and just as importantly, your best friend, Hermione. You didn’t know what to do because you were all alone, once again, and after the Battle. It was a surprise that Hermione still took you in once she saw how dreadful you looked, your clothes torn apart in some places, blood trickling down your forehead from the crucios Bellatrix had put on you before he had walked in. “I’ll still love you,” Hermione whispered, embracing you tightly as she endured the hours of crying.
“I knew he loved you. I knew he did—didn’t you see the way he looked at you across the Great Hall? When he’d stare at you across the room with a smile?” Hermione whispered, side-hugging you as she rest her head against the top of yours. “But it wasn’t true, Hermione. Everything I said to him, he told them, he said everything. And I thought I could trust him, and he betrayed me like that even if I tried to look for hope,” you mumbled, small sniffles as you tried to collect and maintain yourself.
A small voice in your head would laugh and whisper degrading things—Harry and Ron would look at you with skepticism but soon it vanished when they saw how ill and broken you looked, weak in Hermione’s arms she wouldn’t open to just anyone, if anything, they had learned to trust you like each other.
After the Battle, Draco had attempted multiple times to reconcile, saying things like he hadn’t meant anything and he done it to make sure you were safe. “Do you think I’d do that for just anyone?” he whispered, his face deep in his hands. “Do you really think I’d do that for any other girl? That I would really let go of everything we’ve built together?” Each time he spoke, the words he’d spit out were genuine and voice cracks each time he mentioned the crude and hurtful things he said to you. “The girl who trusted me enough to tell me about her problems, how she was hurting on the inside, and that’s one of the reasons why I fallen in love with you in the first place,” he whispered.
“Right from the start, you immediately stole my heart. I used to hate how high you kept your head when I possibly couldn’t even when anyone would say you were nothing, you still kept your head held high. I used to hate the smile like it was saying you were okay, that you were happy regardless, and I hate to think of myself—when I saw you that evening, that I was the reason you wouldn’t smile ever again,” Draco inhaled sharply, his face deep in his hands. “Even more so, a muggle girl, my parents would have never approved of you and it should have been a red flag for you when they accepted you,”
“After the many times I’ve said that they hated muggleborns,” Draco finally had the courage to look up from his hands and to you, his ocean blue eyes were deep and sorrow, and looked as though he never slept since the war. “That was my warning sign for you but when you told me that you were happy when you met them. I felt guilty for using you,” the way he said it was enough to make you burst into tears, remembering you took the torture just so Draco could be safe and not a strand of hair touched on his head, and his black suit clean.
“If I made you think I didn’t love you,” Draco whispered. “Then I’m so sorry—but I didn’t know you’d have been hurt this way. I thought I was doing what was right at the time, and that you’d never have been harmed,” he fidgeted with his fingers, one of his nails were painted Red like that night when you had painted his nails at the lake, when you guys shared a night in his dorm room. “But please don’t hate me,” was one of the last things he said.
“I’m still in love with you, Draco,” you whispered. “Because that’s what this stupid and filthy muggle of a girl is like,” it looked as though his heart was about to burst out of his chest and his expressions looked as though he were surprised. “Despite everything, I tried to push you away—but I couldn’t even if Hermione would urge me to,” you chuckled, remembering the times she’d threaten to take away your prized and favourited possession. “And I forgive you after everything. So please, don’t cry anymore, my Snowman,” he chuckled, recalling the time you guys built a snowman family with the amount of children you two would have.
You reached out your hand to him and he hesitantly, looking up at you and your hand until he took it into his own, resting his cheek against yours. It was enough to completely shatter you. He was yours again—and you were his. “I’m never leaving you again,” he whispered. “Never will I part from you. I’ll make sure nobody hurts you,” it had taken time for you two to rebuild a relationship. He’d look guilty from time to time but he learned to let go of the past—and when he had shown you the Dark Mark on his left wrist, it torn you apart again.
There was dark red outlines on his skin around the Dark Mark, there were scars, and it looked as though he had tried multiple solutions to get rid of it. But it wasn’t something to get rid of that easily, and slowly as time went on—with you, he accepted it. Still, at nights, he’d have nightmares, whimper and cry in his sleep, and he’d sweat profusely. He was, and with your help, learning to let go of everything.
Draco had gotten up from the couch, raising up his sleeves as he had crept up from behind you, your apron he had bought you for your birthday he fiddled with as his arms travelled around your waist. “I never meant to fall in love,” he whispered. “But I went and did a dangerous game that almost didn’t give me the wife I love so dearly and a kid I’d die for,” Draco kissed the back of your neck as he pushed aside the cutting board, making sure you were looking outside the window that seemed so familiar.
“I don’t care about anything except you and the family we created together,” he wrapped his arms around your stomach, there, was another baby. “And I continue to hope and watch what the future holds for us and what we’re expecting,” he smiled, turning you around to meet the kisses he planted on your forehead. “I was close to losing you. But you had taken me back, accepted me, all while you still loved me as I felt the same way,” Draco whispered.
“I love you, I love you, I love you,” he spoke multiple times with delicacy in his voice.
Here is the link to my masterlist.
Draco Malfoy x Reader: Princess
She had a blood line, a heritage, and a last name that demanded respect. She was at the top of the wizarding totem pole right along with the Malfoys. Her father makes the same exact amount of money as Draco Malfoy's father right down to the knut. However, unlike the Malfoys, they were never associated with the Dark Lord.
Draco and (y/n)'s father had been business partners before the two of them had even been born. Draco and (y/n) met each other at the age of six and it was quite a terrible experience for the both of them.
Neither of them remember exactly what Draco had said, but it was something rude about (y/n)'s hair. It caused her to give him a black eye, chip a tooth, and rip out a couple of tuffs of hair out.
Their fathers had found the whole situation hilarious, but the mothers were speechless. They had to pull the hissing children away from each other before more damage could be done. They ended up laughing the whole thing off a couple of years later and became best friends.
Even though (y/n) was placed in Hufflepuff, it didn't bother Draco at all. He could care less. She was his best friend and nothing could change that.
"How are you Princess?" Draco asked sitting across from (y/n) at the Hufflepuff table. It was the nickname that Draco had given to her after realizing that she possessed so many princess-like qualities. Besides being absolutely stunning, she was wise, kind, humble, and selfless.
"I'm doing good." She grinned back at him taking in his appearance. He was smiling which wasn't rare for (y/n) to see, but it was something that the rest of the castle rarely saw. "I'm super excited for the tournament to get started. I hope Cedric wins."
"I don't care who wins as long as it's not Potter. I still don't understand how he got his name in that goblet. It isn't fair. He shouldn't be allowed to compete." He hissed glaring over at the Gryffindor table where he was sitting surrounded by his friends.
"Why do you despise him so much?" (y/n) questioned cocking her head to the side. "What has he ever done to you?"
Draco opened his mouth to respond, but then he noticed (y/n)'s attention had shifted towards the entrance of the Great Hall.
"Wow. Isn't he perfect." She sighed as Cedric Diggory strutted into the Great Hall. A couple of people started clapping for him. Cedric swaggered among the tables until he passed by (y/n). He sent a quick wink to her before continuing his stroll to his seat.
"What was that?" Draco questioned pale eyebrows raised. He wasn't surprised at all by the attention that (y/n) was getting. She was a very pretty girl. In all honesty, he just wasn't used to her swooning over other guys. Not that he noticed or anything.
"Nothing." She shrugged quickly picking up her mug of coffee and drinking some to hide the blush that was starting to creep across her cheeks. "I think Pansy is starting to get jealous." She pointed out nodding towards the dark hair girl at the Slytherin table.
"You're right. I better get over to her before she storms over here and drags me away." Draco chucked looking over at the glaring Slytherin girl. "See you later Princess."
"Yeah okay Draco." She nodded. "I'll see you later." But Draco noticed that she wasn't even looking at him. Her eyes were focused on Cedric who was sitting a couple of seats down. He couldn't help but notice that Cedric's gaze was kept flicking over towards (y/n).
Draco had always assumed that the feelings he got whenever (y/n) was talking to other guys was because he looked at her as a sister. Lately he was slowly starting to believe it was because of something else. That feeling was jealously.
Little did Draco know, his little Princess and Cedric had been sneaking around for a couple of weeks. Cedric had been wanting to come out public with their relationship, but (y/n) didn't see it as much of a relationship. Just a couple of snogging sessions here and there in empty classrooms along with cuddling in the common room when everyone else had gone to bed. It was just little things like that.
They just had a little fling going on and she wasn't really sure what everyone would say if they found out Cedric, a 7th year, was dating a 5th year. But she was holding off on Cedric because she was secretly hoping that someone else would take notice in her.
When (y/n) had finished eating, she gathered up all her things and started heading to her first class of the morning until she was stopped by the one and only Cedric Diggory.
She couldn't help but keep the giddy smile off of her face. There were a couple of glances as people passed by, but she knew that nobody was going to question anything since they were from the same house.
"Hi Cedric." She grinned up at him. She still couldn't believe that someone like him had taken an interest in her.
"Hey (y/n). I was going to sit with you today, but I noticed you were sitting with your other boyfriend."
"My other boyfriend?" She threw her head back and laughed as if she couldn't believe he was bringing this up. "It's nothing like that Ced and you know it. We've been friends since we were like six. Our dads used to work together."
"You're right." He held his hands up in defense. "I'm sorry that I had gotten a little jealous, but I wanted to ask if you wanted to go to the Yule Ball with me?"
"Wow." (y/n) was rather surprised. "Of course. I would love to."
News traveled very quickly throughout the school that (y/n) was going to the Yule Ball with Cedric. Was Draco jealous? Yes. He was very jealous.
Leading up to the Yule Ball, Draco didn't talk very much to (y/n). They weren't hanging out as much together which really worried (y/n). She was scared of losing her best friend. Did she say something wrong to him?
But what (y/n) didn't know was that Draco had written multiple letters to his mother expressing his feeling for his Princess. His mother explained to him that he was just going to have to explain exactly how he felt towards her if she was someone that he truly wanted.
When the day finally came, (y/n) was excited. She was wearing a gown in her favorite color that she had spent weeks looking for. There was a dance for the champions so she wanted to make sure that she looked her best. Cedric was waiting at the bottom of the steps for her looking stunning.
"Wow. You look absolutely gorgeous." He held out an arm for her to link with his. She took it ginning up at the taller man.
"You look amazing as well." She was grinning from ear to ear. While they were walking towards the Great Hall, everyone's eyes were on them. It was hard to look away. They looked great together. But (y/n) did notice Draco and Pansy off to the corner. He couldn't help but notice how beautiful his Princess looked.
(y/n) felt as if the dance in front of the whole school with Cedric was perfect. Whenever she would spin around, her eyes would so happen to connect with Draco's. It took all that could to just leave Cedric's grasp and march over to him and tell him exactly how she felt about him.
When the dance was over, Cedric took (y/n)'s hand and guided her over to the seats. "I'm going to go get us something to drink."
"Okay. Thank you." (y/n) nodded. But when she noticed he had been gone for a little too long, she saw him standing talking to Cho Chang.
Everyone knew that the two of them used to date, but (y/n) thought that was all over. They were obviously flirting and (y/n) had this sickening feeling that he had just been using her to make Cho jealous.
Before she could throw up all over her dress, she quickly walked outside to get some fresh air. She did everything in her power to keep the tears from falling and ruining her makeup. She dropped onto one of the benches not being able to stop the tears. Her cries became quieter as she heard footsteps approaching her. She didn't want to have to explain to anyone why she was crying.
At least it was just Draco who had found her.
"Hey Draco." She gave him a small smile trying to wipe her tears away before he noticed.
"What's wrong Princess?" He so very wanted to rush over to her and wipe her tears away planting light kisses all over her face until she felt better.
"I think Cedric was just using me to get back at Cho." She shrugged. Draco noticed her bottom lip wobbling and before she could start crying again, he instinctively leaned forward pressing her lips onto him.
It was light and tender, but she loved it. Draco wanted to deepen the kiss, but (y/n) leaned back.
"Isn't your date going to worry where you are?"
"Pansy? I'm sure she's questioning where I am, but she'll be okay." They sat there in silence just enjoying each other's company. (y/n) leaned over placing her head on his shoulder. "I love you Princess."
"I love you too Draco."
"No." He shook his head taking (y/n)'s cheeks in his hands forcing her to look in her eyes. "I'm in love with you Princess. I finally realized that tonight when I saw you dancing with Diggory. And in that moment, I knew that should have been me with you."
(y/n) was in shock. She wasn't sure what to say. She didn't even know how to respond to something like that, but then she stopped thinking. She leaned in and kissed Draco, deepening the kiss this time.
Everything in this moment felt absolutely perfect.