Days N Daze - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago

go here and let me know what your short term top artists from spotify (within the last 4 weeks) are in the tags!

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7 months ago

Ignore the voices,

You’re fuckin’ worth it.

Mistakes are how you grow and don’t become a shitty person.

Learnin’ Curve, Escape From the ZOO

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7 months ago

Now that the fogs rolled out,

I see how deeply flawed I used to be

And I’m by no stretch perfect now

But at least I posses the tools to

Take a step back

(Get some perspective)

Know where your heads at

(Take a deep breath)

Just think things through

(Take a second to relax)

But still some days I feel like smashing this guitar

Going 12 rounds at the brick wall

I wanna see them knuckles






Wanna fly right off the handle

Chug a fifth, shatter the bottle.

But that kind of being destructive don’t

solve anything.

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