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Working on a new AU, Celestial Royalty AU with Sorcerer Moon and King Eclipse. Every Celestial is royalty in this AU, and I will make a fic of this AU soon!
I'll give you more information about the AU soon!
I can finally talk about the Celestial Royalty AU! So, this AU is set in the land of Celestia, a realm ruled by celestial beings known for their rare celestial magic. Once every year a new celestial is born and becomes part of the celestial lineage led by the kind and wise Mother Jupiter (my oc), the maternal celestial. She is the one who determines the duty of each celestial when the right age arrives and their powers manifest. The oldest of all is Eclipse, who takes over as chief ruler for years, at least until a new heir to the throne is born. And this new heir would be Sun, the only problem is that he has already passed the adult stage, but never had his powers manifested, earning a bad reputation and being considered a "fake celestial". Even more ironic is her brother, both born on the same day but at different times, Sun was born during sunrise, and Moon was born during a full moon, a very, very rare event. Moon manifested his powers much earlier, and that's why he always dedicated his life to learning to control his magic, becoming the celestial sorcerer of the kingdom, dedicated to protecting all who deserve it, and punish those who don't deserve it. The youngest of all is Lunar, the young and curious Eclipse insists on keeping him inside the palace where he would never be harmed, but also never come into contact with the outside world. Since Eclipse believes they are too important for him to relate to mortals.

[Sun is partially blind after an assassination attempt on him, hence his eyes are almost white.]
Other celestials include Starshine, the star celestial responsible for festive and important events. Comet, the Celestial of Knowledge who is Mother Jupiter's personal assistant, helping her with their vague visions of the future.
This AU is not related to SAMS despite having Lunar in the story. Other fnaf security breach characters are present in this AU, the glanrocks are part of a group of knights who travel the world protecting others. At least until the group broke up after a confrontation that almost claimed the life of one of its members. Chica became an entre ted, and in her spare time and her magic healer to help those in need. Roxy has become a bounty hunter, and awkwardly visits Chica to hang out and have some fun. Freddy adopted Gregory an orphan and kept close to his injured mate, dedicating his life to him. And Monty has become infamous in every realm he enters, entering tournaments looking to find a strong opponent, but always ending up going too far and getting into trouble. Monty has a secondary focus on this AU. Especially after being found by Moon who threatened to punish him for his actions if he didn't accept serving as Sun's bodyguard, since Sun, as a possible successor to Eclipse, is constantly threatened by people who are against the Celestial lineage. And especially the ones who treat celestials like gods and see the Sun as a burden (practically freaks who hate the fact that he's a celestial even though he doesn't have magic, or are just Eclipse simps), And not wanting to take a punishment from Moon Monty reluctantly accepts (yes, this is a glittergolf AU How did you guessed?? :3)
But of course every fantasy story has to have some evil. In this case, they are known as The Shadow Fragments. A group of people taken by a curse that corrupts the mind and leaves them with an insatiable desire to kill or harm. They contain consciousness, but they cannot control this curse that is slowly taking over their minds. All apparently following a greater being, also someone behind the said curse. Moon is responsible for watching over the kingdom of Celestia to protect its people, and that is why he has stars for each inhabitant of the kingdom, with one of which he keeps close to him at all times, that being his brother's star. When a star goes out it means that the person the star belonged to has died, but Moon is able to teleport himself to where those people are just by touching the stars.
For now I'm still working on this AU, so if you guys want to ask me about it just send questions in the question box and I'll answer with pleasure!
Question, for the celestial royalty au how does the siblings act with each other? (And is bloodmoon in this au?)
This au is heavily based on SAMS, but Bloodmoon does not exist in this AU. well, Moon is super protective of Sun and kind of has a decent relationship with Lunar. Lunar is very fond of Moon's magic tricks, but since they are too young to use magic they like to write down everything Moon tells them so when they have their magic manifested they can use it like he does.
Eclipse kind of… well, let's just say he doesn't see Sun as an equal, since Sun doesn't know how to use celestial magic, he respects Moon as someone worthy of being close to him, or even breathing the same air as him, and with Lunar, he sees them as obedient and easily manipulated, which is why he prefers to keep him inside the palace and never mingle with mortals. Among the four siblings, Lunar is the only one Eclipse prefers not to be passive aggressive about, and as much as he hates to admit it, he does care for the little one.
Sun is very insecure with himself, but he also loves his brothers, he plays with Lunar independently if Eclipse doesn't allow it (he believes that if Lunar is with Sun they may never be able to do magic) already with Moon, Sun doesn't matter a lot with his twin, but just being babysitted by him, as Moon dedicates much of her duty to protecting the Sun. I'll tell you what, when someone hurts Sun, emotionally, mentally or physically, Moon will stop at nothing to punish the perpetrators who did him wrong.
and let's just say Sunny is basically a people pleaser. he sees the good in everyone even those who hurt him. he doesn't have the heart to hurt anyone, but with that he is easily hurt and even abused by others… and Moon practically goes into "overprotective big brother mode"! he would kill anyone who hurt his brother. and he would hide the traces via memory erasures, either from people who know those he punishes or Sun himself.
since Sun went through so much abuse from bad people just using and manipulating him that it affected his mental state even more, and Moon uses his magic to keep him sane via erasing his memories over and over again, but that's dangerous both for him and for Sun. But Moon would do anything to protect his brother. And he doesn't care about the consequences as long as his brother is fine…
I honestly feel bad for sun in this au, imagine how much mental pain he went tru ;-;
Yeah... You still don't even know the types of toxic relationships he's had with other people, whether royal guests from other realms, people from Celestia or other celestials. From bullying, moral abuse, false friendships and blind relationships, to even s*xual harassment from people who think they are superior to him and try to take advantage of him and his purity!(I don't know! I wanted a soap opera level drama!!) But Moon always erases Sun's memories every time someone hurts him, it uses up a lot of his magic and energy, and after taking care of his brother, let's say he takes care of those who hurt him very well.... Those who s*xually harass Sun suffer the worst punishments...(That... kind of got him into trouble with mother Jupiter and the other realms who consider him a danger. He is feared by many because of these acts of rage against people he believes deserve punishment)
He has no friends, and the only ones who are always on his side are Moon and Comet. Starshine is too busy preparing festivities and important events to interact with him, and even Comet is unable to talk to him because of the training he receives. Sun just wants to be able to have someone to talk to...;-;
But at least he has the people of the kingdom who love and respect him, well, at least the majority, the poorest in the kingdom, the elderly, teenagers and especially children love him. He is well liked by these communities as he often leaves the castle to spend a day visiting his people and doing acts of good deeds. That's why many prefer him to Eclipse, because even with his farce as an affectionate king, the people never see him doing a truly generous good deed, and many don't let themselves be fooled by his attempts to appear to care about them. Sun genuinely treats them well and loves them, He just doesn't see himself as a good ruler. He is being trained for when he is chosen to take the throne alongside Eclipse (mother Jupiter wants the two to rule together, despite Eclipse's protests and Sun's discomfort)
She is also looking for a partner to join Sun in her reign, as Eclipse prefers to remain single (my Eclipse is aroace). That's why Mother Jupiter always arranges meetings with other realms, celestial and non-celestial, to look for a suitor for Sun (gender doesn't matter as long as it's someone they're good with as a ruler and good as a partner for Sun.) Yeah, Jupiter wants him to marry someone but she also cares about his feelings and always rejects the ones Sun feels uncomfortable with or the ones she doesn't see as a good partner. She prefers that he choose for himself, he just doesn't know it and thinks she wanted another royal blood to be his suitor, and never says anything when those suitors are horrible to him. He thinks he has no place to decide what he wants.;-;
I know it sounds weird, but these kinds of arrangements are also about joining forces with other kingdoms that can help them protect their kingdoms from evil forces. But most of these kingdoms would only accept if one of her celestials accepted you to marry one of theirs royal members. And if not, not only would they not have support from their realm, but in some cases they might come into conflict or even war with them. So it's kind of either accept it and not get help, or accept it and not get a worse enemy. And to protect his kingdom, Sun would do anything even if it meant marrying someone he doesn't like...(Yeezy, drama... ;w;)
I don't know what my problem is with making Sun suffer so much! TwT
So... Uh how does the royalty system work in the au? (Royal celestial au)
Well, mother Jupiter is considered the celestial mother, she is a higher authority than Eclipse, she is the one who decides the purpose of a celestial after a certain age when she thinks they are ready. She sees potential in every Celestial, and has taken care of them since they were little, Eclipse was the first Celestial to be born since her, and she can see him being a decent ruler, she just didn't expect it to go to his head. Before him, she who created the kingdom and gave a hell to its inhabitants who only seek protection and acceptance, that's why Celestia is a kingdom with multiple races and species, among humans, anthropomorphic animals, hybrids, humanoids and demons. She cannot die, so she lived for many, many years watching her kingdom grow and prosper, and over time the kingdom failed to take care of itself and always came to her for help. Eclipse was then born out of a perfect solar eclipse, and because of that he came in such a way that Jupiter could see a bright future for him. He was then chosen as the king after years under her guardianship and upbringing. And over time, being seen as a perfect being, being treated as a perfect being and being called the future king, he came to feel superior. Mother Jupiter can't remove him from the position of king, at least for years she didn't have to. The realm prospered and improved with each passing decade, and more Celestials were born and given their titles and roles.
Each celestial contains a function based on their celestial body type.
Solar Celestials: Pure royalty, strongest magic and strong heart, are always the most prepared in heart and mind to be rulers. The reason Eclipse is king is because while he may not be personally good to his people and doesn't think much of them, he is a decent king in terms of rules, protection, and organization. Sun is also predicted by mother Jupiter to be a good king in the future because of his huge heart and affection for his people. She feels the two are good if they work together, but she is disappointed that Eclipse is so blind to Sun's potential. They are the only solar celestials.
Lunar Celestials: Those are born with the most mysterious and limitless magic, a connection to the moon, and an open and curious mind. Lunar Celestials are smart but sneaky, they get stronger at night, and have a connection to feelings and dreams and the mind. Moon manifested his magic very early in life, and that's why he is so strong using his magic, Lunar still hasn't learned magic but is always wanting to understand how it works for when his magic manifests.
Star Celestials: These celestials are linked to emotions, creativity and imagination, they are more lively and honest, their magic consists of creating platforms of light usually in the shape of stars. Starshine is a celestial star, their role is to take care of the festivities, festivals and celebrations of the kingdom, especially in the palace, they take care of royal balls that are open to the public. And when they don't take care of celebrations, they do take care of important events like important conference receptions, or it's the ones that announce important things relating to the kingdom. They are considered part of the royal bloodline, but the level of attention and responsibility is not on par with solar celestials. This is why Starshine cannot be appointed as ruler.
Celestial Rock: These Celestials are born from space rocks (meteors and comets) that fall from space. As they enter the vicinity of the palace, Mother Jupiter stops them and gives them physical form. Because they are rock shapes, they come in different appearances, some end up having traces of crystals and different rocks. And depending on the type of rock they receive noble titles such as dukes, barons, monarchs, marquises, earl and viscounts, and their female variations. In the case of celestial rocks of stone or stronger minerals, they become real knights to protect the kingdom, all thanks to their duration. In Comet's case, he is a rock of stone, and with that he is in training to become a knight but still has difficulty with it, he is very shy and doesn't have much confidence or courage.
Planetary celestials: These Celestials always have a different potential depending on the type of planet, at the moment we can only talk about Mother Jupiter, and her title is exactly that, being the mother figure of the people and the other celestials. She is not their biological mother (obviously) but she acts like their mother, she functions as an advisor, oracle and as a superior ruler. She just prefers to have dominion over the celestials of the kingdom Of Celestia, but other celestials exist elsewhere. She is considered the Celestial Mother on account of her maternal love for all she calls her Children.
In conclusion, Mother Jupiter is the one who predicts the role of every Celestial who is born or falls in her realm, she can see vague visions of the future, and what she sees tells her how she came to that conclusion, and she refuses to look for those present in the vision who must come to the conclusion on their own.She predicted Eclipse would make a good king, they just don't know how yet. And she also predicted something big for Sun, but it was too vague even for her, she can't quite see if he managed to manifest his magic in this vision, but she knows it's something big that she cannot say more than I have already said. If she told in detail what she saw in the vision, the future would change and depending on the vision this could be good or bad, but in Sun's case, she can't be sure if it will be good or bad, so she therefore he is an enigma to her.
Sorry if it didn't make much sense at the time, I'm still working on this AU and some things might not make sense...TwT
Royal celestial au, what are the power of eclipse!/moon? Like what can they do?
Eeclipe can control the power of light, change Aria's temperature between cold or hot, his rays go into flames when angered, he can control sunlight, can open portals, can control things with the power of the mind, speak telepathically with other celestials, his body glows brightly when he wants to, when angry his face darkens, he can burn someone from the inside out if he wants to (it's a form of punishment he likes the most) he can control things with his mind, and his four arms are super strong. He can also do many different types of spells that would take too long to explain.
Moon can control the light of the moon, he can create a sickle in the shape of a half moon, he has several stars that represent each inhabitant of the kingdom, and he can kill anyone who has a star if he wants by just destroy the star. He can hide in shadows and appear in moonlight, he can sense danger because of a spell placed over the realm that warns him if something dangerous is happening, He created a celestial shield around the kingdom to protect it from the dark forms that threatened the kingdom. He can erase memories of anyone he wants and keep them in jars in his tower, he can create light clones of himself, he can use dark magic but it requires part of his life energy or life energy of others (that's why it's a forbidden type of magic)He can hypnotize people, he can put them to sleep, and he can invade the minds of others.
among all the celestials, they are the strongest.
Bro moon has every rigth to beat the crap out of those people

Yup, and he doesn't regret it, he only regrets not being there to protect Sun...
And he's already punished so many people that he's lost count! TwT
Can we have hc's for royalty celestial au? :)
Sun: Sun's favorite bonds are etiquette and violinism. Sun is panromantic.
Moon: Moon immediately hates anyone who comes near Sun, except children and elderly people. moon is It's is asexual and bi.
Eclipse: Eclipse respects Jupiter but doesn't agree 100% with her. Eclipse is Aroace.
Lunar: The little one is a demiboy, they just don't know it yet!
Some DCA/SAMS AU's ideas! Most AU's have a Y/N, Platonic and/or Romantic.
Vampirus and AU Monsters; Sun and Moon are vampires while other animatronics are different monsters. Heavily focused on a Y/N human and monster fan meeting Sun and Moon.
Aliens AU; in that au Sun and Moon would be aliens that are found by Y/N and hidden from the government trying to capture them.
Humans Young Adults AU; in this au Sun, Moon and the other SB characters are human in adulthood. Heavily focus on glittergolf and Moon x Y/N.
SAMS Second Lunar AU; in this cool AU Eclipse after learning about Lunar's death he decides to make his own Lunar, what happens? (anguish alert! TwT)
New addition!
Assassins AU; this au is inspired on @ayyy-imma-ninja's Sereal Killer au. the difference is that in this au, Sun and Moon are part of an agency of assassins, and they also use everyday disguises (in this au animatronics/robots with advanced intelligence are considered equal to humans.) they are basically Hitmans, they can work in pairs but follow different criteria. Sun is just ok with killing people who mistreat children in every way, while Moon kills anyone other than children, teenagers, pregnant women or the elderly. in this AU Y/N is their neighbor who is the child of one of their clients, who were only asked to act as a bodyguard but at the same time not to reveal this to Y/N as they would not have a good relationship with the father.
For now that's it!
Is eclipse/lunar in the alien au? :)
Yes, but the focus is on Sun and Moon and Y/N.
Moon doodle ✨

Moon doodle ✨

Moon doodle ✨

Mini Moon angst comic 😃

Mini Moon angst comic 😃

Mini Moon angst comic 😃