Dd Man At Arms - Tumblr Posts

This is why we don't fuck with man-at-arms.
(Most) of the DD classes ranked from most to least: how well they get along with children
ive got too much spare time with my own thoughts and i thought itd be a fun thing to think about.
1. Houndmaster: the kids looove his dog, and she appreciates the attention too. HM himself is also very kind and welcoming to the children, but they usually just want to see Fergus do some tricks
2. Vestal: The most mother figure of the team, despite being inexperienced as a parental figure, will sing songs and read stories to the kids, and they love her calm and soothing voice.
3. Jester: a good entertainer for both young and old, he loves the attention and innocent laughter paid for a good play, and is more than ready to bust out a tune on his lute for those willing to listen. And kids are very easy to manage with a catchy melody.
4. Crusader: what can i say, kids are easily impressed by cool and shiny armor, and with a sword like that, who can blame them for running up to him with burning excitement? The crusader himself sees no issue with giving them inspiring speeches, as a good leader does, and his audience tends to approve of his dedication. A good role model for any hero, so long as they dont adopt his kleptomanic tendencies.
5. Man At Arms: About the most definition you could get for a gentle giant, hes not quite used to dealing with the youngest folk, but how could he resist all those starry eyed glances and questions about him (and his sick eyepatch?) He’ll leave out the rougher details, of course, but hes quite good at retelling stories of his past.
6. Leper: Despite his quiet and calm demeanor, most children may still be a bit hesitant to get close to him. Not that he minds, of course, but should one still approach him out of curiosity, he always has a handful of poems ready to recall, or simply watch in amusement as more spirited kids desperately attempt to get a hold of his blade.
7. Plague Doctor: She adores their curiosity, as much as the children are willing to approach. PD is actually a lot more kind than she lets on sometimes, but best not to leave her around the kids too long, or youll find one of them splashing in suspicious green liquids. for science, of course.
8. Antiquarian: pretty robes, shiny trinkets... its an obvious understanding why children may find interest in her. her timid and rather harmless appearance also helps, and shes more than willing to tell her little audience more about her trade, though unfortunately they only seem bored by those details, and shes not too enthusiastic about them trying to rummage through her pockets in the meantime. Just ah... keep the censer away from them. who knows whats in that thing.
9. Arbalest: Maybe its jealousy, but any time she looks at a young kid, running around without a care in the world, she cant help but feel a little bit of dislike towards them. Her crossbow having been her only companion through most her lifetime, shes not all that good when it comes to dealing with the little ones, but she tries her best to treat them with kindness.
10. Grave Robber: she would definitely give them knives to play with. shes not very good at entertaining children, but everyone loves knives, right? And its only a matter of time before she finds out how often she can endure the question: “are you a witch?” before snapping.
11. Highwayman: the wine uncle. Hes passive towards children but prefers not to have them around for too long, gently shooing them away if one does happen to stumble up to him, or distract them with a shiny coin if need be.
12. Hellion: her bloodlust and wild enthusiasm is probably not quite the best influence for the younger folk, and her loud ramblings about bloodshed tend to be pretty intimidating.
13. Occultist: sacrificial rituals and the seeking of the void are thing the unexperienced should stay away from, young or old. the occultist shows no interest in children as much they know to stay away from him. its better this way for both parties.
14. Bounty Hunter: Despite his gruff and less than welcoming appearance... he also is just exactly that. He’s not usually all too fond of children, and they quickly learn not to disrupt him either. Nothing personal.
15. Abomination: usually just scares the kids off before he even has a chance to look, but he’s used to it, so its okay.
16. Flagellant: ...I’m not sure if i actually need to elaborate here.

This was a lot funnier in my head.