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Decided To Draw Henry Today! He Doesn't Look Too Bad, In My Opinion.

Decided to draw Henry today! He doesn't look too bad, in my opinion.

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Oh Susie, You Were Always Beautiful!

Oh Susie, you were always beautiful!

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Here's The Full Drawing! (Wanted To Give Twisted Alice A More Gruesome Appearance. Still Beautiful Though!)

Here's the full drawing! (Wanted to give Twisted Alice a more gruesome appearance. Still beautiful though!)

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I highly encourage you to read this or at least try and find your favourite character in this! (I spent four weeks writing all this.) I'm aware I didn't put all BATIM characters in there and if there were certain characters you wanted to see, let me know. A lot of the facts I put in for characters are either funny or tragic. I will now be taking drawing requests and asks for my cast! (Ps: there's a reason why I put random CAPS)

Joey Drew:

Age: 40 

Height: 5'8 1/2

Gender: Male (He/him)

Sexuality: Undecided.

Nationality: American. Was born and raised in New York.

Condition: signs of depression. Tends to zone out and talk to himself (Not really a condition as far as I know, but seems important to just write. About it not being a condition, please correct me if I'm wrong.)

Phobias: Agoraphobia, Athazagoraphobia

Most important relationships to remember:

Henry Stein: very close friend and business partner. (After Henry leaves: TRAITOR D:<)

Sammy Lawrence: "friend" (Joey pretty much just uses Him.) and also accomplicE later on.

Thomas Conner & Nathan Arch: To Joey, both are annoying, but sees that the two have important value. Tolerate them. (Though tbh: Nathan was once considered a close friend as well.)

Bertrum Piedmont: A Work buddy who can actually drEam! Knew Bertrum through NathaN. Can put up a fair argument with Joey. 

Susie Campbell: Does acTually like Susie (not roMantically), but in reality is the worst friend ever to her. He did feel a tad bit guilty when he replaced her with Allison, but oh well! The show must go on!

Grant Cohen: SO VERY ANNOYING (to Joey). "All he thinks about is the numbers! No dreaming whatsoever. "-Joey (Though like Tom and NAthan, Joey tolerates him Due to him being pretty darn important.)

Others: Mostly just see the other workers as puppets with talent. Does have respect for certain people, but not worth mentioning who right now (maybe I'll write about that later, who knows.) Can also be seen making conversation with Norman, Jack and Wally.)

Notes or facts about him:

Joey has actually been in a fist fight with Nathan Arch and lost. Hates when someone brings it up.

Joey has been banned from the bar across the street due to uh..the fight with Nathan.

Loves to scare Wally with a Bendy cardboard cutout. When asked why he does this, he replies, "Oh just for funnies. "

Only has a little bit of guilt for murdering everyone. Also can be very arrogant and selfish at times.

Develops a limp later on when, in an act of self defence, Tom shoots Joey's leg with a pistol. (Will explain the details soon, probably.)

Henry Stein:

Age: 39 

Height: Due to having a slight hunchback, 5'6 ish

Gender: Male (He/him, but wouldn't care if called a they)

Sexuality: Bisexual (And proud of it!)

Nationality: American/ French (Can actually speak a few words!)

Condition: signs of anxiety, and depression. Insomnia as well.

Phobias: basophobia (Which I find ironic), acrophobia and claustrophobia (Strangely, only with elevators)

Important relationships:

Joey Drew: business partner, close friend. (After he leaves: he considers Joey as just a guy he worked with. Their friendship was lost after he left. When Henry comes back and sees the aftermath, he considers Joey as an enemy.)

Sammy Lawrence: close friend and maybe even love interest? Henry developed mild feelings for Sammy, but didn't act on them before he left the studio. Also didn't say a proper goodbye. (Whoops.)

Norman Polk: a good friend to talk to dUring break! (If Henry can find him.) Norman had been in the first war just like Henry and can relate to his Struggles with coping and healing. Also can count on Norman To save him a cup of coffee.

Wally Franks: ..this so FREAKING funny! Henry enjoys excHanging jokes with the janitor and can have the most randOm conversations. (Example: "If you could tame a wild wolf to go get your groceries, would you?")

Linda: Ex-wife, but stilL good friends with her. Things weren't working out and in the end both Decided to get a divorce. (DivOrce came just a few moNths after the studio was established.)

Jack Fain: Enjoys his tunes! Henry truly respects Jack's work and is full of pity for him when he finds out he was moved to work in the sewers. A friend!

Grant Cohen: if Henry ever needed to discuss politics and stuff, he looked for Grant. More like colleagues than friends. Also, they both know how difficult Joey can be.

Thomas Conner and Allison Pendle: Isn't too fond of Tom, but does respect him. He meets Tom kind of briefly before he leaves. Meets Allison after he leaves the studio. (A supermarket. The two met at the fucking supermarket.) He does also respect Allison, but hasn't really had the time to really get to know her due to Tom being protective.

Others: When meeting people, Henry is quite polite and friendly; this gains him a good reputation. He didn’t really meet Susie (Since he left), but later on when he comes back, he has a lot of confusion about her. The same goes for Bertrum, Lacie and a few other people. 

Notes or fun facts about him:

Henry was the first one to test out the new elevator in the studio. During testing, the elevator kind of just randomly stopped working  and Henry couldn’t get out for, like, two hours. During those two hours he was worried the elevator would drop. It didn’t, but you never know. 

For the first Valentine's Day, Henry bought Sammy a store bought card (C’mon Henry, really?) Later in the day, he actually wrote a lovish letter to him. Mostly because Jack was giving him a dirty look when he found out. “Really, man? A store bought card? The fuck is wrong with you.”-Jack

Threw Norman a surprise Birthday Party, which scared the shit out of Norman and made Norman point a pocket knife at him (Norman thought he was some sort of mugger) Later that day, Henry was trying to get the cake ready by lighting the candles and uh..almost caused a fire in the kitchen.  Wally was devastated at the loss of a beautiful chocolate cake. 

Henry was an American  soldier  in WW1.  

During the war, Henry had two pet dogs named Axel and Roger! One was a German Shepard while the other was a golden retriever. Unfortunately, Roger was killed in action and Axel died due to old age. 

-Also during the war, Henry loved making little comic strips for his comrades to read! One day, one of his comic strips blew away in the wind and landed in the enemy's trench. Henry was annoyed at this, but didn’t think much until a paper aeroplane hit one of his comrades, Richard, in the head. Richard handed him the paper and it turned out to be a paper full of cartoonish doodles! The paper had a few words in German and with the help of another comrade, it roughly translated to, “I like comics too.”  Henry still has that paper! 

Sammy Lawrence:

 Age: 34 ½  

Height: 5’6 ½ 

Gender: Male (might make him transgender?) (He/them)

Sexuality: Homosexual 

Nationality: American/German 

Conditions:  anger issues, anxiety disorder and signs of depression

Phobias:  Stygiophobia, Athazagoraphobia

Important Relationships:

Joey Drew: boss and considers him as a friend. Later on before he dies, Sammy thinks of himself as Joey's right hand man. 

Henry Stein: Madly in love, but is very hesitant about showing his feelings. Was  very hurt When Henry left. Still is kind of in love when Henry comes back. Their relationship is pretty complicated. 

Susie Campbell: best friends witH Susie! The two have a lot of laughs together and both like teasing each other about their crushes. Susie is always willing to hear SammY's new tune and Sammy is always happy to hear/ give feedback to Susie singing. Sammy was Destroyed when Susie dIed. (Got very angry at Joey..which kind of leD to Sammys demise.) 

Norman Polk: Ah projector head. The two are frenemies. Both will argue, trick and annoY each Other. However, at work, the two make a really good team. Norman Usually arrives early for work while so does Sammy. In grateful silence, Sammy aLlows Norman to hElp him set up chAirs for the band and music stands! Both haVe a dark sensE of humour so..yeah. They’re also both friends with Jack.  

Jack Fain: a good friend! Has known Jack since high school (both were in band) and has deep respect for him. The two caN be seen bouncing ideas off each other for a new song! The twO will always be friends…right? 

Johnny Polk: Sammy deep down has respect for his young assistant (who happens to be Norman's younger brother). He enjoys teaching him how to play the banjo and piano. Even if he doesn't show it, he’s actually pretty impressed by Johnny's quick learning. Can get easily frustrated though if Johnny is doing a task incorrectly or is a bit slow/late. 

Wally Franks: A pain in the neck. Sammy doesn't hate Wally, but he isn’t really too fond of him. Finds him annoying and childish. Instead of making jokes, Sammy feels that he could be cleaning more. Also wasn’t pleased when Wally accidentally knocked down one music stand which caused the rest of them to topple (Twice. Wally has done this twice).

Notes or facts about him:

When Sammy was a young kid, he wanted to be the next beethoven. (His parents laughed at this in amusement.)

When in band at highschool, Sammy met Jack by accidentally whacking him with a trombone.  Had to take Jack to the school nurse (he gave him an actual concussion.) 

Has written love songs for Henry, but never once shared them. (when Henry left, he tore them all up.) 

-Can speak fluently in German 

-When he was 23, and it was the fourth of July, Sammy was in charge of working the fireworks for his family reunion. He set them off outside and one hit his Uncle’s car. His Uncle was more than angry. All his little cousins thought he was the coolest  though (now they just think he’s old).

-Sammy was very close to being sent to fight in the war. 

Sammy once lost his voice while composing the band and kind of just dealt with it. Silently.

Wally Franks: 

Age: 27 

Height: 5’5 

Gender: Male (he/him OR they/them)

Sexuality: pansexual

Nationality:American/Canadian (Cause why not?)

Conditions: Has very mild Autism, but healthy!

Phobias:  Anatidaephobia, thalassophobia,  arachnophobia, forosophobia, Nyctophobia 

Important relationships:

Joey Drew: sees him as a friend! (until the studio goes apeshit.) Despite Joey trying to make him have a heart attack at age 27, Wally respects Joey! Well..did.

Henry Stein: a great artist and work buddy! If Wally ever needed advice, he’d go to Henry! When Henry comes back, the two friendships are reunited! However, Wally wasn’t happy when Henry turned his back on the studio. Still kind of has a grudge because of that. 

Sammy Lawrence: ah yes, the grumpy composer! Wally tries his best to avoid Mister Lawrence, not wanting to cause trouble. Might also be a little bit..terrified of Mister Lawrence.

Johnny Polk: best buddies! Wally loves hanging out with Johnny and humours Johnny with his jokes! Johnny always offers support and comes running to Wally if he needs help cleaning a dark area (due to Wally's Nyctophobia (fear of the dark)). 

Norman Polk: Mister Polk is actually pretty nice! Since Wally hangs out with Johnny, he often sees Norman (due to him being very protective of Johnny). When Henry left, Wally surprisingly came to Norman for advice! The two are good friends. As long as Wally doesn't blabber him with jokes before he has his coffee. 

Shawn Flynn: great friends! Wally may have feelings for the Irish toymaker, but isn’t really quite sure what to do with them. He worries he might not feel the same way, but maybe with some encouragement and insurance, he’ll tell Shawn his true feelings? :) 

Susie Campbell: if Johnny is Wally's first best friend then Susie would be Wally's second. Susie was always kind to Wally..until…she died, BUT yeah! The two, after a dull day at work, would usually get a drink together at the local cafe! 

Thomas Conner:  ….he majorly dislikes this guy. That’s it. Can hardly tolerate his ass and almost always argues with him. 

Others: Wally can mostly tolerate anyone (beside Tom, Sammy and maybe the people who steal the studios supply of toilet paper. Like c’mon guys. Not cool.)Likes talking to Jack here and there.

Notes or facts about him:

-One time, he accidentally left a window open and a pigeon had managed to fly into the studio. It caused fucking mayhem in the Music department and all recordings had to be shut down (cause all you could hear was people yelling and screaming). With Norman's help, the two had to capture it in a cardboard box and rushed it outside before Sammy could have the chance to kill it. 

-While cleaning out the vents, Wally found a dead rat and literally begged Joey to hold a funeral for it. (Joey declined because..well you know.) Wally ended up wrapping it in a towel, putting it in a shoebox and burying it at the local park. The only people that showed up to the funeral was: Johnny (who cried), Norman (who thought it was ridiculous), Susie (who was pretending to grieve), Shawn (who actually sang a fucking song for it), and Wally's mother and his two younger sisters, Mel & Catherine. Also Buddy was there. Only because Norman offered him a ride home. Buddy was just confused the entire time. 

-Has had a history of having food poisoning (especially from eating raw cookie dough.)

-Accidentally caused a pipe to burst and it kind of messed up Jack's office. (Wally plans to never tell anyone (beside Johnny) that he was responsible for this.  It was..pretty bad.

-Once punched Tom in the stomach before getting his ass beaten by him. In Wally’s mind, It was still a victory for him.

Thomas Conner:

Age: 40 

Height: 5’9

Gender: Male (he/him)

Sexuality: heteromantic 


Conditions: Mild ptsd, anger issues and signs of insomnia 

Phobias: thanatophobia, atychiphobia, hoplophobia, aquaphobia

Important relationships:

Joey Drew: a major pain in the ass. Even before the studio got into shit, Tom hardly ever liked Mister Drew. Though he did respect him, he didn’t actually trust him. When Joey took his invention and called it his, Tom went ballistic with anger and his respect for Joey went dry. Hates it when Joey calls him “Tommy”. 

Henry Stein: Only met him briefly. When Henry comes back though, Tom does secretly have respect for Henry. And thinks of him as maybe..a friend? He hasn’t made up his mind. Also thinks he’s an idiot for coming back though. 

Allison Pendle: would do anything for her! Tom loves Allison with all his heart even if he doesn't always show it.  Was working relentlessly because he wanted to save up for a wedding ring for Allison (just when he almost had enough money saved up, he and Allison got killed by fucking Dreamer Drew).

Sammy Lawrence: “Ah, the insane music composer, I hate him.” Tom majorly dislikes Sammy from the beginning to the end. When he caught Sammy sneaking around the Ink Machine it led to a major argument between them. He knows it's Sammy that’s been stealing ink, but with so many problems mangled in his mind, he doesn't actually stop him.  

Norman Polk and Johnny Polk:  actually considers Norman as his best friend! The two have the same sarcastic humour and share a lot in common. They also like teaching each other how to do and make things (Example: Norman teaches Tom manners and Tom teaches him how to fix the pipes).  Since Tom hangs out with Norman whenever he can, he also hangs out with Johnny. He and Johnny are friends, but they’ll only hang out if Norman is there.  When Tom comes back as a toon, he thought that Norman and Johnny had gotten out of the studio, but to his dismay, the two died. Was pretty devastated by this. 

Wally Franks: an annoying kid who keeps forgetting his keys. Tom doesn't actually hate Wally, but just can’t tolerate him and his childish antics. Also wasn’t thrilled when he was forced to mentor Wally, which was a nightmare. He didn’t think Wally deserved to die though. 

Susie Campbell: when Susie first got hired, Tom didn’t have a problem with her. She was nice, upbeat and knew how to make Sammy calm down. He also knew that Norman had a massive crush on her, so he would talk to her here and there (trying to make his buddy look good XD). After the studio went to shit and decay, Tom sees Susie as a threat to both him and Allison. He does not trust her at all, regardless of what Norman says. 

Shawn Flynn: doesn't actually mind the toymaker and can actually be seen sharing a drink with him. A work buddy. 

Others: who cares? Tom never really paid much attention to anybody (besides the people above and GENT employees).  As long as no one pissed him off, everyone else was just a part of the background. Though, it’s worth mentioning now that he did not get along with Bertrum. (He did, however, have respect for Lacie)

Facts and notes about him:

-Tom was a combat engineer in WW1 for the US army.  Absolutely hates barbed wire and wants nothing to do with it. 

-Was born in America, but at the age of 4, moved to Canada. 

-When Tom was 12 years old (still in Canada) and it was Christmas, he ventured outside his winter cottage to go check out the woods. His parents were nonchalant about him exploring and told him to be back before supper. Anyway, he found a lake that had frozen over and just started sliding on it. However, the ice beneath wasn’t entirely solid and Tom fell through, almost drowning. To this day, he hates frozen bodies of water and refuses to go skating. No matter how many times Allison begs him to. 

-Welded Allison a necklace, but was too embarrassed by it to show her. Eventually he’d forget all about it until Allison (this is after the studio goes to shit btw) finds it and keeps it. 

-He and Norman love going on hikes. On one hike they encountered a bear and that was the first time Norman saw Tom lose his shit. (Both booked it to Tom’s truck) Speaking of Tom’s truck, Tom once accidentally hit a deer and Norman insisted on dragging the deer’s corpse into the nearest ditch and giving it a proper burial. He also made Tom say a few words for its funeral.  (His words were: "You stained the front of my truck. >:("

Allison Pendle:

Age: 39  

Height: 5’7

Gender: Female (she/her)

Sexuality: Bisexual/Asexual 

Nationality:   American/Dutch

Conditions: insomnia 

Phobias: cleithrophobia, atychiphobia 

Important relationships:

Joey Drew: when first hired, Allison liked and respected Joey! She thought he was a silly dreamer with a good heart. That thought was a mistake. When she slowly noticed how his dreaming was beginning to harm employees, her respect for Joey dimmed. When she found out that Tom had died due to him, she was furious and threatened to do more than to just sue him. Because of this, Joey panicked and killed her.

Henry Stein: Allison didn’t meet Henry when she first got hired. She did meet him before he came back. She thinks he’s a nice man who just worries too much. When they met again, the two seemed relieved to see each other and enjoy each other's company.  Allison considers him an ally!

Thomas Conner: Allison loves Tom, even if he can be rude. Allison makes it her personal job to keep his attitude in check, though of course, it’s almost impossible. Allison met Tom through a friend at a dinner party that Joey threw. Before being hired, Allison worked for a theatre company run by Joey’s sister, Susan. 

Susie Campbell: met Susie at the lobby and had a friendly conversation with her! Allison didn’t bring up that she was hired to be the new voice actress for Alice and Susie didn’t ask. Allison was there when Sammy and Joey broke the news to Susie and Susie looked like she wanted to throw a table at her. 

Sammy Lawrence: has a fair amount of respect for Mister Lawrence, but due to what Tom says about him, Allison isn’t quite sure she likes him as a person. When coming back after death, Allison is definitely NOT a fan of him. At all. 

Norman Polk & Johnny Polk: tolerates Norman only because of Tom. Since Allison works in the Music department, she sees Johnny pretty often and thinks he’s a nice kid. 

Grant Cohen: Sees Grant here and there. It’s only when the studio goes to shit that Allison really gets to know Grant. She thinks he’s pretty weird…

Wally Franks:  a very nice young man who actually appreciates her cooking in the kitchen. Despite what Tom says about him, she doesn't mind Wally and always makes sure to greet him and thank him for his work. 

Others: Allison doesn't really pay attention to anyone, unless they make conversation with her or she’s being introduced. She’s (was) pretty polite and easy going so people don’t have a problem with her. 

Facts about her: 

-Once had a cooking competition with Norman and forced Tom and Johnny to be the judges. 

-  As a child, Allison was really into fashion and making dresses for her little dolls. This interest was sparked because of her Mother, who ran a clothing shop downtown. One day, Allison ran out of scrap fabric and went on a hunt through her house for more. She found an old dusty white dress in the attic and cut it up into pieces. Turns out it was her Mom’s  and her Grandmother’s wedding dress. Whoops.

Actually had a fiance before Tom. His name was William and unfortunately died when his car hit a patch of ice and swerved off the road. Allison is always worried about losing Tom. 

One day, Allison was talking to Johnny and really wanted to make him laugh, so she tried singing like a person at the opera, but kind of made a mockery out of it. She successfully made him laugh, but at the cost of the recording window…

Susie Campbell: 

Age: 35 

Height: 5’5

Gender: Female (she/her)

Sexuality: hetrosexual/demisexual 

Nationality:  Canadian (grew up in Ontario)  

Conditions: healthy until the studio goes to shit  

Phobias:  arachnophobia, agoraphobia, autophobia, harm OCD 

Important relationships: 

Joey Drew: (before) a respectable boss who is quite charming and funny! (After) a self absorbed dick who can drown himself.

Henry Stein: didn’t really meet Henry before, only after. Isn’t exactly sure how to feel about him since Norman paints him as a “good guy”, but is unconvinced. She sees Henry hanging out with Allison and Tom and shows distrust towards him. 

Allison Pendle: When first meeting Allison, Susie wasn’t aware that she was there to replace her, only thought she was just a new employee. Was friendly towards Allison..until Joey and Sammy explained that she was getting replaced. When Susie comes back after death, she shows intense hatred towards Allison and hasn’t forgiven her for stealing her role. 

Sammy Lawrence: best friends with the grumpy composer! Loves teasing him and getting him to laugh. The two mostly hung out when Susie was done recording. But, when Susie noticed how distant Sammy was acting and how he kept having meetings with Joey, she felt hurt, left out and confused. Then when Sammy and Joey announced that she was being replaced, Susie was furious, screaming at Sammy and Joey. Hasn’t forgiven Sammy for that and is majorly still angry at Joey (like everyone else).

Norman Polk: when first meeting him, Susie was a little bit intimidated by him. But when they started talking and getting to know each other, Susie fell hard for Norman. She really wished that he would open up more to people so that they could see how nice he actually is.  When she was replaced, Norman was there to help. Even when she dies and turns into twisted Alice, she’s still very much in love with Norman! 

Johnny Polk: a friend! Loves teaching how to sing and always tries to cheer or encourage Johnny when he’s having a bad day because of Sammy.  If Johnny needs tips or advice for practising an instrument, he comes to Susie.  (Johnny secretly wishes that Joey made Susie his mentor instead of Sammy.)

Wally Franks: a close and dear friend of Susies! Almost always remembers to say thank you to Wally when he cleans up the music department. One time, she saw Wally and randomly asked him if he knew how to dance. He shrugged, then began to freaking dance with his broom, making Susie laugh. When Susie turns into Twisted Alice, she doesn't recognize Wally when he’s a toon and tries to kill him..  

Others: before she was replaced, Susie had no problem with any of her fellow co-workers. She got along fairly well with everybody.  Afterwards, everybody could go apeshit for all she cared. 

Facts about her:

Her father was a taxidermist and liked showing Susie and her siblings the latest animal he’s stuffed.  Susie was horrified by this. 

Loves celebrating Canada Day even if she’s stuck in New York…

Once drank entire bottle of maple syrup because of a dare…then threw up an entire bottle of maple was not pretty.. (Fun fact: I’ve done this before as well. Do not do this.)

When Susie was about 10, she loved playing dress up in her Grandma’s old clothes and would speak “grownup” to the adults in the room. One night, she tripped on her long gown and fell down the stairs, breaking her arm. When her arm healed, it was bent the other way and the doctors needed to rebreak it and reposition it. After that, Susie got interested in anatomy.

When she was 6, she loved answering the family phone and would always have a long conversation with the person on the other line. Examples of what she would say: “Do you have a dog? I have a dog. She’s named Macie and she’s really fluffy and really big and-” (etc) Also her Dad would get so confused why no one called him back. 

Norman Polk: 

Age: 37 

Height: 6’1

Gender:  male (he/him)

Sexuality: heterosexual 

Nationality: British/French (yes, I’m aware he’s cannonly South Americain. Look at facts and I’ll explain) 

Conditions:  mild PTSD, social anxiety, signs of depression and insomnia (he’s not okay 🙂) 

Phobias:  pyrophobia, social phobia,  cleithrophobia

Important relationships:  

Joey Drew:  “Who the hell put this guy in charge?” Norman did respect Joey, but when he slowly finds out what Joey has been doing, he fully hates him. He still has a grudge on him in the afterlife. 

Henry Stein:  A good friend and man in general. Norman respects Henry, even when the studio goes to shit. Was disappointed and a hint hurt when Henry quit. When Henry comes back to the studio, Norman holds a bit of a grudge against him. 

“Johnny” Jonathan Polk: will protect him till the end. Norman absolutely loves his younger brother and would do alot for him. Norman and Johnny's mother died shortly after she gave birth to Johnny, but before she died, Norman vowed to take care of him. 

“Harriett” Polk: Norman loves his older sister, but gets into many arguments with her. Hates that he will always be “the child” in her eyes. She has had the habit of not always being there when things got tough, which frustrates Norman. She was the one to report his and Johnny’s disappearance.  She is the mother of Norman’s (and Johnny’s) only niece. (Might actually explain the niece part later on.)

Susie Campbell: if Norman could write a list of what he likes about Susie, that list would turn into a book.  When meeting Susie, Norman fell head over heels for her and when he began getting to really know her, he fell even harder.  Was absolutely destroyed when she died and massively wanted to get revenge.  When he came back as the projectornist, he still loved Susie and would always try to defend her. (even though she’s a hint crazy. Just a hint, guys.) 

Thomas Conner:  Norman considers him as his best friend! The two are pretty close pals! Both can relate to the horrors of the first war while also relating to Joey’s bullshit. When Tom went “missing”, Norman helped Allison plaster a bunch of missing posters and ask people if they knew his whereabouts (which is no easy task for someone who has social anxiety).  When Allison disappeared, rumours began to fly and Norman discovered the horrible truth that Tom had died. When he comes back as an ink creature, his and Tom's friendship resumes. 

Allison Pendle:  Norman and Allison have had their disagreements, but both care for Tom and will only team up if they need to save his ass. Norman wasn’t fond of Allison stealing Susie’s role and actually got in a fight with her because of it.  Norman, deep down, has a tad bit of respect for her. Tolerates her because she brings Tom happiness. 

Sammy Lawrence: Norman respects Sammy, but can get in an argument with the composer very easily. Despite this, Norman is aware that the two actually make a decent team and keeps that in the back of his mind. When Norman found out what Sammy and Joey were doing, he was absolutely pissed.  

Jack Fain: Finally, someone who still has their common sense! The two are friends and when Norman is sneaking around near Jack's office, he pays him a visit. 

Wally Franks: Norman doesn't mind Wally and is happy that Johnny has such a chipper friend. Norman can see why Tom can be frustrated with the young janitor as it’s clear (atleast, to Norman) that Wally isn’t the exactly brightest. Though Norman would agree, he certainly has a good spirit!  

Lacie Benton: Gets to know Lacie better when the studio is beginning to go into financial troubles. Has a lot of respect for Lacie and admires her skills. In truth, Lacie reminds him of his dear dead mother.  A good bond the two share!

Grant Cohen:  this friendship was surprising, but Grant and Norman are actually friends. The two can rant to each other about how fucked up the studio is and then laugh about it. 

Buddy Lewek: Norman has nothing against Buddy, especially since Johnny really likes him. Though, because Johnny really likes him, Norman is protective and makes sure Buddy gets the message NOT to hurt his brother..or else. 

Others: Norman doesn't actually have the best reputation around the studio as people are either a little bit intimidated by him or think he’s just weird.  Norman tries to socialise, but finds it difficult and overwhelming.  To his surprise, he does/did have a lot of friends. 

Facts about him:

-Norman and his siblings were born in Britain and grew up there. Norman was taught French by his mother as she wanted it to be his second language. After the first war ended, Norman and his siblings still lived in Britain, however, money was being put aside to move to America. After they (Norman & siblings) moved, Norman noticed that people would like to mock his accent, or would try to correct him. Tired of this, Norman just thought it would be better just to have an American accent. (He decided on Southern because of a certain movie he watched.) I know, he’s cannonly South Americain, but since this is an AU, I figured I should get creative! (Please don’t hate me for this)

-Norman actually had a twin sister named Abigail, but she tragically died at age 11.  

-Has had multiple injuries before and after the war. Examples: head injury, rabies, bullet wounds, etc) This guy has been through..a lot. 

-Norman was there at the Christmas truce (December 24, 1914). Johnny loves hearing about Norman's time at the Christmas truce. 

-Has been mugged before and now keeps a pocket knife at him at all times. 

Would always get so excited when he got mail during the war. Johnny’s little drawings and photos would keep him going through dark times.  

When the studio was going to shit, it was actually Norman who helped Lacie and Bertrum to start a rebellion against Joey and his followers. He recruited people and spreaded the word.

During the war and having a break, Norman and his friend Archie went to go rock climbing. Archie brought the equipment while Norman drove them to the place. While making their way up, something went wrong and ended up with Archie breaking his neck and dying. 

-Norman was once a boy scout and as a kid, he would always wear his uniform wherever he went.  (A lot of the kids at his school just assumed he didn’t have any other clothes to wear.)

“Johnny” Jonathan Polk

Age: 19 

Height: 5'8 

Gender: Male (He/him)

Sexuality: homosexual

Nationality: British/French

Condition:  war anxiety and signs of social anxiety  

Phobias: thanatophobia, basophobia (or basiphobia), trypanophobia 

Important relationships:

Joey Drew: Mister Drew is someone Johnny looked up to as he admired how calm and professional he always seemed to be. Johnny was also just grateful to have a job and because of that would try to defend Mister Drew if people (like Norman) were saying bad things about him. When Johnny was killed and came back, he was just destroyed at how naive he was.  

Henry Stein:  a good guy! Due to Norman respecting and befriending Henry, Johnny instantly befriends him as well! Johnny would sometimes even go to Henry for advice on drawing!

Norman Polk:  Johnny loves and looks up to Norman. The two can get into a few arguments here and there, but they usually don’t last too long. Johnny lives with Norman and the two split the bills and chores together.  Johnny usually doesn't mind Norman being protective, but can occasionally get tired of it. Always tries to talk Norman into asking out Susie.

Sammy Lawrence: Johnny doesn't hate Sammy, but he does fear him. Johnny tries his best to please his mentor, but sometimes can’t always fill his expectations.  When Johnny began to notice the little odd things that were going on in the music department, he didn’t actually tell anyone right away (which was probably a big fucking mistake)

Susie Campbell: absolutely adores Susie and wishes she were his mentor instead of Mister Lawrence. Likes helping her when she’s doing her recordings and always is always grateful for her advice and support. Johnny was also aware of Norman’s huge crush on Susie so yeah, he always tried to make him look good.  Was crushed when she got replaced. When he comes back, he isn’t quite sure how to feel about Susie now that she’s a twisted version herself.

Thomas Conner:  Johnny doesn't dislike Tom, in fact, Tom will sometimes even teach Johnny how to work with tools. Since Tom is Norman’s best friend, Johnny sees a lot of him and even shares a few inside jokes with him. Though, it’s worth mentioning that Johnny doesn't like when Tom is talking shit about Wally. 

Wally Franks: best buddies! Loves Wally’s jokes! (kind of already talked about this friendship so yeah..)

Shawn Flynn: a nice man who begs Johnny to teach him how to do a British accent. Really adores the toys that Shawn creates and has even begged Shawn to teach how to make a plush!

Buddy Lewek: close friends! Johnny also..sort of..has a crush on Buddy. Johnny always loves hanging out with Buddy and the two can talk about anything. Met Buddy when he was delivering something to Mister Lawrence and Johnny accidently whacked him with the door. 

Others: Johnny doesn't mind other people unless they are either mean to him or Norman. He gets along with a lot of people in the band and art department.  He can be shy at the start though. 

Facts about character:

-Johnny finally learned how to make a Boris plush! He gave it to Buddy as a gift <3 

-As a kid, Johnny would love trying to tackle his brother to the ground. One time, Norman saw Johnny charging at him and getting ready to tackle him again, so he took a step to the side and Johnny hit a wooden fence. (Johnny doesn't actually remember this and gets so confused when Norman still apologises to this day.) 

-Johnny is deadly scared of thunder to this day. He had an Uncle who got struck by lightning and died, so yeah, Johnny will bravely..crawl under his bed and pray for it to be over.

- Johnny never met Abigail, but as a young child, he did have this imaginary friend that looked eerily similar to her. She would always reassure Johnny that Norman was fine in the trenches and would survive. Turns out she was indeed right! 

-After finally getting his drivers licence, Johnny borrowed Norman's car for an errand and accidentally hit a brick wall with it. He was fine, only having a few bruises. Norman was absolutely relieved and pissed.

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Silly banjo guy :3

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Okay so you don't bite but now I gotta know, who in your au (or batim in general) do you think does bite?

Okay So You Don't Bite But Now I Gotta Know, Who In Your Au (or Batim In General) Do You Think Does Bite?

In my cast, it would probably be a tie between Tom and Sammy. Also maybe Norman? Tom (left) and Sammy (right)


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Just Finished Inking Johnny! You Just Got To Love How Innocent He Is. Okay..well..he's Definitely Guilty

Just finished inking Johnny! You just got to love how innocent he is. Okay..well..he's definitely guilty for murdering my pen >:( (gotta buy more arughhHh)

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An unanswered call:

Henry?... Look. I know you've probably been busy doing whatever, and you probably just want to forget about the old studio. But you can't. You can't do that. You may have left us, but you can't leave it. They're your creations, Henry. Your dreams, originally.

I know you meant well. We all used to mean well. But, Henry, your dreams? Your leaving? It killed the studio. It killed his sanity. It's dooming us all. We've tried talking some sense back into him awhile ago, but it only led to more troubles. Day by day I can hear it. It's in the walls, Henry. It's trying to break free. I won't let it though. I won't. Last time I tried calling, you changed your number, so I had to hunt down Linda to get your new one. I heard about the "incident." I'm so sorry, man. I wish I was there. To support. Though, I must admit, it was you who promised to keep in touch.

Look, as much as I am still mad about that, I need your help. We need your help.

I fear I haven't seen the worse and that the worse is just waiting. Waiting for us to let down our guard. I wish I could explain, but I'm terrified that he or it will hear. I've already been throwing a wretch in their plans. I can't afford them to find out who. Can you please just come by the old studio? We need to talk. Before everything goes to shit.

Why didn't you answer me, Henry?

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Decided To Draw Norman From My Au. Tough Looking On The Outside And Sweet On The Inside, Now That, Is

Decided to draw Norman from my au. Tough looking on the outside and sweet on the inside, now that, is what I call beauty!

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Drew Them Interacting In My Au

Drew them interacting in my au

Tom accidentally racked up the electricity bill . Grant ain't happy, folks.

I Still Cant Get Over The Fact That Grant Thinks The Gent Boys Are Creepy While Tom Called Him Mangy

I still can’t get over the fact that Grant thinks the gent boys are creepy while Tom called him “mangy” so I had to draw them interacting😭

Someone please draw them interacting more cause my motivation went all the way down😔

Anyways justice for grant everyone keeps being so obnoxious to him

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i require more art of jimmy, please :3

I Require More Art Of Jimmy, Please :3

And a Jimmy you shall receive! A fun fact about Jimmy is he's trans! (F to M) ^ ^

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"Hello There! I'm Hudson. How Can I Help?"

"Hello there! I'm Hudson. How can I help?"

I work in the writers department, though writing isn't my only interest. I also like volunteering to voice act and draw in my free time. I'm the only Canadian in the writers department (that I know of). I enjoy listening to Mister Fain's and Mister Lawrence's music. It helps take my mind off of those blasted GENT pipes.

(Untilted's Note: Hudson is my BATIM Sona that I use when I'm role playing. As a Sona, he represents me! However, there are a few things that don't represent me: He's 18. I'm not 18 yet. He's 5'5. I wish I was that tall, but no. Hudson isn't my real name, but I'm absolutely okay if you call me that regardless if you're role playing. I just wanted to let you all know. )

(Feel free role play with my BATIM Sona! He and I don't bite. HOWEVER, if you say anything nasty, you will be ignored or blocked. If you've seen my intro, you know what I don't tolerate. You can catch Hudson interacting in BATIM ask blogs, such as:




and probably more! (Btw please check out these guys, they're pretty cool ^ ^. I feel like I should mention this, Hudson's tag is: Writer Hudson. I know. SO original XD.)

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How Could You?

“Mister Lawrence?”

I turned around, only to be met with my apprentice. He shuffled awkwardly, half of him hiding beneath the door. I then stared hard at my desk, letting out a sigh. Without meaning to, I dropped my book, music sheets spilling onto the floor. The yellowing papers swept up dust on the floorboards, I only narrowed my eyes at this. “What do you want, Johnny?” I muttered, kicking off my chair to retrieve the papers. I heard him slowly cracking my office door wide open and taking a few steps in.  Bending down, my hands furiously grabbed the scattered papers. I didn’t look at him. “Sorry to interrupt, but the band is waiting for you.” He said meekly. His British accent caught me off guard. I stood up, carelessly plopping the bundle of papers on my desk. I turned to him, an eyebrow raised. Today, he was dressed in a pale blue vest, buttoned up white collar shirt and brown slacks. I groaned, “Can’t they just warm up right now?” He hesitated, before he spoke, “They’ve been doing that, but..they’re getting impatient.” He nervously blew his light chestnut hair out of his face. I gritted my teeth, resisting the urge to yell. “Then tell them to wait.” I growled. Johnny frowned, avoiding eye contact with me. In a small voice he responded, “You said that…two hours ago.” Silence. 

I stormed through the vacant hallways, not even waiting for Johnny. Posters were plastered every four feet it seemed. With their cartoonish style, they all stared at me and smiled. This only fed my annoyance. The lights above me flickered and buzzed, making my shadow grow long behind me.

 God, my head hurts. Even though my feet were slamming down on the creaky wooden boards, I could hear Johnny jogging after me. “Mister Lawrence, wait up! I’m sure we could make a compromise with the band, maybe even-” “ENOUGH.” I barked at him. Irritation makes a nest inside my brain. Though, deep down, I do feel a little guilty. Trying to simmer down, I cleared my throat. “Johnny, is your brother already in his booth?” I asked, making a sharp left turn.  He hurried after, finally keeping up with my pace. “Last time I checked, yeah. Though, he was pretty mad that you didn’t show up.” I scoffed, rolling my eyes. Honestly, it felt like without me, the whole god damn music department would explode. “Tch-well, he better be there.” I huffed. 

Before Johnny could answer, I halted only to be met with a chattering river of musicians flooding out of the music department. Baffled, I yelled at one of the passing tuba players, Rick. “Mister Hoffleman! Where the hell are you-” With dark glaring green eyes, the middle aged man snapped at me, “Shut yer yap, Lawrence! It’s been two months of the same shit ya make us go through. Well, we’re tired of it.” He growled at me, his southern accent lacing his words. I recoiled back, almost stumbling into Johnny! If Johnny apologized, I couldn’t hear it. Not when my blood was roaring in my ears. I watched Rick stomp away, his brown suit jacket hanging from his shoulder.  I didn’t even notice that my jaw was hanging wide open, until Johnny quietly mentioned it to me.  I couldn’t speak, I couldn’t command them to stay. I just stood there, and while I did, lots of folks hissed complaints and glares at me when they passed by. Is this what it feels like? To be powerless? I don’t know why I’m so surprised. I’ve felt this before. When he left.

Turns out, Norman was still in his booth, packing up his projector. Even though the booth was mostly consumed by lingering shadows, we could hear him shuffling around.  I stared up at him, only for him to swing around and glare from above.  “Oh great, the all mighty composer finally arrived.” He said flatly, his dark grey eyes narrowing. With a grunt, he placed the metal projector on a rusted steel cart. “Polk, what happened?” I yelled, still looking up at the booth.  The shadows answered with another grunt, “Whaddya mean what happened, Lawrence? They’re fed up.” A pause. When I didn’t answer, he continued, “Look, I dunno what you’ve been doin these past months, but Jesus, can’t ya just compose the band ON TIME??  Some days, the doors are locked and no one can get in. Why? ‘Cause ya keep forgettin to unlock ‘em. Meaning WE can’t do what we need to do.” I felt my stomach tightened while my fists were clenched. “Can’t you just get Franks to unlock the damn door?” I retorted hotly. “Kid keeps forgettin his keys.” He replied with a monotone voice. I let out an exasperated sigh, feeling my nerves being shot left and right. Norman said nothing else and with that I turned around. I  watched Johnny struggling to gather all the music stands. Taking a deep breath, I walked over to him and helped him put them away in the storage room.  I didn’t say anything. Despite how clumsy or frantic this kid is, I didn’t hate him. He’s a good apprentice.

 Well, decent anyway. 

After stacking up the chairs and cautiously putting instruments in their cases, we were done. During that whole time, I didn’t mutter a word. I was too absorbed in my thoughts.  Was working with Mister Drew on his project really making me digress  from what needs to be done? Surely, I could balance them both. Right? No. I couldn’t and today proved that. Bitter disappointment felt like a knife in my gut, wedging itself further and further in.  I felt something sting my eyes, rubbing them. Jesus, was I so powerless that I was having a stupid CRYING FIT?! I muttered something to myself, when suddenly, I felt a gentle hand clamped on my shoulder. “It’s okay to cry, Mister Lawrence! It’’s been a tough day, but..there’s always tomorrow!” Johnny exclaimed, his eyes brightening.  I stared at him for a moment, actually looking at him. His face looked similar to Normans, same nose, and structure.  Light chestnut hair with streaks of dark brown while his eyes..well. One was dark grey, like Norman, but his other eye was a dark auburn.  Wasn’t that called.. Heterochromia? I think that's what it's called.

Anyhow, he just smiled at me sympathetically.  Without thinking, I smiled back at him.  “I..suppose you’re right.” I said, nodding curtly. He slipped his hand off my shoulder and walked over to the piano. “So, about that music sheet you sent me home with yesterday, I practiced it and I think I got it?” He smiled, sitting down on the chair and straightening his composure.  I was stunned. He practiced it? Hell, I didn’t even tell him to do that. Though, of course, I was skeptical.  I pulled up a stool and gestured for him to start. He cracked his fingers, staring down at the keys and gave it his all. There were a few slip ups, but I was impressed at how beautiful the melody was. And how Johnny was so focused on the piece. When he was done, he paused, before hesitantly turning his head to look at me.  I stood up from my wooden stool and placed my hand on his shoulder. “Good work.” I praised, smiling at him slightly. 

I swear his eyes lit like bright stars. I was proud of him. Even though I failed the band, I didn’t fail him.  Until…I did. 

It’s been a few months since that moment. 

I looked at my shaking right hand, a smoking pistol was tightly in my grasp. 

Oh Johnny. I’m so sorry.




Tags :

How Could You?

“Mister Lawrence?”

I turned around, only to be met with my apprentice. He shuffled awkwardly, half of him hiding beneath the door. I then stared hard at my desk, letting out a sigh. Without meaning to, I dropped my book, music sheets spilling onto the floor. The yellowing papers swept up dust on the floorboards, I only narrowed my eyes at this. “What do you want, Johnny?” I muttered, kicking off my chair to retrieve the papers. I heard him slowly cracking my office door wide open and taking a few steps in.  Bending down, my hands furiously grabbed the scattered papers. I didn’t look at him. “Sorry to interrupt, but the band is waiting for you.” He said meekly. His British accent caught me off guard. I stood up, carelessly plopping the bundle of papers on my desk. I turned to him, an eyebrow raised. Today, he was dressed in a pale blue vest, buttoned up white collar shirt and brown slacks. I groaned, “Can’t they just warm up right now?” He hesitated, before he spoke, “They’ve been doing that, but..they’re getting impatient.” He nervously blew his light chestnut hair out of his face. I gritted my teeth, resisting the urge to yell. “Then tell them to wait.” I growled. Johnny frowned, avoiding eye contact with me. In a small voice he responded, “You said that…two hours ago.” Silence. 

I stormed through the vacant hallways, not even waiting for Johnny. Posters were plastered every four feet it seemed. With their cartoonish style, they all stared at me and smiled. This only fed my annoyance. The lights above me flickered and buzzed, making my shadow grow long behind me.

 God, my head hurts. Even though my feet were slamming down on the creaky wooden boards, I could hear Johnny jogging after me. “Mister Lawrence, wait up! I’m sure we could make a compromise with the band, maybe even-” “ENOUGH.” I barked at him. Irritation makes a nest inside my brain. Though, deep down, I do feel a little guilty. Trying to simmer down, I cleared my throat. “Johnny, is your brother already in his booth?” I asked, making a sharp left turn.  He hurried after, finally keeping up with my pace. “Last time I checked, yeah. Though, he was pretty mad that you didn’t show up.” I scoffed, rolling my eyes. Honestly, it felt like without me, the whole god damn music department would explode. “Tch-well, he better be there.” I huffed. 

Before Johnny could answer, I halted only to be met with a chattering river of musicians flooding out of the music department. Baffled, I yelled at one of the passing tuba players, Rick. “Mister Hoffleman! Where the hell are you-” With dark glaring green eyes, the middle aged man snapped at me, “Shut yer yap, Lawrence! It’s been two months of the same shit ya make us go through. Well, we’re tired of it.” He growled at me, his southern accent lacing his words. I recoiled back, almost stumbling into Johnny! If Johnny apologized, I couldn’t hear it. Not when my blood was roaring in my ears. I watched Rick stomp away, his brown suit jacket hanging from his shoulder.  I didn’t even notice that my jaw was hanging wide open, until Johnny quietly mentioned it to me.  I couldn’t speak, I couldn’t command them to stay. I just stood there, and while I did, lots of folks hissed complaints and glares at me when they passed by. Is this what it feels like? To be powerless? I don’t know why I’m so surprised. I’ve felt this before. When he left.

Turns out, Norman was still in his booth, packing up his projector. Even though the booth was mostly consumed by lingering shadows, we could hear him shuffling around.  I stared up at him, only for him to swing around and glare from above.  “Oh great, the all mighty composer finally arrived.” He said flatly, his dark grey eyes narrowing. With a grunt, he placed the metal projector on a rusted steel cart. “Polk, what happened?” I yelled, still looking up at the booth.  The shadows answered with another grunt, “Whaddya mean what happened, Lawrence? They’re fed up.” A pause. When I didn’t answer, he continued, “Look, I dunno what you’ve been doin these past months, but Jesus, can’t ya just compose the band ON TIME??  Some days, the doors are locked and no one can get in. Why? ‘Cause ya keep forgettin to unlock ‘em. Meaning WE can’t do what we need to do.” I felt my stomach tightened while my fists were clenched. “Can’t you just get Franks to unlock the damn door?” I retorted hotly. “Kid keeps forgettin his keys.” He replied with a monotone voice. I let out an exasperated sigh, feeling my nerves being shot left and right. Norman said nothing else and with that I turned around. I  watched Johnny struggling to gather all the music stands. Taking a deep breath, I walked over to him and helped him put them away in the storage room.  I didn’t say anything. Despite how clumsy or frantic this kid is, I didn’t hate him. He’s a good apprentice.

 Well, decent anyway. 

After stacking up the chairs and cautiously putting instruments in their cases, we were done. During that whole time, I didn’t mutter a word. I was too absorbed in my thoughts.  Was working with Mister Drew on his project really making me digress  from what needs to be done? Surely, I could balance them both. Right? No. I couldn’t and today proved that. Bitter disappointment felt like a knife in my gut, wedging itself further and further in.  I felt something sting my eyes, rubbing them. Jesus, was I so powerless that I was having a stupid CRYING FIT?! I muttered something to myself, when suddenly, I felt a gentle hand clamped on my shoulder. “It’s okay to cry, Mister Lawrence! It’’s been a tough day, but..there’s always tomorrow!” Johnny exclaimed, his eyes brightening.  I stared at him for a moment, actually looking at him. His face looked similar to Normans, same nose, and structure.  Light chestnut hair with streaks of dark brown while his eyes..well. One was dark grey, like Norman, but his other eye was a dark auburn.  Wasn’t that called.. Heterochromia? I think that's what it's called.

Anyhow, he just smiled at me sympathetically.  Without thinking, I smiled back at him.  “I..suppose you’re right.” I said, nodding curtly. He slipped his hand off my shoulder and walked over to the piano. “So, about that music sheet you sent me home with yesterday, I practiced it and I think I got it?” He smiled, sitting down on the chair and straightening his composure.  I was stunned. He practiced it? Hell, I didn’t even tell him to do that. Though, of course, I was skeptical.  I pulled up a stool and gestured for him to start. He cracked his fingers, staring down at the keys and gave it his all. There were a few slip ups, but I was impressed at how beautiful the melody was. And how Johnny was so focused on the piece. When he was done, he paused, before hesitantly turning his head to look at me.  I stood up from my wooden stool and placed my hand on his shoulder. “Good work.” I praised, smiling at him slightly. 

I swear his eyes lit like bright stars. I was proud of him. Even though I failed the band, I didn’t fail him.  Until…I did. 

It’s been a few months since that moment. 

I looked at my shaking right hand, a smoking pistol was tightly in my grasp. 

Oh Johnny. I’m so sorry.




Tags :

How Could You?

“Mister Lawrence?”

I turned around, only to be met with my apprentice. He shuffled awkwardly, half of him hiding beneath the door. I then stared hard at my desk, letting out a sigh. Without meaning to, I dropped my book, music sheets spilling onto the floor. The yellowing papers swept up dust on the floorboards, I only narrowed my eyes at this. “What do you want, Johnny?” I muttered, kicking off my chair to retrieve the papers. I heard him slowly cracking my office door wide open and taking a few steps in.  Bending down, my hands furiously grabbed the scattered papers. I didn’t look at him. “Sorry to interrupt, but the band is waiting for you.” He said meekly. His British accent caught me off guard. I stood up, carelessly plopping the bundle of papers on my desk. I turned to him, an eyebrow raised. Today, he was dressed in a pale blue vest, buttoned up white collar shirt and brown slacks. I groaned, “Can’t they just warm up right now?” He hesitated, before he spoke, “They’ve been doing that, but..they’re getting impatient.” He nervously blew his light chestnut hair out of his face. I gritted my teeth, resisting the urge to yell. “Then tell them to wait.” I growled. Johnny frowned, avoiding eye contact with me. In a small voice he responded, “You said that…two hours ago.” Silence. 

I stormed through the vacant hallways, not even waiting for Johnny. Posters were plastered every four feet it seemed. With their cartoonish style, they all stared at me and smiled. This only fed my annoyance. The lights above me flickered and buzzed, making my shadow grow long behind me.

 God, my head hurts. Even though my feet were slamming down on the creaky wooden boards, I could hear Johnny jogging after me. “Mister Lawrence, wait up! I’m sure we could make a compromise with the band, maybe even-” “ENOUGH.” I barked at him. Irritation makes a nest inside my brain. Though, deep down, I do feel a little guilty. Trying to simmer down, I cleared my throat. “Johnny, is your brother already in his booth?” I asked, making a sharp left turn.  He hurried after, finally keeping up with my pace. “Last time I checked, yeah. Though, he was pretty mad that you didn’t show up.” I scoffed, rolling my eyes. Honestly, it felt like without me, the whole god damn music department would explode. “Tch-well, he better be there.” I huffed. 

Before Johnny could answer, I halted only to be met with a chattering river of musicians flooding out of the music department. Baffled, I yelled at one of the passing tuba players, Rick. “Mister Hoffleman! Where the hell are you-” With dark glaring green eyes, the middle aged man snapped at me, “Shut yer yap, Lawrence! It’s been two months of the same shit ya make us go through. Well, we’re tired of it.” He growled at me, his southern accent lacing his words. I recoiled back, almost stumbling into Johnny! If Johnny apologized, I couldn’t hear it. Not when my blood was roaring in my ears. I watched Rick stomp away, his brown suit jacket hanging from his shoulder.  I didn’t even notice that my jaw was hanging wide open, until Johnny quietly mentioned it to me.  I couldn’t speak, I couldn’t command them to stay. I just stood there, and while I did, lots of folks hissed complaints and glares at me when they passed by. Is this what it feels like? To be powerless? I don’t know why I’m so surprised. I’ve felt this before. When he left.

Turns out, Norman was still in his booth, packing up his projector. Even though the booth was mostly consumed by lingering shadows, we could hear him shuffling around.  I stared up at him, only for him to swing around and glare from above.  “Oh great, the all mighty composer finally arrived.” He said flatly, his dark grey eyes narrowing. With a grunt, he placed the metal projector on a rusted steel cart. “Polk, what happened?” I yelled, still looking up at the booth.  The shadows answered with another grunt, “Whaddya mean what happened, Lawrence? They’re fed up.” A pause. When I didn’t answer, he continued, “Look, I dunno what you’ve been doin these past months, but Jesus, can’t ya just compose the band ON TIME??  Some days, the doors are locked and no one can get in. Why? ‘Cause ya keep forgettin to unlock ‘em. Meaning WE can’t do what we need to do.” I felt my stomach tightened while my fists were clenched. “Can’t you just get Franks to unlock the damn door?” I retorted hotly. “Kid keeps forgettin his keys.” He replied with a monotone voice. I let out an exasperated sigh, feeling my nerves being shot left and right. Norman said nothing else and with that I turned around. I  watched Johnny struggling to gather all the music stands. Taking a deep breath, I walked over to him and helped him put them away in the storage room.  I didn’t say anything. Despite how clumsy or frantic this kid is, I didn’t hate him. He’s a good apprentice.

 Well, decent anyway. 

After stacking up the chairs and cautiously putting instruments in their cases, we were done. During that whole time, I didn’t mutter a word. I was too absorbed in my thoughts.  Was working with Mister Drew on his project really making me digress  from what needs to be done? Surely, I could balance them both. Right? No. I couldn’t and today proved that. Bitter disappointment felt like a knife in my gut, wedging itself further and further in.  I felt something sting my eyes, rubbing them. Jesus, was I so powerless that I was having a stupid CRYING FIT?! I muttered something to myself, when suddenly, I felt a gentle hand clamped on my shoulder. “It’s okay to cry, Mister Lawrence! It’’s been a tough day, but..there’s always tomorrow!” Johnny exclaimed, his eyes brightening.  I stared at him for a moment, actually looking at him. His face looked similar to Normans, same nose, and structure.  Light chestnut hair with streaks of dark brown while his eyes..well. One was dark grey, like Norman, but his other eye was a dark auburn.  Wasn’t that called.. Heterochromia? I think that's what it's called.

Anyhow, he just smiled at me sympathetically.  Without thinking, I smiled back at him.  “I..suppose you’re right.” I said, nodding curtly. He slipped his hand off my shoulder and walked over to the piano. “So, about that music sheet you sent me home with yesterday, I practiced it and I think I got it?” He smiled, sitting down on the chair and straightening his composure.  I was stunned. He practiced it? Hell, I didn’t even tell him to do that. Though, of course, I was skeptical.  I pulled up a stool and gestured for him to start. He cracked his fingers, staring down at the keys and gave it his all. There were a few slip ups, but I was impressed at how beautiful the melody was. And how Johnny was so focused on the piece. When he was done, he paused, before hesitantly turning his head to look at me.  I stood up from my wooden stool and placed my hand on his shoulder. “Good work.” I praised, smiling at him slightly. 

I swear his eyes lit like bright stars. I was proud of him. Even though I failed the band, I didn’t fail him.  Until…I did. 

It’s been a few months since that moment. 

I looked at my shaking right hand, a smoking pistol was tightly in my grasp. 

Oh Johnny. I’m so sorry.




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