Dec 17 - Tumblr Posts
Right now, Nisaba and Enki have the godly equivalent of Google Docs open, and are staring at a joint project. Enki, among his many talents as Organizer Of The World Order and Maker Of Stuff (see: sheep, grain), knows how to shape worlds out of binary code as easily as Ninhursag (his wife) can shape people out of clay. His is the power of knowledge, for knowledge gives you the grasp of the soul of a thing. Nisaba is the written word itself, numbers, and the recording of that knowledge. They're pretty proud of this bizarre brainchild. It's grown in unexpected ways, thrown a few pudding cups and accidentally made entirely new concepts, but all in all it seems to be going well. It's been in the care and keeping of their pet project, humanity, for several decades now, and adopted several interesting personality quirks. Inanna, the lady of passion and violence and the precipice of night, loves this new thing humans have access to. She revels in the snuff films and porn viruses, the beauty blogs and military histories. All of the gods want in on the action when humans learn how to communicate, but none do so to better effect than her. But now these three gods are staring at one another, blank faced. Nisaba of-ten-thousand-tongues just read aloud a DM from Inanna, lady-of-delight. She's excellent at reading comprehension and is possessed of an extraordinarily compelling voice, but she reads this with the methodical caution of a person asked to teach chemistry at a puppy training school. She runs it by her husband, Haia, who is the scribal god excelling in matters of economics. Surely he can provide some clarification on the message? At it happens, he can. He does so with a frown normally reserved for double-stuffed bookcases and sharpie redactions. Together, playing off of their strengths to shore up the shaky parts of Inanna's rather empassioned and emoji-riddled complaint, they present the whole of the issue to Father Enki. Enki, on being presented with it, promptly summoned all involved. All are in favor of protecting children and advocating for human rights and freedoms, this is a given. The fact that these two goals might be opposed is a bit of a joke, but it isn't a funny joke by any means. Nisaba is carefully dragging a graphite-dusted nail over the Constitution of the United States. Inanna has somehow set her bra on fire and is casually tossing physical copies of several internet posts on it to keep the present company warm. Enki and Haia are discussing the logistics behind the issue while the goddesses gather ammunition. December 17 is the International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers. December 17 is Wright Brothers Day, commemorating the first successful flight. If ever there were a day for big changes, if ever there were a day to NOT piss off a goddess who personifies sex and violence, it would be that day. The Internet in all its forms is ours, just as the domestication of animals is ours now. The gods can only do so much, though they are vast beyond our wildest daydreams. And right now while Inanna flaunts nipple rings and a rainbow wrap skirt, and Nisaba pulls up research on cis male breastfeeding and every freedom of speech court case known to man? At this very moment, while Haia combs business records and the dictated notes of corporate meetings? Enki is sitting behind his Power Desk(tm) fiddling with a fidget spinner, waiting to see which way this chemical cocktail will explode. He'll make his move if he must, when he must. For now, his apkallu are bustling around the lower offices, and they're always at their most adorable when hard at work. Everyone is politely ignoring the fact that they don't actually want the big man to make a move. The last time that was necessary, he was saving mankind from a flood brought about by his brother's divine annoyance. Surely, the apkallu whisper. Surely it won't come to that? Enki spins his fidget spinner, scrolls through a few more memes, and waits.
Tumblr Is For Adults/Teenagers ONLY Websites
Admin/Mun:What the Actual Fuck,Tumblr!?!? This Is For ADULTS/TEENAGERS ONLY Websites,NOT Fucking Kids/Childrens!!!! God It's Making Me Seriously Pissed And Furious At Tumblr And FUCKING Kids/Childrens!!
Admin/Mun:Me @ Tumblr and Kids/Childrens at the "Banning All NSFW" Posts/Videos/Etc....
Admin/Mun:I'm Reblogging This Cause Literally NOBODY Else Wants To!!
Admin/Mun:Me @ Tumblr and Kids/Childrens at the “Banning All NSFW” Posts/Videos/Etc….