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Despicable Me Master List

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Dru Gru
Felonious Gru
Maxime Le Mal

Dru Gru Masterlist

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[Fluff] Dru Relationship Headcanons

Dru Gru Romantic Headcanons

Requested by: Nobody Warnings: None Readers Gender: Gender Neutral Fanfic Type: Headcanons Fanfic Genre: Fluff Word Count: 869

A/N: I know Dru is a old man but gosh he's such a cutie I cant help but love this character- hear me out-

• Due to how Dru grew up with his father always reminding him of being a failure for every second of his life, he grew overly clingy to people who ever remotely liked him platonically or romantically. Was often left alone having no friends and all. He was homeschooled, so he did his own thing by himself as a kid since his father didn't allow anyone into the mansion without his say so. Let's just say his father was very distrusting with people, only person he could trust was Fritz.
• Dru is not really experienced in romance, but he does his best to learn how to be a perfect partner! Romantic encounters were always very rare for Dru, if you could even call them that… The so called few who were interested were only interested in money, you know, those type of toxic people. Those encounters still stick with Dru… often making him feel insecure and paranoid, since he gave his heart, mind, and soul to the people “interested” in him, seeing their interest in him as genuine.. He didn't read the room in time and got hurt in the end emotionally. Falls for people too quickly, an absolute hopeless romantic.
• Speaking of emotional, he's very emotional, more so then Gru who isn't really. Being emotional doesn't mean it's always a negative of course, but it definitely makes certain situations a bit more challenging for Dru.
• Persuading Dru romantically would be a challenge, since he's quite dense when it comes to love, and due to his past experiences with it as I explained - as friendly and sweet as he may seem, he keeps a lot of his true self tucked away, afraid of being hurt again, so I’ll be definitely a slow process before anything romantic would come about.
• Dru’s always down to be anyone's friend, but being romantically pursued or romantically seeking someone? Help the poor lad he doesn't know what to do or how to respond.
• Like he does with people he cares about, he also rubs his face against his lover…. way more often, and afterwards kisses. Continuous hugs, he’s needy and lonely. If his S/O isn't the physically affectionate type, well they better adapt. Dru’s a total cuddle bug. 100% his love language.
• Also gift giving too. He would go way overboard often. If he sees something his S/O likes he’ll look for anything else like it and buy it for them as a surprise. Always has treats he gives his S/O too making sure they're properly fed and loved. Being a gift giver Christmas and birthdays is his favourite times of the year.
• Dru started a tradition of dressing up as “evil” Santa and cause mischief around the neighbourhood for fun a week before Christmas. His nieces, mostly Edith, drag Dru’s S/O into their “festivities” causing mayham. Pretty innocent pranks and mischief.
• Dru may be considered a villan despite his villainous nature, but gosh he's so loving and protective. Pure and true and would never truly hurt anyone unless provoked to do so. Dru is just a thief with only some morals, well, close to morally grey but not really. If anyone hurt Dru’s family or S/O, though usually a coward, turns into a knight of shining armour. That's were his skills really come into play, usually holding himself back due to low confidence outside of that, he doesn't when it comes to protecting his loved ones.
• Still learning boundaries. If he has a not so physically affectionate partner, he can completely miss the boundaries quite a lot in the moment, oblivious to his partner's discomfort. Always profusely apologises after and making up for it by giving them space. He just can't help himself to be close to his S/O… he loves their touch.
• Same thing if his partner doesn't want to talk about something that's bothering them. Sometimes he can read the room of the tense vibes, so he often accidentally pressures his partner to share what's going on, not out of anything malicious he has good intentions even if it's not the best decision to choose at the moment, so communication is key for being in a relationship with Dru as he often misses social cues. Doesn't do it on purpose that's just how he is.
• If his S/O is sad, bothered, any uncomfy feeling, as Dru has done many times before, wallow in silence while eating ice cream in bed with them, or whatever his partner may like that's a comfort food for them.
• Supppperrr affectionate and sweet, very wholesome, obviously, also obnoxiously affectionate, but he always means well. Wants a family of his own one day. If his S/O doesn't he's fine with accepting that fact… yet it doesn't take away the fact that he’s a family man at heart, but would rather make his S/O happy if it meant not having one.
• Loves loves LOVES taking his S/O on dates. His favourites are when they're at the beach… or when they're doing a heist together as they're running for their lives with loads of loot with the help of minions. He sees it as a "romantic date” what a goober.