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3 years ago

Being In The Super Incredible Family Would Include...

Being In The Super Incredible Family Would Include...

Being the older sibling of Violet, Dash, and Jack Jack

Meaning your the one who ends up breaking up most arguments and fights

And starting some

Especially when Mrs. Incredible is busy with Jack Jack or making dinner

Whether you have powers or not, your always helping your family on missions

You somehow always manage to get stuck with Jack Jack

Bob and Helen are thankfully for the helpful role you play in this chaotic family

You always help Dash and Violet cover up their powers at school

Knowing that your Dad sneakily plays hero with Frozone from time to time

And managing to convince him to bring you along at least once

Bob was so proud, but... Helen was furious when she found out

You and Bob were both grounded for a while

You always liking the idea of being a super one day (if you have powers)

Hating the fact that supers were illegal for so long, and even trying to protest to make supers legal again

Loving the many stories your parents told about defeating bad guys and protecting the city

Despite being in dangerous positions MANY times, you loved the adventures you and your family went on

But not liking the almost dying several times thing

Despite your life being very secretive, and dangerous, you’re glad to be a part of such a loving superfamily

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3 years ago

Headcanons in Wreck it Ralph of when Ralph finds out from Gene that you (Felixs younger twin sister) was the only person in his game that actually treated him as a actual person when he came back to find everyone gone and Gene said that you actually defended him when he and the rest of the characters were at odds and Ralph was so stupid for not realising that you actually cared about him enough to go out of your game with your older twin brother to look for him. Ralph's reaction to realising your feelings for him as well.

I have a strong feeling that you’d be good at writing fanfics. You have a lot of amazing ideas and scenarios. And, As always, I enjoyed writing this!

Ralph had finally gotten his medal!

Finally, after going through so much to get it in the hero’s duty and sneaking around and getting into trouble with Vanellope…

Then breaking her heart when he broke her racing car into pieces

But hey! He got his medal but felt even more like a bad guy than he did before

So maybe even though things weren’t right with Venellope, maybe he could get the life he always wanted in his own game.

Living the dream in the Penthouse, with you, the Nicelanders, and Felix

He’d actually feel like he belonged in his own game for once, right?

But once he got there everyone was gone. Everyone had left, and Gene was the last one left but it didn’t matter because he was leaving too

Gene went on to explain what happened when Ralph decided to go turbo.

How the gamers thought the game was broken, how you and Felix left to go look for Ralph(and still hadn’t returned), and how in the morning the game would be unplugged for good.

But one thing stuck out the most for Ralph, Gene talking about how you defended Ralph before you and Felix left to go search for him.

Gene’s teary eyes didn’t go unnoticed by Ralph either

You defended him? You defended Ralph, the so called bad guy, to the point you almost made Gene cry?

And even though Ralph did such a horrible thing, going turbo, just to get a stupid medal, you still defended him and went to go look for him?

Ralph suddenly realized a lot. He knew he’d messed up, big time.

He realized how dumb he was to let his own game go out of order just so he could get a stupid “hero” medal.

And maybe the reason you defended him and went searching for him was because you cared for Ralph more than he ever realized?

He’d always felt the same way about you. But he’d never thought you’d ever feel the same way about him.

He knew he needed to fix this. Not for himself. But for you, and everyone else he had wronged.

For once, Wreck-It-Ralph needed to fix what he broke.

And finding you and Felix was the first step to fixing things.

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