Do You Have Any Tips? - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago


hello!!! i’m making a notes post because i saw people doing them and thought it would be fun :D

10 notes— i’ll make a serious effort to go to bed before 12:30 a.m once school starts

20 notes— i’ll drink more than half a glass of water a day (uhhh let’s say three glasses a day at least) currently doing it!!

30 notes— i’ll post all of my wildlife pictures!!

40 notes— i’ll paint my nails in a fun design and post it on here

50 notes— i’ll learn the instrumentals to some songs on piano

60 notes— i’ll add an email/way to contact me outside of tumblr dms to my intro post done!! email is, please ask before emailing me and remember that i am a minor! that email also works on google chat :D

70 notes— i’ll try to start eating meals more regularly (not that i don’t eat enough, structure just helps me) doing it!!

100 notes— i’ll actually start writing some of my fanfiction ideas

150 notes— i’ll post some of my drawings on here

200 notes— i’ll actually use my sideblogs (especially the newsies rp one) and tag them in my intro post

250 notes— i’ll try to make more friends irl (and be more myself with the ones i have)

500 notes— i’ll post a cover of superboy and the invisible girl from next to normal on here (if you all promise to be nice about my voice)

550 notes— i’ll start a youtube channel on which i will post song covers!!

750 notes— i’ll post covers of songs that you guys choose (my range is about d3-e6… tentatively)

1000 notes— i’ll MAYBE do a face reveal

1100 notes— i’ll talk to my doctor about my back/joint pain

9000 notes— i’ll be more honest with my therapist

10000 notes— i’ll seriously consider getting a neuropsych test (my therapist suggested it)

i’ll probably add more things as i think of them but yeah!! thank you :DDD

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