Does Anyone Have Tissues - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

an excerpt i took from your fic, 'daddys got you pt.2'

"For a moment, he remained still, his eyes locked on yours. Could you learn to see your reflection in them instead?"

i feel so strongly about this small part that i had to come on here to express it. not only about this fic but your works as a whole.

you are such a talented writer, through and through. reading that made me feel an overwhelming wave of different emotions which is something only a true writer like yourself could accomplish. i hope you never feel a lick of doubt when it comes to your capabilities and what you have to offer in this small corner of the internet, along with what i believe you could achieve outside of it. please never listen to any sort of negativity you may get.

true artists like yourself are harder to come by nowadays and i consider myself lucky to be able to witness you flourish. continue producing this amazing writing at your own pace, your own style, etc. its beautiful.

thank you for dedicating so much time into these works, i hope you live a very amazing and successful life <3

I'm, well

An Excerpt I Took From Your Fic, 'daddys Got You Pt.2'

this fic means a lot to me, well, all my fics do in a way, and :( thank you for making it so easy for me to share my work, thank you for reading it and cheering me on, there is no way I could have done that without you all... I hope you take these words to heart and love yourself like you deserve, always ❤️

writing is such a huge part of me, I'm so honored and touched you feel that way and I will never forget it... thank you for believing in me and just overall, thank you. ❤️

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