Doing More Harm Than Good - Tumblr Posts
This is someone you should NOT reblog from. Look at their entire blog please. IDK is they are really a westerner(in which case they should shut up) or not but “assuming you can do anything to help in a complex situation smacks of imperialism” is,at this particular moment in time,a troll move. People in Ukraine are currently begging for help right now. There are no situations that are not complex,but this one is even pretty straightforward. Westerners can take their philosophy and teatime debates on whether we should be allowed our own countries or not to their private chats,Eastern Europe does not need to see them. And trolls should go straight to hell,I fucking loathe you.
SOME of those links were neo-nazis because someone compiled the list in a hurry. MOST of the other sources are legit and you will find them on any Ukrainian post asking for help. You are spreading disinformation yourself.
“But when I don’t support states existing in general, I’m not going to suddenly throw the weight of my opinion behind the Ukrainian state. I’d argue that’s a consistent anarchist position”
I argue that you should shut up entirely. You are not being neutral but doing putin’s bidding by saying you don’t care about states. People are dying and will fucking die,good to know you don’t care about ‘states existing’ on your cozy little island.
“I’m trying to equally advocate for Ukrainian refugees, and will actively offer them my support if/when I am able to. “
The best way to support is to PREVENT them from becoming refugees,by helping them defend their country.
If there are donation links that are sketchy,cause there always are,and you want to help with the disinformation war,debunk them. But someone else did that already.
Get your troll posts out of here. I bet you wouldn’t talk philosophy about whether your own country should exist or not,when you are the one who is being invaded.
I think, over the coming days, it's really important to be careful and think critically about what we post and reblog. I think it's important to remember that just as the average person in Ukraine didn't want this, neither did your average, ordinary russian. It's important to consider that some of the paramilitary groups in Ukraine are neo-nazi organisations, so giving them money probably isn't a good idea.
Assuming you can do anything to help or intervene in a very complex situation smacks of imperialism.
Be aware there's going to be a lot of propaganda from both sides.
The one thing that is almost certainly true is that people will be displaced from this conflict, and countries who are posing as supportive of Ukraine will no doubt not be welcoming to Ukrainian refugees (let alone Russian refugees). So if you're looking at this and thinking "I must do something" that might be a good place to start.