Dont Forget Me When Youre Famous - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago


october writing prompt #7 - accident + sick / injury


character: jamil viper, twisted wonderland - others mentioned

contains: oc used as main character - not an x reader, slight yandere themes, male main character

view the oc here. for basics, he's more or less a black panther beastman (referred to as hybrid, as they are different things, but similar) named yuujirou. you can read the fanfic i'm writing for him here (quotev) or here (ao3).

Looking at the serpent in front of him, Yuujirou couldn't help but purse his lips with just a hint of distaste - nothing against Jamil, of course, but rather against what him being here meant.

You see, it wasn't exactly an ideal situation that the hybrid found himself in. It never seemed like it was.

Kalim had drug him into attending one of Scarabia's infamously spontaneous parties last night, and Yuujirou had ended up becoming ill. Not that he minded - leaving the gathering early was all but a blessing.

But, today, he was unfortunately made to stay home. So, here he was in Ramshackle, resting as much as he could without having Grim in his sights. He hadn't been expecting Jamil, evidently, especially with the blankets he had draped around him like a cloak, and his obvious bed-head.

"...So. Kalim sent you?"

"Yes, he insisted upon it." Jamil sighed, his stony façade breaking as he studied the panther with sharp eyes, relaxing in his presence and adjusting the items in his hold. Likely, a form of apology from Kalim. "Where has Grim gone off too? I thought he'd be taking the day off from classes as well."

He seemed fine for the most part, the serpent noted, despite how urgent he had been to just get out last night. For a moment there, he had even seemed like he was going to run out without any supervision to ensure that he would recover.

Everyone knew how impossible it was to find the hybrid when he wanted to remain hidden, so Jamil had been tasked with coaxing him back to Ramshackle - something he took pride in doing well even if it had led to him seeing the more concerning notes of last night.

The hybrid had been sick, violently so, and dazed beyond belief. It was something... far from comforting to see, knowing how sharp and present Yuujirou was at all times. Keeping him focused and cooperative was nearly impossible, but somehow, he had figured it out. A fact he was quite proud of - and one that had depressed Kalim to no end.

The panther hummed lightly, bringing the other back to the present, relaxing at the thought of his cub and gesturing for Jamil to come sit at the dining table with him.

"Jade offered to look after him for the day when he came by with Floyd this morning. He was quite upset when he heard that I wouldn't be there to help him stay entertained today, and when it came up Jade mentioned that it was the least he could do since I'm ill, with how much Floyd clings to me."

Jamil took a seat parallel from him, but cringed at the mention of the eels. "I truly... do not understand how you and them get along so well. But, I suppose that's not truly my business... It's likely better that you don't have to watch Grim while you're recovering, anyways. He must be a handful."

A nod from Yuujirou, and a thoughtful hum, even if he wouldn't have described the kit like that himself he couldn't deny the statements truth.

There's a moment of comfortable silence, both of them relaxing in the quiet company, and then shuffling when Jamil starts to present the things that he had brought with him.

"...I did my best to help Kalim select things that you would find useful, but I wasn't sure if there was any differences in medicines between beastmen and hybrids. If anything is out of place, let me know." His tone is clipped, but not unfriendly, and Yuujirou nods in understanding as his tail lazily swishes behind him.

"How are you feeling? Really, I'm unsure of how this even happened - I'll ensure that I find the mistake and amend it accordingly. If there's outside work to blame, I'll correct whoever thought to do this."

Yuujirou cocked his head at the sudden dark tone that Jamil's voice took, attentive as he looked at him with curious eyes.

"I'm sure it was just an accident, Jamil." He soothed unintentionally, not even noticing how much the serpent softened upon hearing his smooth voice. "That, or perhaps it was just something I'm unused to. There's many foods like that here, I've found... And, combined with the noise..."

It's the others turn to be curious, this time, full attention affixed to the hybrid in front of him at the casual admittance of what seemed to be a continued issue.

"Oh?" He prompted, but upon only receiving a nod, continued. "That seems that it would be quite a possibility, as well... Perhaps I'll have to ensure that you're able to experience more of the cuisine of the Scalding Sands..."

"And of the noise... I wish there was more I could do." Jamil sighs heavily, a wrinkle on his nose to go with his distasteful expression.

His eyes flick to Yuujirou's ears, almost hidden in his messy black hair, before focusing back on his face. Looking closely, one might've noticed his pupils dilate ever so slightly and how the slightest flush creeped up to his cheekbones, betraying his true emotions. He truly did care for the hybrid, didn’t he?

Clearing his throat, he regains both his train of thought and his composure, and continues. "As fond as Kalim is of you, I'm not quite sure that he'd give up on getting you to attend his meaningless celebrations."

Jamil doesn't bother to hold back the undercurrent of disdain in his voice as he normally would, sighing with a roll of his eyes, being rewarded by an affirming hum coming from Yuujirou.

"...I'm sure we'll work out a solution." Is what he decides upon answering, nuzzling into the blankets around him without much a thought, not even paying attention to how the serpent's heartbeat quickened as he sighed out in obvious contentment.

"I'd like to go back to resting, I think." The panther states after a few more moments of silence, blinking and rubbing his slightly bleary eyes. "You're free to take a break and stay at Ramshackle for awhile, if you'd like. It would be nice to have some good conversation."

Visibly lighting up, Jamil agrees before he can stop himself, and decides that it won't be so bad to get a bit behind on his tasks.

As long as he gets to stay with Yuujirou, and see this vulnerable state that few others were allowed to, he would be happy. It takes a moment for him to gain his composure, but once he does he helps the hybrid back up, letting him lead the way to the couch.

They spend the next while in comfortable quiet conversation, lazing as much as they could afford, soon falling into much needed sleep in each others company.

This will be quite the sight for whoever stumbles into them, hm?

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