Dont Know Where I Was Going With This - Tumblr Posts

something i like to do a lot is get into fandoms i know absolutely nothing about.

so whenever i get bored i just browse through the genres, choose an interesting title and swan dive into whatever hell is waiting for me.

i like to call this fandom hopping.

this can result in a few outcomes

i'll become hyper focused and obsessed with the fandom, losing sleep and reading as many stories as i can. the ship doesn't always matter

speaking of ships, i have a bad habit of shipping notps, rarepairs or nonexistent pairs. it's awful, i find either abandoned/hiatus fics or non at all. if im really lucky i can get a few pieces to read.

crossovers. you can find them in almost any fandom, whether it be cameos or intertwining storylines. the problem with this? i get interested and then i lose focus on the first fandom just to jump into a second fandom. then i keep jumping back and forth between them, maybe even another one due to another crossover. now i have 50+ tabs open and i lose interest for one reason or another and go into yet another fandom just for the cycle to begin again

i lost track of where i was going with this

sometimes, i wont even find something that holds my interest and continue to fandom hop. or i'll find something and not be in the mood for it so to the tab graveyard it goes. heck, i can be so concerned with finding the right fandom that any others i was previously in will be discarded without a thought only for me to freak out when i cant remember them or find them anymore.

will go into almost any fandom, doesnt matter if i dont like them or if i have never heard, watched or read any of their media. if im interested im interested, if im not im not.

i find a lot of porn fics, which y'know isnt bad but i crave more than just that. give me their happines, their pain, the good times and the bad. let me see them grow and mature, let me see them struggle to overcome whatever obstacles come their way. i want to see the successes and the failures. if i wanted to just read porn, because sometimes that's all that it is, i'd filter my tags.

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3 years ago

there is something missing

there is something missing - by that i mean it was never there and yet the empty space is gilded with want and the floor is shaking with longing, but i cannot give it what it wants.

there is something missing - by that i mean the sky is off a shade of blue and the minutes contain half a second to spare, and there is a weeping woman asking the wall for advice.

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