Dont Worry Big Sis Cirnu Will Protecc You - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago


Ara ara ara~?


She’s quite cute~

Decided To Make My Very First Twisted Wonderland Oc!! Tagging @angelprep @edda-blattfe @choconanime @eliphante123

Decided to make my very first Twisted Wonderland oc!! Tagging @angelprep @edda-blattfe @choconanime @eliphante123 and @randomikemendegen!! (character maker linked here)  

Name: Philyra Siren 

Dorm: Octavinelle

Year: 2nd

* The middle child to a family of merfolk, she and her sisters are known for their hauntingly beautiful singing. Though she doesn’t like singing as much seeing she’s often the one taking care of her sisters. Combine that with being the  middle child and you get a rather weak-willed mermaid. Sometimes she wishes the Magic Mirror put her in Ignihyde instead.

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