Dont Worry Those Mice Are Toys - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago
a screenshot of a default unreal engine map and an fps counter that says "6.90 fps"
banban and Banbaleena holding out their hands together. Banbaleena has cross eyes and a cross hat, now being a nurse.
a reference sheet for Banban. He looks like a worn mascot costume with sunken eyes, a messy lab coat, and a nametag that says "Uthman". to his right are his "children": three brightly colored rats that resemble toys, and a few brightly colored cockroaches with dots painted on them. at the very bottom is a rough kid's drawing of him holding a firecracker, saying, "spread joy!".

Guess whaaaatttttt

Also I don’t have any official names for this thang yet (just Birthday Garten) so you’re free to suggest! And also suggest ideas or tips and tricks with unreal!

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