Dp Writing Prompts - Tumblr Posts
At a Wayne Enterprises Networking Gala:
Bruce: So about that new employee, there’s been a lot of talk…you mentioned he’d be in attendance this evening?
Lucius: ah, Mr Fenton I presume? Yes, he’s fantastic really.
Bruce: So I’ve heard. Where’s the man hiding? I haven’t managed to bump into him yet.
Lucius: Mr Fenton has been squandered away to the children’s table I believe.
Bruce: the children’s table…?
Lucius: *points* there, the tallest one.
Bruce trained his gaze in the direction Lucius pointed, to come face to face with the peculiar sight of a wiry, 20-something year old, back haired, blue eyed man consumed in a heated argument with a chubby 6 year old girl in piggy tails.
Bruce: that’s-
Lucius: Yep, you’re gonna hate him. Best go introduce yourself!
Danny, discovering the Lazarus pit whilst him Damian and Jason have been captured by the League of Assassins for God Knows What Reason.
Danny, seeing the green pool: (Thinking) Ooh, that looks so familiar. I investigate.
Jason: Danny, stop. What the fuck are you doing.
Danny, crawling over to the pool whilst tied up: Just looking, calm your tits.
Jason, panicking and trying to untie himself: Danny, get away from there, right now.
Damian, rolling his eyes: Your struggling is futile. As much as I dislike Daniel, he is not stupid enough to-
Danny, sticks hand in: ….
Danny: Ouch, that fucking stings. I fix.
Lazarus pool vanishes
Danny: Much better. Now where were we?
Jason and Damian: The Fuck-