Dr James Wilson Imagine - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Bedhead: One

James Wilson x reader

Part Two Part Three Part Four


Bedhead: One
Bedhead: One
Bedhead: One

“That's not fair” you eye his naked torso to his bedhead. You're seriously contemplating calling in and spending the rest of your life, the day with him. Not that is a serious option, you both have work, but as long as he's here you’ll continue to enjoy the view. 

He’s slipping on one of his button ups as he turns to you with a dopey smile. “What are you talking about?” You don't answer right away to bust focusing on the little bit of skin you can still see as he puts more clothes on. You can't help but pout when hes fully dressed, you want more time to admire him. He didn't even shower this morning depriving you of the view of him in only a towel. 

“You look too pretty for just getting out of bed” your answer, made him chuckle. He moves back over to the bed, and places a kiss on your lips. Pulling away all too quickly, before he can get too far your pulling him back to you carding your fingers through his soft hair.

His will to leave is slowly demising the more your fingers tug on his hair and your tongue slides against his. He only pulls away when he feels you unbuttoning his shirt. You pout as he quickly moves out of your arms reach. Once again hes chuckling at your reaction. “While I would love to stay in bed with you we both have to get to work.” His voice is soft, too soft It makes you want to go back to bed.

You want him to stay in bed with you so the two of you could cuddle. Even if it's a losing battle you're not going to give up, because it means you get to admire him a little longer before you have to go to work and pretend you're not in a relationship. “Let's both call in and we can spend the rest of the day in bed, I promise to make it worth your wild.” Raise your eyebrows in a suggestive manner even going as far as biting your lip to really sell your point.

James is tempted for a moment until he remembers he has a meeting that he can’t cancel. He could tell them he’s seriously ill and just stay here, and he just might if you keep looking at him with those eyes.  

“I wish I could but…” you cut him off telling him you understand, doing your best to hide your disappointment. Deciding to get out of bed getting ready for another long day. You continue to watch James while you get ready frowning when he smooths down his bedhead. Something about perfect James Wilson having messy hair (the messy hair you caused) made you want him even more. 

Once you're both ready the two of you say your final goodbye placing a kiss on each other's lips and getting into your separate vehicles. You and James both decided when he first asked you on a date to keep it perfectly professional. Especially with you working for House. Surprisingly Wilson has been able to keep House from finding out about the two of you.


Its been five hours since you last saw James and you're beginning to have withdraws. House has had you and Cameron running test for over an hour, you only just now had the chance to slip away. Sneaking off to James office, you're in desperate need to mess up his hair again.

You're relieved to find his door cracked giving you hope he's all alone. You still knock in case someone is in there luckily for you hes all alone. Meaning you can put your plan into action. "Honey what are you doing here?" He eyes the door connecting his and houses balconies.

"I missed you" thats enough to have James heart melting. He rises from his seat and heads towards you as soon as hes close to you, you're pulling him close. His hands find their spot on your hips, placing a deep kiss on your lips. The two of you don't have nearly as much time as you would like, Cameron will get suspicious. So you have to move fast, carding your fingers through his once perfect hair. He groans into your mouth, grinding his hips against yours. Gosh... why did he have to be so delicious? His mouth is moving to your neck and your wishing this could continue but you have to go, thankfully you accomplished what you wanted. You messed up his hair.

Before things could progress any further you're pulling away much to James displeasure. "Are you really leaving after getting me all worked up?" You can be a tease but you've never done it at work. You're slipping out of the office leaving him with an uncomfortable situation in his pants.

He was not going to let you get away with this. 

Part Two Part Three Part Four

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1 year ago

Bedhead: Two

James Wilson x reader

Part One Part Three Part Four


Bedhead: Two
Bedhead: Two
Bedhead: Two

He was not going to let you get away with this. 

Wilson has already had his meeting meaning he could spend the rest of the day getting back at you. He heads over to Houses office, if he was going to tease you he had to find you. 

When he enters however only House, Chase and Foreman are there. House is at the whiteboard while Chase and Foreman are telling him what they found at the patient's home. They all turn to him when he enters, House giving him a suspicious look. “I don’t recall paging an oncologist” Wilson just rolls his eyes telling House he was just bored. 

There was something about Wilsons’ body language that told him it was more than that, and he was going to figure out what it was. Lately Wilsons been acting strange; he's not flirting with the nurses or any pretty women that crosses his path. So obviously he's got himself a girlfriend, one he's been keeping away from him. Now add in Wilsons’ sex hair that means his girlfriend was just here or more likely works here, interesting. 

You don’t notice Wilson right away to focused on reading the test result to House. It's only when you go to sit down you see the familiar face hair still messy from your rendezvous earlier. The sight made you gulp, why is he so hot?

Wilson on the other hand noticed you right away, watching your every move doing his best to keep his looks secret. Every little thing you did mesmerized him, the way you twirl your pen as you think to the way you wore your lab coat. You're too pretty not to admire. 

Houses’ voice pulled Wilson from his staring, House is giving you all your instructions. Telling Cameron and Chase to give the patient an MRI while Foreman talks to the husband. He then tells you and Wilson to run her blood test again. He was more than happy to get you alone getting the chance to finally tease you. 

“Check out this sample” your voice broke him from his trance, he clears his throat before leaning over you. His hands on either side of you as he looks through the microscope. He smells so nice.  it’s a good thing you don’t work with Wilson often you can’t focus on anything but him when he’s around. “I do hope you're not like this with everyone that asks you to look at a blood sample” He let out a breathy chuckle against your face, the sensation causing a chill to go up you. 

“What are you talking about? I'm just looking at a sample.” You might have believed him if it wasn’t for that stupid cocky smirk he wore. He's teasing you. 

“We're at work.” James has never teased you on purpose before except in the bedroom. You liked him acting like this. 

“You started this,” his voice is soft, his face still inches away from yours. So that's why he's acting like this. You had to disagree though, you're not the one that started this it was him, and that's what you tell him. “What do you mean I started this I’m not the one that initiated that kiss earlier” 

“You might as well have, you’ve been driving me crazy all day” before he can even question the meaning of your words you elaborate. “You and your perfect hair” now he's laughing like full laughing. A blush forms on your cheeks.

“So me and my Perfect hair have been driving you crazy all day” he’s still chuckling even as he talks. He’s lucky you're a sucker for his dimples otherwise you would have smacked that smile off his face. 

“Don’t make fun, I just liked your bedhead this morning compared to your normal perfect attire. You having unruly hair suits you.” Your voice tampers off into a whisper as you look back at a different blood sample. “And I liked being the reason the perfect James Wilson hair was messy” 

Wilson found himself smiling at your little admission. He gently moves your hair placing a sweet kiss on your neck. “You can mess up my hair anytime honey, but right now let's focus on the blood” you nod your head in agreement. 

Both of you get back to work unaware of the prying eyes of House down the hall.

Part One Part Three Part Four

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1 year ago

Bedhead: Three

James Wilson x reader

Part One Part Two Part Four


Bedhead: Three
Bedhead: Three
Bedhead: Three

Both of you get back to work unaware of the prying eyes of House down the hall. 

House makes his way back to his office ‘Wilson you dog’. House has been with Wilson through many girlfriends and wife's. If he's being honest he's surprised Wilson could land you in the first place. You're not his usual type for one you're not dying of anything.

He knew something was up with Wilson; he just didn’t know that thing was you. Wait a second… Wilson's sex hair this morning. He can not believe goody two-shoes Wilson would have sex at work. He couldn't believe that you would have sex at work.

He wonders when this all started, Wilson started acting strange three months back but when did he seal the deal with you? That's the question on his mind when all of you enter back in the room revealing each of your findings. 

At House's lack of response Cameron speaks up sass lacing her words. “Are you even listening?”

“No, I've got something more important on my mind.” he twirls in his chair looking over the five of them, his eyes stopping on Wilson for a second before turning back to Cameron. 

“What's more important than our dying patient”

“When Wilson and Y/n started sleeping together” The nonchalants of his tone contradicted the reaction of everyone in the room. Cameron, Chase and Foreman whip their head around while you just go bright red. Wilson on the other hand is glaring at House silently fuming at his audacity. 

“You're sleeping with Wilson” Cameron couldn’t believe it, neither could the boys both shocked into silence. 

“Not that it's any of your business” your eyes fall to House giving him a glare of your own “but yes me and Wilson have been seeing each other” 

“What are..” you're interrupting her getting things back on track and talking about the patient instead of your love life. 

After you finish the case hours later they decided it was finally time to play twenty questions. House and Wilson were having their own argument conversation in Wilson's office. Leaving you to fend for yourself against the three of your colleagues. 

Cameron was the most excited she was grilling you asking millions of questions: When did you start dating? Do you love him?, Who all knows?. It was like talking to your little sister, you did your best to answer all her questions. Once she ran out you looked over to the boys to see if they had any Foreman just shook his head saying a quick warning that now House knew he was bound to treat you differently.

That's one of the reasons you didn’t tell anyone you're nervous about what this means for your working relationship with House. Cameron forced him to take her on a date and he doesn’t treat her any differently than the rest of us so you should be okay but no one knows when it comes to House. Chases just shakes his head saying nope. 

With your interrogation being over you are grabbing your things and heading out the door. Wilsons waiting for you at the entrance, a sweet smile on his face when he sees you. “I hope you weren't waiting to long Cameron had a lot of question”

“No I just got down here a few moments ago had to put House in his place” his face soured at the thought, pulling you close to him. Now that House knew he didn’t really care if anyone saw. “I’m sorry he did that”

“You don’t have to apologize he was bound to find out, on the bright side now we don’t have to hide our relationship” Wilson nodded in agreement placing another kiss on your lips. 

“I love you” he whispered against your lips.

“I love you too” 

Part One Part Two Part Four

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1 year ago

Bedhead: Bonus (Four)

James Wilson x reader

Part One Part Two Part Three


Bedhead: Bonus (Four)
Bedhead: Bonus (Four)
Bedhead: Bonus (Four)

“What is your problem?” Wilson was fuming, waving his hands around completely exasperated at Houses’ antics. 

“Get mad at Cameron not me, she's the one that kept pestered me about it” 

“She asked once House, How did you even know about us?” the two of you had been very careful except today of course. 

“I saw you guys making out in the lab” that has Wilson blushing. If House saw the two of you did anyone else?

“We weren't making out” guess it was his fault House found out, he should have been more careful. Why did he think he could get away with that without anyone seeing? 

“So are you ever going to answer my question?” 

“We started dating 3 months ago” doesn’t tell House when they started sleeping together but he doubts Wilson will ever tell him. “I’m going now and so you know I’m still mad at you” 

“Oh come on don’t be mad no need to be embarrassed she's way out of your league you should stake your claim before someone swoops in.” That has Wilson pausing, he knows you're younger than him and gorgeous, maybe House is right. Hes a little less mad now. 

“Night, House” 

“Goodnight Wilson” he smirks as he watches Wilson leave, he can tell he's still mad but not nearly as much as to bother him tomorrow about it. He is definitely going to mess with you though.

Part One Part Two Part Three

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1 year ago

New Years Resolutions

James Wilson x Reader


New Years Resolutions
New Years Resolutions
New Years Resolutions

There was one thing that House did really well: he threw amazing parties. Even if you despise House you want an invite to his parties. This year House went all out for New Years. Everyone was buzzing about the party and when the time finally came, you were not disappointed. 

By the time it was eleven you were drunk, along with the rest of the party. The only difference between you and them is the fact that they hold their liquor much better than you. You don’t feel sick no that's not the problem no your problem is when you get drunk you get frisky. Your current victim is your boss' best friend James Wilson.

Sober you thought Wilson was hot so drunk you thought he was a god. How could you not flirt with him especially when he’s flirting back? At least you think he’s flirting back. Wait does making out with you count as flirting? You should ask Cameron, right after you finish making the hickey on his neck darker. 

“GUYS THE COUTDOWNS STARTED” someone shouts. You pull away from Wilson watching as everyone starts pairing off. Shit you forgot to get a person to kiss at midnight. You were looking forward to that. 



You feel a tug on your arm and you turn back to Wilson. He's pushing his lips back against yours. Your hands settle in his hair, you're so lost in the kiss you almost forgot it was New Years till the whole party erupts in cheers.

Wilson pulls away making you pout, “My New year's resolution is to make-out with you every single day” that made your pout drop a smile forming on your face.

“Make it every hour and you’ve got a deal." He gives you a dorky smile before kissing you again. 

“Jesus you two are you removing each other's tonsils?" House shouted making everyone that heard laugh. You and Wilson didn’t even bother to spare House a glance. This is the best New Years ever.

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1 year ago

You're Hired

James Wilson x Reader

You're Hired

“So you hired Cameron because she's pretty, Forman because he has a record, and me because my dad put in a good word so why did you hire Y/n?” They were all curious. When they asked you about it you never gave them a straight answer. 

“Me and Y/n are lovers” The three of them stared at him for a moment trying to gauge whether or not he was joking. At their silence House added” She's the mother of my five children” the team rolled their eyes finally understanding he was teasing them. It only made them more curious, what was so secret about the reason he hired you. 

“Come on what's so secret about it?” Chase once again tried he was desperate to know. 

“Can we focus on the case, you know the one with the dying person!?!” Even with House's change in subject it didn’t do anything to get it off their minds. House was asking them questions and no one seemed to be using more than one brain cell each. “Will you focus” once again they don’t seem fully focused 

“Jesus, I’m married to Wilson, not that's the only reason but it's the only one you care about” you shout. While it is true you got the interview with House because of Wilson. An interview you didn’t even want but Wilson insisted.

When Wilson told house he wanted him to interview you, House knew right then and there that he was not going to hire you. However you managed to change his mind when the first words out of your mouth were ‘I don’t want this job, I’m only doing this so James would stop nagging’ and like a match made in heaven House hired you. 

“Wrong, I let you interview because of Wilson I hired you because you didn’t want the job and you're bitchy” You sent a glare his way. While the others were in shock, each talked over themselves to ask questions. You ignored them, focusing back on the case. 

“What do all these symptoms have in common?” House questioned and finally the three idiots answered using more than one brain cell this time. 

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1 year ago

The Bet

James Wilson x Reader

The Bet

He thought there was no way he’d lose, it seemed like a sure thing. That's the only reason he agreed to the terms, he should have known better. Never bet something you're not willing to lose, yet he did and now he has to go to work like this. Gosh House is going to ream him when he sees him. 

“Come on out James” your sing-song tone just made him want to lock himself in the bathroom forever. “Would you stop being a baby its not even that bad I could have made you do something way worse”

You weren't wrong, you could have made him do something long lasting like shaving his head. It was still bad though. He heard you call his name again, he was going to have come out or he’d be late for work. So finally after gathering all his courage he opened the bathroom door. As soon as you saw his face you were laughing. Wilsons' face lights up like a Christmas tree and he's covering his face in hopes you'll stop laughing. 

“Oh James, I’m sorry it's just” you find yourself laughing again “Don’t hide from me James I want to see your pretty face” That just made him want to hide more. He’s been in love with you for almost a year, always dropping hints he's in love with you, yet you never seem to pick up on them. House says it's obvious the two of you like each other but Wilsons isn’t so sure. 

“James” god he loves when you say his name. You pull Wilsons hands away from his face you do your best trying to hold in your laughter. “Wow you look..hm” your eyes study his face or more importantly the glued on mustache that now rests on his upper lip. 

“Don’t, it looks horrible” he was right it was bad he looked much better clean shaven. Though even with the ugly mustache he was still pretty. 

“It’s just for one day” it is true its just one day but Wilson didn’t just have to wear a fake mustache, every time someone asks about said mustache he owes you ten bucks. Easy money since you know every one he talks to today will be focused on it. 

“Maybe but I’ll be paying for weeks” that's true you're going to make quite a profit off today. 

As soon as Wilson enters the hospital eyes are on him even patients that have never seen him give him a funny look. House is the first to say anything, throwing a file on the nurses station and staring at Wilson with his mouth comically open. “Wilson, I think you got something there. ” He gestures at his face. Wilson rolled his eyes today's going to be a long day. 

“It's a really interesting story” you egg on trying to get House to say the golden words. 

“Okay I’ll bite what’s with the fake mustache” Wilson cursed under his breath pulling out his wallet and handing you the first ten of the day. House eyes the exchange getting even more curious about what's going on. “Hold up, what was that?” 

“Me and Wilson made a bet he lost and now everytime someone asks about his mustache he owes me ten bucks, I’ll give you two bucks if you help” House was agreeing instantly, happy to mess with Wilson in any way. Wilson on the other hand was anything but thrilled. He was objecting right away but it fell on deaf ears.  

Wilson spent the rest of his day getting paged to the clinic where patients asked about his mustache. At the end of the day Wilson owed 780 dollars. 

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1 year ago


James Wilson x Reader



Wilson has always been a morning person. Waking up over an hour early so he can have a calm morning before work. You on the other hand are always snoozing your seven alarms before finally rolling out of bed and rushing to get to work. It doesn’t matter if you go to bed early the night before your just not made for mornings. Its a fact you’ve grown accustomed to.However now that your dating early riser Wilson your trying to change your ways. The task is proving harder than you originally thought. 

The last three days you’ve been dragging yourself away from your bed at the hellish hour Wilson wakes up. Your downing a gallon of caffine to off set your lack of sleep. It works well giving you that pep but you find yourself day dreaming about your bed. 

Its ironic the whole reason you wanted to start waking up early is so you could spend a few more minutes with Wilson. Just the two of you chatting while getting ready, it was going to be so nice. Now though your finding yourself resenting the dope. How can he just roll out of bed and look so absolutly breathe taking at FIVE in the morning. No one has any busniess looking that way at that TIME. Then theres the fact that he is so productive on only one cup of coffee at once again FIVE AM. Its absolutly not fair. 

“Honey its time to get up” you seriously can’t do this anymore. You lazily open your eyes finding wilson, the sight of his soft smile and lack of eye bags is your final straw. 

“I can’t do this anymore” your voice is thick in sleep, your eyes barely open. 

“What baby?”

“You, just looking at your face is making me sick” you tuck you head into the pillow trying to reclaim the sleep he just woke you from. While you try to let sleep take over you Wilson is starying down at you with the biggest eyes. He’s completly confused, did you just break up with him and then go back to sleep? Hes quickly shaking you again pulling you from your sleep again. 

“What did you mean by that?”

“Exactly what I said, your face is making me want to vomit” your not understanding whats so hard to understand. 

“I’m- why are you mad?” he was so helplesly clueless at what was happening. If you wern’t so tired you would have noticed but right now your eyes are barely opened. 

“WHY AM I MAD? I’m tired” your voice comes out much more whiny than you intisapated. “Its not fair that you can wake up so early and be so productive. No one should be able to roll out of bed and look as good as you do.” he can’t help but smile his chest no longer filling with anxiety at the thought of you no longer loving him. He’s fianding this adorable. “I go to bed at the same time as you and still i wake up so tired, not to mention my black eye bags. All want is a few extra minutes with you but…” your words die out as tears stream down your face. 

He quick to wipe them away relaying soothing words, “Baby its okay, just breathe for me” You do your best, trying to listen to him. 

“I’m sorry I don’t know why I’m crying” 

“Don’t apologise” he moves back into bed slipping under the covers, wrapping his arms around you. Your quick to snuggle into his embrace, nuzzeling your head into his neck. Instantly being calmed down by his scent. “Why don’t we do this ever morning?” 

“What me having a breakdown?” his chuckle has you pulling him closer. 

“No, us cuddling I’ll wake you up and we can just cuddle for a few minutes. Then I can get up and you can go back to bed for a few minutes.” You just nodd, already finding yourself drifting off.

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11 months ago

Loving You From Afar

James Wilson x Reader

Prompt: Can you do a james Wilson blurb or something where instead of showing up at house’s when he find out his wife is having an affair, he shows up at yours and you kinda help him heal but in the means of all that he falls in love with you too 🥹 ~ from anon


Loving You From Afar
Loving You From Afar
Loving You From Afar

A knock woke up , still groggy with sleep you walk to your door. Cautiously peaking through the peephole, wondering who it could be at this hour. You let out a breath of relief when you see Wilson standing there. With furrowed eyebrows you open the door getting a better look at him. He looks deject. “Are you okay James, did something happen?”

He seemed confused at the question, looking around like he was in a haze. His eyes settled back on you taking in your attire. “I’m sorry did I wake you?” 

You look at him concerned, laughing a little, “Well It is one am, most people are sleeping at this hour” you place a hand on his arm, “I thought you were working tonight” 

“I am.. Or I was, I got off early and umm” his head fell refusing to make eye contact with you. 

“Why don’t you come in James” he doesn’t respond, so you just grab his arm leading him into your apartment. He’s still silent even as you sit him on the couch. It’s only when you ask him if he wants a glass of water does he finally speak up. 

“I found her in bed with another man” It took you a few seconds to process what he was saying, but when you did you could help your shocked face. You knew things between him and his wife were rough but you didn’t realise it was this bad. 

“Oh I’m so sorry James” you envelope him in a hug and he instantly melts into you. 

“I shouldn’t be surprised, I’ve barely seen her in weeks and-” he abruptly stops. 

“What James?” He debates for a moment if he should continue but eventually he decides to. 

“We’ve both been pretending to still love each other, I’ve known for a little while that she's been seeing someone and she knows that my affections have gone elsewhere. I guess knowing is different then actually seeing it though.”

“I’m sorry James, I'll go grab some blankets and a pillow for you and you can stay here.” He nods his head watching you as you walk away from him.

Over the last couple months he’s realized he's been falling in love with you. He just couldn’t help but be mesmerized by you. He wants to tell you but now's not the time he’ll wait till he's officially divorced. So for now he’ll settle for admiring you from afar.

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11 months ago

Can you do a james Wilson blurb or something where instead of showing up at house’s when he find out his wife is having an affair, he shows up at yours and you kinda help him heal but in the means of all that he falls in love with you too 🥹

I’m sorry idek if your requests are open, I don’t know who to send this too😭🫶🏼

Just posted the fic Loving You From Afar Hope you like it

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11 months ago


James Wilson x Reader

Prompt: What if like you're Wilson's 4th wife and like you just got married and maybe you're insecure because this is his FOURTH wedding night and honeymoon and you want to make it special and like stand out from his exes? If that makes sense? ~ from anon



Before you even started dating Wilson you knew about his long list of exs. In the beginning you found it quite intimidating when you first started dating. Now it’s been over a year and you're married to your prince charming. The whole day was like a page out of a fairy tale. It was a world wind but now that the ceremony and reception are over you can feel your nerves building up. Feelings you had thought you had gotten over came bubbling back up. 

You're not Wilson's first wife, you're not even his second but fourth. He’s been married three times before, had three honeymoons before. He has all this experience while this is your first wedding, your first honeymoon. You're just so nervous that you won’t live up to his past exs. 

So nervous that you’ve been locked in the bathroom for the last twenty minutes. Your eyes are locked on your reflection, when you bought this negligee you thought it was beautiful. Now though you don’t think it's good enough. A knock on the door stops you from spirling more. 

“Are you okay in there, honey” your nerves pick up at his voice. How can you face him looking like this? You're positive you're going to disappoint him. You try to calm your breathing. 

You’ve been thinking about this night for weeks, you just need to calm down. In hopes of making this night special for Wilson you planned a little surprise for him. Now though you're second guessing yourself. 

Wilson knocks on the door once more , “Honey?” You look yourself in the mirror, locking eyes with your reflection. 

“You are not going to spend your honeymoon in the bathroom, you have a gorgeous man waiting for you so pull yourself together.” You shake yourself of your nerves opening the door before you can back out. As soon as you open the door Wilson gives you a lovesick smile. 

“You look stunning” he places a sweet kiss on your lips. You can already feel your nerves coming back as you look him over. He's taken off his tie and unbuttoned the first half of his shirt revealing his chest. “Are you okay baby you seem off?” 

“Yeah just nervous” you try to give him a reassuring smile but it doesn’t work. 

He pulls you closer “Don’t be I won’t do anything you're uncomfortable with,” You feel so stupid. It’s not like this is the first time the two of you spent the night together. It’s just the first time with you being Mrs. Wilson. 

“I know” you grab his hand, feeling yourself calm down at his touch. Time to give him your surprise. “I got you something for you or us to use tonight” his eyebrows furrowed. He watched you closely as you opened the mini fridge in the room pulling out a few things. A new found confidence overcomes you when you see the fascinated look on his face. “I hope you didn’t fill up” you say with strawberries in one hand and whip cream in the other. 

He trips a little making his way to you “I’m starving” you giggle at his eagerness. 

Safe to say you made your Honeymoon special even for the thrice divorced Wilson. 

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11 months ago

Idk if your requests are open so I apologize if they aren't but I've had this idea on my mind and I need to get answers lol.

What if like you're Wilson's 4th wife and like you just got married and maybe you're insecure because this is his FOURTH wedding night and honeymoon and you want to make it special and like stand out from his exes? If that makes sense?

Idk anyways.

I loved writing this request, it was such a fun idea and it practically wrote itself. Heres the fic: Honeymoon

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10 months ago

Love Handles

James Wilson x Reader

Prompt~ Anyways someone said Wilson has love handles? And I was curious like how he might be insecure about that and how his s/o might comfort him? ~ from anon


Love Handles
Love Handles
Love Handles

Wilson has always been popular with the ladies. He's the perfect man, from his soft brown eyes to his charming smile. Women flock to him, giving him constant attention. Even now in his forties he’s still attracting the attention of women half his age. So why is he so insecure around you? 

It only started recently. He had just gotten out of the shower passing by his mirror when he first noticed them. He couldn’t help but fixate on them. Wilsons had always made it a priority to take care of his body. Though he has gotten a little lax lately. All those cooking classes have caught up to him. Now he has what some call ‘love handles’. 

Almost instantly after making the discovery that he has love handles. He puts on a loose sweatshirt. Deep down he knows that it’s okay to gain weight, that he wouldn’t look like he did when he was twenty forever. Yet he’s still insecure. Especially in comparison to you. You are younger than him, a sight to behold, and your smart as well. 

It was a miracle he could convince you to date him in the first place. He’s reminded of that everytime the two of you go out, watching as men eye you up and down. He knows your not shallow but he couldn’t help but fear you might leave him for one of those men. 

‘STOP’ he silently yells. He’s spirrling, overthinking this whole situation. He doubts you’ll even notice, he’ll just wear loose tees around you. 

“James did you die in there?” you peak your head into the bedroom smiling when you spot him in his mcgill sweatshirt. You just love him him in that. 

“Sorry Honey, I’m coming” he forgot you were waiting on him. He checks once more in the mirror making sure that his newly found love handles are hidden. While he’s looking at himself in the mirror you walk up behind him wrapping your arms around his waist. Or at least attempting to as soon as he felt your hand graze his side he flinches. Both of you freeze at the action, an awkward silence filling the air. 

“Sorry, I was just trying to give you a hug” He can’t help but cringe at your apology. He didn’t even mean to move his body acting on instinct. Now because of that reflex, your apologizing for trying to hug him. 

“Just scared me” he quickly excuses, wrapping you up in his arms. Of course you thought  nothing of the incident. Not until you were on the couch watching a random tv show. You had went to wrap your arms around Wilsons like you always do when he flinched once again. 

“James what’s up with you?” he tries to play it off, but you refuse to drop it. “Are you hurt or something”

“No, it’s- it's nothing” 

“James” the sweet call of his name combined with the look in your eyes has him confessing. You can’t help but reach out for him as he explains why he’s acting so weird. “James you don’t have to worry about those things I’ll love you no matter what”

“I know, I just want to be worthy of that love” 

“You’ll always be worthy besides they call them love handles for a reason. You can’t help but love them” you tease. He chuckles along with you. He still feels awkward about them but he doesn’t flinch when you cuddle up to him. Dipping your hands under his sweatshirt. Your soft hands running against his sides before finding home on his love handles. He may hate them but you seem to love them and to him that’s all that matters.

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10 months ago

I hope you don't mind but I have so many request ideas for Wilson💀

Just tell me to stop and I will lol

Anyways someone said Wilson has love handles? And I was curious like how he might be insecure about that and how his s/o might comfort him?

I live to serve, feel free to blow me up with any future request.

I had such a fun time writing this and I hope you enjoy: Love Handles

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9 months ago

Green or Red

James Wilson x Reader


Green Or Red
Green Or Red
Green Or Red

“I’ve been Wilson's best friend for years, I’ve outlasted countless of Wilson's wives and girlfriends. Do you really think someone that's not even sleeping with him has more of a say then me” House wasn’t wrong he has known Wilson longer than you but Wilson was a known simp so you still had a chance.

“Why don’t you put your money where your mouth is then” 

“What do you have in mind?” 

“Hmmm.. Oh I know we’ll see who can get Wilson to wear a certain coloured tie.” 

“Really that’s what you want” You just nod your head, feeling more confident by the second. “Fine, twenty bucks I can get Wilson to wear a red tie”

“Make it thirty and you have deal” House laughed agreeing to your terms

“What colour are you going for?” He asked as you started to head for the door. 



“James just the guy I was looking for” You intercepted him on his way to the clinic.

“Really what can I help you with ?” 

“Well I just wanted to say you look quite dapper today, you look lovely in this blue tie but I think green would look even better” you weren't being subtle at all but you desperately wanted to win this bet. 

A blush coated his cheeks in an adorable boy scout way, “Thanks” he fiddles with the end of his tie, “You look lovely today as well.” You smile at the compliment, Wilson is always the sweetest. 

“I’ll see you later then” you give him a small wave before walking away. 

~~~ House ~~~ 

“New tie?” House calls out as he pushes his way into the lunch line, forcing Wilson to pay for his meal. 

“You're the second one to mention it,” Wilson mumbles as he walks over to a table. 

“Not surprised since it's such an eye-sore” House was taking a completely different route than you. Instead of complimenting Wilson he was going to shit on his tie and then suggest a red tie. 

“What are you talking about? Y/n just complimented me on it” Wilson is not sure if House is messing with him or if he’s being truthful. He’s more inclined to believe that House is full of shit due to the fact you had no reason to lie to him, but neither does House. 

“I’m sure she did” he took an obnoxious large bite of his food, punctuating his sentence. House should have known you would get to Wilson first but not to worry he can convince him otherwise.

“Care to elaborate or are you going to continue to beat around the bush?” 

“Y/n lied about your tie being nice because she wants you to look bad at work, because she has a huge crush on you and wants you to look bad so no one else flirts with you. I mean come on your like catnip for the nurses,” Houses says in between bites of food.  

Wilson had no idea what to say, did you really have a crush on him, and did this tie look good or bad on him. “I can’t follow you today, and I have no idea why everyone is so obsessed with my tie”

“I’m not obsessed, just thought as your friend you’d like to know you’d look better in a red tie.” He shrugged his shoulders grabbing some fries off Wilsons tray before walking away. 


Wilson Knew something was going on between House and You there's just no way both of you coincidently mentioned his tie. Honestly he’s not sure he wants to know. Though when he bumps into you he can’t help but try to pry some hints out of you. 

“Hey y/n I was talking to house and he told me something interesting” 

“Really what did he say?” 

“He was talking about my tie” 

“Oh, well I wouldn’t take fashion advice from him, have you seen the way he dresses?” You add a little chuckle. 

“He was just saying the same thing about you”, of course he was. 

So this weird thing you have going on with House is about his tie. 

“That’s a fun coincidence, anywho I better get going but I’ll see you tonight” 

“Tonight?” He has absolutely no idea what you're talking about. 

“Yeah I’m going to let you take me out on a date”, This may be playing dirty but you were not going to let house win. The stakes are not high but if he wins he’ll constantly hold it over your head. Not that you were only going on a date with Wilson because of this bet. You did really like him but you were planning on making him work a little for it, but you're glad to go on a date with him a little earlier than you originally planned. 


“Wilson was just telling me about your little date tonight” you knew when House heard about your date with Wilson he would come to tease you about it. “Honestly I’m surprised that you're willing to sleep with him for a messily thirty bucks.”

“I’m not going to sleep with him for a bet” 

“I’m not judging, I'm just impressed” 

“That’s worse” you call after him, he’s already walking away “I don’t want your approval” but he’s already gone. 

~~Later that night~~

After your date with Wilson you did end up going back to his house, and the two of you did end up sleeping together. What can you say? He's very charming. 

When you were getting dressed that morning you couldn’t help but smile when he pulled out a green tie. You’ll buy him lunch with your new thirty bucks.

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8 months ago

Together Forever??

James Wilson x Reader


Together Forever??
Together Forever??
Together Forever??

For the better part of a week you’ve noticed James has been acting suspiciously. At first you thought it was just your imagination, now though you're convinced that he’s cheating on you. It was small things at first, staying at work late, leaving the room to answer phone calls. You tried to ignore it but with his history you just couldn’t let it go. Though instead of confronting Wilson you’ve decided to question House. If Wilson’s cheating on you he would know. 

So with determined steps you make your way to House’s office. You find him bouncing his signature red ball against a wall seemingly deep in thought. Not that it, would stop you from questioning him.

He ignored you as you entered the room, his only acknowledgement is he stopped tossing his ball. “Tell me what's going on with Wilson”, House chuckles at your bluntness. Finally turning towards you. 

“Why-” you already know whatever he’s going to say is going to be complete bullshit. Just by that look on his face. 

“Don’t lie, just tell me what's going on with him.” you didn’t want to sound pathetic but you can’t help but ask him, “Is Wilson cheating on me?” you're scared to look him in the eye just waiting for whatever wisecrack he was bound to say, and he was about to but the look on your face made him stop. 

“Shouldn’t you ask him?” He of course knew what was up with Wilson, and he was definitely not cheating on you. 

“If he was cheating on me would he really admit to it?” 

“You think I would tell you, there's a code to these things Bros before hoes” He was trying to get you to leave but you were determined.

“House, tell me or... I’ll slash your motorbike tires”, yes that’s how desperate you are. House pondered your threat only for a second before finally telling you that Wilson was not cheating on you. Which in all honesty shouldn’t convince you that he wasn’t but you were so desperate for it to be true that you just believe him. Though you can’t help but ask him what other explanation there could be. Trying to eliminate any doubts you still had.

“Would you just go bother Wilson. Why he’s so infatuated with you is a mystery to me, you must be really good in bed to make up for you being so annoying.” You can't help but roll your eyes, if Wilsons so infatuated with you why is he acting so sneaky. Answering all those phone calls in another room, saying he's staying at work late only to find out he's left hours ago. All clear signs he's cheating on you. What other explanation could there be?

It all seems to click, “He’s proposing” you don’t even realize you’ve said it out loud till House responds back. 

“Wilsons going to be disappointed you figured it out, he’s been planning this for the longest time.” You can’t believe you thought he was cheating on you, when in reality he was planning on proposing. You felt like such an asshole, and now not only did you think he was a cheater but you ruined his proposal. 

There was still time you could salvage this. Wilson had no idea you knew so you could just pretend you didn't. House is sure to play along otherwise Wilson is bound to rip him apart.

Just like you predicted, House agreed to keep this a secret from Wilson. So all you had to do was act like you had no idea your sweet, perfect boyfriend was proposing. Which was harder than you anticipated since every time the two of you were together you thought he was proposing. It was honestly driving you a little insane waiting. After a week (which felt like an eternity) he popped the question, and of course you said yes.

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7 months ago

Positive or Negative

James Wilson x Reader


Positive Or Negative
Positive Or Negative
Positive Or Negative

“What are you doing here, shouldn't you be eating lunch with your wife?” House thought with you being pregnant Wilson would be too stressed to leave you alone for a second. He must still be processing it since he hasn’t bothered House with the details about the baby or even told him about it. He had to figure it out by himself.

“She's busy, I'm worried she's working herself to the bone” here he goes, he knew Wilson was going to be overprotective. 

“She’s probably getting it out of her system before she’s to far along” 

“What the hell are you talking about? Too far along with what?” Shit… Wilson didn’t know you were pregnant. He’s a doctor, how has he not noticed all the signs? There must be a reason you haven’t told him yet unless you didn’t know yet.  You have to know you have a bump. Then why are you not telling him, Maybe it's not Wilson. Nope that can’t be it. Only thing left is your purposely not telling Wilson. “House what are you talking about? Is something wrong with her?” 

“Depends how you look at it” this is fun, House thinks to himself.

“HOUSE” Wilson Shouts, his heart beating out of his chest. Were you sick? Why would House know what's wrong with you and not him? 

“Calm down Wilson she's not dying” Wilson was not going to leave him alone. Hes anxiously pacing his hands moving in frantic motion telling House just how rattled by his words he was. His future kid is in for a ride. “You should ask her” 

“Are you messing with me? This is not funny House if something is wrong you need to tell me” 

“She's pregnant” Wilson stops pacing immediately, staring at him with wide eyes. The words kept repeating in his head ‘She’s pregnant’ your pregnant, his wife. He's going to have a kid. 

“House if your”

“I swear”

“I’m going to be a dad” Wilson just wants to see you. He has so many questions for you. Just as he's about to leave the room, his hand on the door a question pops in his mind. “Why did she tell you?” 

“She didn’t” 

“Then how do you know?”

“I know when a woman is pregnant” Wilson just stares at him like he has three heads. House just told him he's going to be a dad with no proof. 

“Are you kidding me House?” it was a fair question he let Wilson believe he was going to be a dad with no proof other than ‘I know when a woman’s pregnant’ 

“Just go ask her and she’ll tell you” that's all Wilson could do now. He left Houses office in search of you. Luckily he found you almost right away. Seeing you though just made his nerves skyrocket. He wanted to be a father, he wanted you to be pregnant, and if you tell him you're not he’s going to be heartbroken. 

“Hey Love, what are you doing here?” you press a sweet kiss to his cheek. He gives you a small smile. 

“I need to ask you something,” you don’t think you’ve ever seen James so serious. “Are you pregnant?” That is the last thing you expected out of his mouth. You stand there for a moment unsure of what to say. You could lie and tell him when you intended to but he looks like he might just cry. You're not sure if that's a good or bad thing.  

“Yes” as soon as the words left your mouth James is engulfing you in a hug. You can feel his tears soaking your shirt. He’s pulling away a second later with tears still on his face. The biggest smile on his face, you can’t but smile too. “I was trying to figure out how to tell you, How did you find out?”

“House”  thats all the explanation you need

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