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Where to find me at Dragonmeet 2022
(Sat 3 Dec, Novotel Hammersmith, London)
10am, Beaujolais, Mezzanine:
Jason Statham's Big Vacation
(Live play organised by The D20 Future Show, as part of the Podcast Zone. I'll be playing one of Jason Statham's entourage, trying to make sure he has a nice holiday and protecting him from the Wesley Sniper. Game designed by Grant Howitt)
4pm, second floor:
Indie Games on the Hour
(No need to book, just turn up a bit before 4 and I'll pitch some games for you to pick from. Likely some combination of galactic 2e by riley rethal, Mission: Accomplished! by Jeff Stormer, Our Haunt by Rae Nedjadi, or Lichcraft by Laurie O'Connell)
For the rest of the day I'll be pootling about, checking in with people I know, going tk seminars, and buying things I don't need in the trade hall...
Who's got your attention at the table?
At Dragonmeet in December, I played a game of galactic (2nd edition) by riley rethal with a group of five other players, none of whom I'd met before. I've played galactic before with Merely Roleplayers, and played a few other games in the same style, but with this group I noticed something I've never noticed before about cooperative roleplaying games.
This player wasn't missing everything. When I established a detail or an event, that seemed to sink in. It was only the other players' contributions they kept missing.
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Meet Jason's Agent Grayson Bacon
At Dragonmeet 2022, I was in The D20 Future Show's live game of Jason Statham's Big Vacation, playing Jason's agent!
The audio from that game is now up, just in time for the Merely Roleplayers live show at Dragonmeet 2023.
Enjoy snorkelling, crab petting, Jedi training and several attempts to marry Jason Statham, all on the picturesque Isle of Fernando. 🏖