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6 years ago
#slime #gay #keywest #drag #AintImCute #EverybodyAintAble #ItsLikeThat #DontBeMad #dragqueen #gayboy

#slime #gay #keywest #drag #AintImCute #EverybodyAintAble #ItsLikeThat #DontBeMad #dragqueen #gayboy #gaycute #gayguy #croptop #TuesdayTurnup #Funners (at Aqua Nightclub Key West Florida)

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6 years ago

I love the editing on drag race.

Dusty: “Dots are my signature look”

Kalorie two seconds later: “I used to be 340 pounds”

That segue was flawless

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6 years ago

Is it me or is Blair St. Clair getting more adorable with each passing episode? Pretty soon they’ll just have a Precious Moments figurine in her spot as she does voice over. The audience would never know. Either that or get a baby deer.

Is It Me Or Is Blair St. Clair Getting More Adorable With Each Passing Episode? Pretty Soon Theyll Just

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6 years ago

I love that whenever a comment is made/revelation is brought to light (no matter how small) Monique makes the same exact face, like Jesus walked into the werkroom and bitch slapped her.

I Love That Whenever A Comment Is Made/revelation Is Brought To Light (no Matter How Small) Monique Makes

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6 years ago

I know this is almost a week late, but I just wanted to put out there how happy I am that Miz Cracker finally won a challenge! She’s the queen I’ve been rooting for since episode one. I have my fingers crossed that she makes it to the finale!

I Know This Is Almost A Week Late, But I Just Wanted To Put Out There How Happy I Am That Miz Cracker

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6 years ago

Nooooooooooooooooo! 😭😭😭😭

Excuse me while I sob in the corner

I know this is almost a week late, but I just wanted to put out there how happy I am that Miz Cracker finally won a challenge! She’s the queen I’ve been rooting for since episode one. I have my fingers crossed that she makes it to the finale!

I Know This Is Almost A Week Late, But I Just Wanted To Put Out There How Happy I Am That Miz Cracker

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6 years ago


I just joined Instagram for the sole purpose of following drag queens and occasionally posting pictures of my dogs. I’m definitely using that site to its fullest.

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