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The interviewer- a Dramione fanfic
Chapter one!
Author’s note: This is seven years after the war. Hermione is working at the ministry of magic in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, in her case, the Anti-overthrow office which was established after the war to prevent the ministry from ever being overthrown again. Her job is to interview new businesses and make sure they aren’t planning anything against the ministry.
There are a lot of pictures too! But only of the rooms, outfits, and other random things. I’m going to let you imagine the people yourselves. (Because I hate it when people show me what they’re supposed to look like!)
Hermione is 24 and Draco is… 23? Look it up. My math ain’t mathing right now!
That’s all I have for now, so, enjoy!
September 21, 2005
Hermione’s house
Hermione woke up to the sound of her alarm clock ringing.

(Her bedroom)
She quickly turned it off, got up, and went to her kitchen. She had a nice house. A little big, but, whatever floats your boat.

(Her kitchen)
She quickly made some coffee and buttered some toast.
Once she finished, she washed her dishes and sat down on the couch to read. It was her day off so she decided to relax.

(Her living room!)
A few minutes later, there was a tap on her window. She looked up and saw an owl.
“Hello.” She said, opening the window for it.
It held out its leg for her to untie, took a treat from her, and left. Once she sat back down, she read the letter.
Dear Ms. Granger,
I just wanted to let you know that tomorrow when you come in don’t bother going to your office. I need you in my office because I have arranged a meeting with the owner of a new company and I need you to interview him. I will give you more details tomorrow.
Kingsley Shacklebolt-
Minister of Magic
She reread the letter to make sure she understood it all and then put it down.
“I wonder what business it is.” She said to herself. And picked her book back up.
Draco’s house
Draco woke up to his alarm clock but turned it right back off. It was Saturday, he wasn’t getting up till he had to.

(His room!)
Once he finally got up, he flicked his wand to make up is bed, stumbled into the kitchen, and sat down.

(His kitchen!)
Even after an hour of extra sleep, he was still exhausted. Starting and running a business was harder than he thought. Once he ate breakfast (Ham and Eggs) he went into the living room.

(His living room!)
He sat down and picked up his coffee, thinking about random things. There was a peck at the window so Draco got up, already knowing it was an owl, and untied the letter. Opening it he read,
Dearest Draco,
Hello! I was just wondering if you would like to join me for lunch? Please respond!
He rolled his eyes. He had been getting the same letter every Saturday since his father had passed. He had only accepted the first time because he thought it was just a friendly gesture. Turns out, she only wanted his money. So he had declined making up an excuse every time since then. But today he just wrote,
And that was it. He was too exhausted to think of an excuse.
Hermione’s house
Hermione woke up with a jolt. Her stomach felt like it was burning.
“Gosh, I’m hungry!” She said to herself. She looked at the time, 1:30, and made some lunch. Once she finished, she decided to sit on her porch.

(Her porch!)
So she went outside and right as she was about to sit down she saw a package by her door. She went to pick it up wondering who would have sent her this. Opening it she saw a note that said,
Hey Hermione!
Sorry I didn’t send this by owl, it was too big! I hope you like it and Happy Birthday!
She opened the box and found a beautiful red lace dress.

(The dress!)
She couldn’t help but gasp when she saw it. It was…Perfect! She couldn’t wait for an opportunity to wear it.
Draco’s house
Draco woke up to Blaise Zabini tapping his shoulder
“Hey mate, wake up!” He said.
Draco grunted and said,
“I regret giving you a key.”
“Whatever. C’mon, let’s go somewhere!”
“I’m to tired.”
“Aww! Come on! We can go to lunch… on me.”
Draco immediately got up saying.
“I’ll be ready in five.”
Blaise just laughed and sat down to wait.
Draco came back with a green sweater and jeans.

(His outfit!)
“Alright, where are we going?”
Ok! That was chapter one! Stay tuned to my page for more!
The interviewer- a Dramione fanfic
Chapter two!
September 22, 2005
Hermione’s house
Hermione woke up and immediately got out of bed. She needed to hurry because she had to get ready for an interview. It always took her longer to get ready for those.
“Alright.” She said, getting ready to apparate. She looked at herself in the mirror one more time.

(Her work outfit!)
After she straightened herself, then apparated to the ministry.
Draco’s house
Draco got up and got ready for work. He combed his hair and got dressed.

(His look!)
Once he was ready, he apparate to his office and waked in. His assistant, Mabel, knocked on his door and opened it saying, “Mr. Malfoy! Good morning, I have your list of appointments scheduled for today here.”
“Ah, thank you Mae.” He replied, looking at the list. She left and he sat down at his desk.
10:00 Sarah’s magik shoppe.
10:30 Ministry of magic, department of Magical Law Enforcement.
11:00 Willy’s magical instruments.
That was all he had today. He sat down at his desk and started his paperwork.
The Ministry of Magic
Hermione knocked on the Ministers office door.
“Come in.” She heard. Walking in, she said,
“Good morning minister.”
“As to you. Now, I have an appointment set up for you at ten thirty with Malfoy co.”
“What? Malfoy co.?”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Is something wrong?”
“No it just…. Me and Malfoy… we aren’t exactly friends.”
“That’s ok. This is a business meeting.”
“I know. It’s just going to be so awkward.”
“Well, I know you can do it. Now, good luck! Your appointment is in thirty minutes.”
“Right. Thank you!” She said leaving. Once she was out she rushed to her office.
“Oh no.” She whispered to herself. “I wasn’t planning on ever seeing Malfoy again.” She sighed and picked up her stuff.
“Well. I guess I’d better leave.”
And she apparated.
Malfoy co.
Draco finished his first meeting of the day early. The lady didn’t like his attitude, which was good considering yesterday, so she left. Over the intercom Mabel told him the next client was here early and asked if she should send them in. He told her yes and waited.
Finally, the door of his office opened and what he saw was shocking to him.
Granger. She walked in and said,
“Hello Mr. Malfoy.”
“Granger.” He replied, gesturing to a seat. She sat down and just looked at him.
“Ahem.” He coughed, knocking her out of the daze.
“Right. So, uh, I have a few questions for you.”
“Right, uhm… first, please, tell me about your business.”
“Are you uncomfortable Granger?”
“I’m sorry?”
“You heard me.”
“Well, that’s not the answer to my question, is it?”
“Malfoy, please answer the question.”
“Fine, I started this business because…well, I’ve always been interested in running a business and magical objects.”
“Ok. Eh, now, please don’t feel targeted, I ask this to everyone I interview, do you have ANY dark magic involved?”
“No. I’m not my father.”
Hermione looked deep into his grey eyes. She knew he wasn’t lying just by the look he had.
“Ok. Uh, any additional notes for the ministry?”
“No. But I have a question for you.”
“Why are you so nervous?”
“Well, I mean, last time I saw you you’d just tried to kill me, so….”
“I’m sorry.”
“Whatever. It’s the past.”
“Then why are you so nervous?”
“Well, it kinda hard not to be.”
“Oh, ok.”
She got up to leave and right as the was walking to the door Draco said,
“Hey Granger!”
“You look hot in green.” He was now smirking.
“Well, uh, thanks!” She replied, cheeks cherry red, and left.
The ministry
One Hermione returned, she went straight to her office.
After a few minutes there was a knock on her door.
“Come in.” She said. And was delighted when she saw it was Ginny.
“Oh, hey Gin!”
“Hi! Did you get the gift?”
“Yes! It’s beautiful. Thanks!”
“No problem! Oh, Hey. I’m SO sorry.”
“Uh, Gin, For what?”
“Ron Broke up with you a couple nights ago..?”
“Oh! Right.”
“Did you forget?”
“Eh, yeah. I mean, we weren’t really dating anyway,”
“Well, he NEVER talked to me. He was always out of town! So you know, I kinda just… pushed him to the back of my head “
“Wow. I was expecting you to take this harder. I mean, yeah, he’s a jerk but…”
“So, anything new?”
“Well, I just had an interesting interview.”
“Ooh! With who?”
“Draco Malfoy.”
“Really? Since when does he have a business?”
“It’s new,”
“Was he hard on you?”
“No. He actually acted like a grown man!”
They both giggled and talked for a little while longer until Ginny had to go.
Malfoy co.
Draco couldn’t stop thinking about Hermione. She had grown into a very beautiful woman.
No Draco. Granger is NOT pretty.
He kept telling himself.
A few hours later Mabel came in with a letter.
“This came for you from the ministry.” She said handing it to him.
“Thanks.” He replied as she walked out. Once he opened it he read,
Mr. Malfoy,
Your report has been processed and we are pleased to inform you that your business is now officially ministry approved. We hope that everything works out for you!
The department of Magical law enforcement- Hermione Granger
Draco reread the letter several times to make sure he didn’t miss anything and then got up and hung it on his cork board.
Once he finished his paperwork, he went to the lobby, told Mabel he was leaving, and apparated home.
The ministry
Hermione was done for the day. She was so tired but every time she closed her eyes to relax them, gray ones would appear on her eye lids.
She apparated home and sat on her couch. She sighed and picked up her book as she was almost done with it.
About an hour later, she finished the book and went to bed. She fell asleep almost instantly.
That was chapter two! Stay tuned to my page for more!
The interviewer- a Dramione fanfic
chapter three!
December 3, 2005
Draco’s house
Draco awoke and looked outside his window. It had snowed… a lot.
He made his way downstairs for breakfast and found that Blaise was there.
“What the heck are you doing here?” He asked.
“Well, it’s ten o’clock so, I was expecting you to be up.”
“It’s Saturday.”
“Whatever. I wanted to talk to you about the gala.”
“The one you plan every year for Christmas?”
“Oh! Right, the gala!”
“What do you want to talk about?”
“Just normal planning stuff like decorations, invitations, guests, food, location, that kind of stuff.”
“Ok. Let me get some breakfast and then we can talk about it.”
Hermione’s house
Hermione was sat down in her living room with Ginny having a ‘girl talk’.
“Hermione, he kissed me!”
“Honey, you’ve said that several times. Plus, he’s kissed you before.”
“I know but he hasn’t in forever since he’s been off at auror training.”
“And you didn’t think he would?”
“Well… I was worried he might have, you know, moved on.”
“WHAT? C’mon Gin, you know he’s head over heels for you.”
“Yeah, I guess…. But that’s enough about me, what about you? Any guys caught your attention yet?”
“No. But I can’t stop thinking about… oh, never mind.”
“No, tell me. Who is it?”
“Well, don’t tell Harry.”
“It’s… Draco Malfoy.” She whispered the last part.
“What? Really? No way!”
“Yeah. I feel so dumb.”
“Don’t. He’s hot.”
“Ginny! You’ve got a boyfriend!”
“I know. Harry’s Burning. Not hot.”
“Oh, right.”
“Now. When did it start?”
“That day I had the interview.”
“Ooh! Did he say anything, I don’t know, cute?”
“He told me I looked hot in green.”
“No way!”
“Ok, well, you’ve got to figure out a way to see him again!”
“No! That would be terrible!”
“I don’t want him to KNOW I like him.”
“He doesn’t have to.”
“But he will. Did Harry tell you about Ligilimency* and Occlumency*?”
“Yeah. Why?”
“Well, Draco can do both. And he’s good.”
“How do you know?”
“Well, he used Ligilimency and found out I was nervous.”
“Ohh. That must’ve been embarrassing.”
“It was.”
“What about Occlumency? How do you know he used that?”
“Well, when I was trying to use Ligilimency to make sure he was telling the truth about his answers, he had his mind completely blocked off.”
“Wow. He must be really good.”
“He is.”
*Ligilimency is the act of magically navigating through the many layers of a person's mind and correctly interpreting one's findings.
*Occlumency is the act of magically closing the mind against intrusion by Legilimency.
Draco’s house
“Ok. So far, we have decorations (Gold, red, and green winter wonderland), food (Normal party food), location (a new, fancy, party venue), and when (December 23, a Friday, so it leads into Saturday, Christmas Eve!).”
Blaise said proudly.
“You sure we can’t just have it Saturday?” Draco complained.
“Yes. People will want to spend time with their families and loved ones.”
“Ugh. Fine.”
“Oh come on mate. I’m sure you do too.”
“My family isn’t really… accessible.”
“Why? Yeah your father’s dead, but what about your mother?”
“I haven’t talked to her since father’s funeral and I doubt she wants to.”
“Ok then, what about loved ones?”
Draco just glared at him.
“Hey, maybe find you a girlfriend! Maybe then you won’t be so… miserable.”
“I’m not interested in some gold digger…. And I’m not miserable.”
“I never said a gold digger.”
“That’s all any girl that would dream of dating me is.”
“I don’t think so. What about… your receptionist? Mabel is it?”
“Oh, definitely not!”
“I thought she was cute.”
“Then you try to go after her. She’s not my type.”
“Ok. I think I will.”
“Wait, really?”
“I don’t think she’s going to like you.”
“Wanna bet?”
“Sure. Ten galleons.”
“Ok. I’ll do the same.”
“Fine, but you better have it ready. You have till the party.”
They shook and talked for a little while longer until Blaise had to go.
Hermione’s house
Ginny couldn’t get over that fact that Hermione liked Draco Malfoy. Every time she tried to change the subject, there was a way Draco fit perfectly into it.
“Ginny! Can we PLEASE talk about something else?”
“What else is there?”
“Uhhh. Are you having a Christmas party?”
“Oh! Yeah, me and Harry have been planing it all week!”
“What’s your theme?”
“You’ll have to wait until you get your invitation! Oh, but here’s a secret, it’s not Christmas week!”
“Really? Oh thank goodness! There’s always so many. I always have to skip some!”
“Yeah, that’s why Harry and I did that!”
“Are you having any parties?”
“No. I’ll just attend them.”
“You hungry?”
“What do you want? I can get Chinese.”
“Ooh! Ok.”
“Great. I’ll go order it and I’ll be right back.”
While Ginny waited, she got up and went through the bookshelf.
“What’re you doing?” Hermione asked when she came back.”
“Oh, just seeing what you’ve got.”
“Mm, that shelve is all Hogwarts stuff.”
“I noticed, I love looking through the yearbooks.”
“Yeah. It helps me remember to write to my friends.”
“Oh, well, I just keep them around in case I ever need it.”
“Ooh look! You had the highest grades in so many things!”
Hermione giggled.
“Well, they don’t call me brightest witch of her age for nothing!”
“I guess not.”
“Anyway, the food will be here soon so-“
“Wait…guess who else had the highest grades?”
“Malfoy! See? Y’all are perfect for each other!”
“Sorry! I couldn’t help it!”
“That’s ok. Let’s go wash up for lunch.”
Draco’s house
“Ok. Who do you want to invite?”
“Hmm. All of the Slytherins, my employees, Granger, and a few others.”
“Yeah. She signed the papers to ‘Ministry approve’ it.”
“That’s a big deal.”
“She’ll hate it! You’re inviting mostly Slytherins.”
“And I should care…why?”
“You could at least invite one of her friends.”
“Why do you care so much?”
“Cause, I used to fancy her.”
“Notice the words, used to.”
“I still care. How about the weaslet?”
“You fancied her too.”
“Whatever. I’ll need a reason though.”
“Uh, I don’t know.”
“Where does she work?”
“I think she’s a Daily Prophet writer.”
“Ok then, I have a plan.”
“Uh oh.”
Hermione’s house
“Well, I’ve got to go.”
“Thanks for lunch, bye!”
Ginny left and Hermione got up and cleaned the house.
Knock knock knock
Hermione went to answer the door and found…Ron.
“You complete arse Ronald Weasley! You show up here after weeks, and all you say is hey?”
“I’m sorry!”
“You think It’ll be alright if you sorry me?”
“What else do you want me to say?”
“Oh, I don’t know! Rack your brains, Ron, that should only take a couple of seconds.”
“Fine then, I’ll just go.”
“Oh no you won’t! You’re going to tell me why you’re here!”
“I just wanted to ask if we could be friends! Clearly you want nothing to do with me though!”
“No. No I don’t. But we can still be…distant, VERY distant, friends.”
“I guess.”
Ron held his arms open for a hug.
“No way.”
“Oh, ok. Can I come inside?”
“Eh, no. You can leave. I have stuff to do.”
“Oh. Well, bye then!”
“Mmm hmm.”
She shut the door on him and sighed. She hated him.
That was chapter three! Stay tuned to my page for more!
Do any of y’all have either Dramione, Marichat, or Ladynoir fanfics (on wattpad) that you liked?

Y’all! Do you like Dramione? Well, I’ve been working on a fanfic! Please check it out on my side blog, @hermioneneedsdraco
I wasn’t tagged. But that’s not gonna stop me!
The fandoms I’m in
Harry Potter ships
I saw this meme going around on twitter and I think it'll be perfect for this account.
List 5 topics you can talk on for an hour without preparing any material.

Your Lonely Calls To Me
Art and fic collab by @avendell and @senlinyu
Summary: Less than a year post-war, trainee healer Hermione Granger visits Azkaban to perform volunteer medical check-ups and finds something she isn't intended to see, and has no choice but to do something about it.
a/n: my first dramione fic !!! woo hoo,,, don’t attack me for shipping it, i just do... enjoy xx
pairing: draco malfoy x hermione granger
warnings: fLUFF
main masterlist masterlist deux prompt list
Hermione had gone to the library for leisure reading. She wandered into a dimly lit isle, looking for New Theory of Numerology by Lukas Karuzos. Her eyes scanned over the shelves of books, spotting the dark brown material with gold detailing. She grabbed the book and found a seat near the grand windows.
Draco walked into the library, not looking for anything in particular. As always, Crabbe and Goyle were trailing after him. He told the two to find a table while he went off to look for Advanced Potion-Making by Lubatius Borage.
Compared to his friends, Draco quite enjoyed learning, more so Potions. His grades were spectacular and he was very intelligent although he made it seem like he didn’t care about school.
Draco found the book in no time, seeing he would look for that book for majority of the time when he was at the library. He decided to take a longer route back to his table, not wanting to have to deal with Crabbe and Goyle.
The two morons weren’t like Draco, knowledge wise. Their grades were below average, and even Draco believed that the two were going backwards instead of forward. He didn’t care much, though, they were only like henchmen to him.
As he strolled through the library, he saw the silhouette of a female with messy curls sitting alone near the windows. He recognized who it was immediately. Her hair was a big give away.
Draco didn’t know how, but he was suddenly standing in front of her.
“Granger,” he acknowledged.
She jumped in surprise, looking up to see the blonde, “Malfoy.”
“Mind if I sit here?” His arm rested on the chair across of her and she looked at him with questioning eyes.
Her brown eyes sparkled in the light as she looked at him. His eyes were an enchanting silver, but cold and sad.
Breaking her gaze, she looked around the library, expecting for something to come out at her, and simply stated, “It’s no going to work.”
“What’s going to work?” His eyebrows furrowed.
“Whatever your plan is,” she looked around and loudly said, “you can come out now. I know you’re there.”
Nobody came out. She only received glares and shushes from other students.
“I don’t have a plan, Granger. I’m just asking for a seat,” Draco looked at her as if she were mental.
Still wary, she let him sit, but she constantly looked around her, staying alert the entire time.
“Why are you sitting with me?”
“Well, if you haven’t noticed, I’d like to sit with someone with at least a smidge of intelligence, and frankly, Crabbe and Goyle don’t fit the requirements,” he said, watching her hair messily swaying as her head turned.
Finally, she looked at him, “So you really don’t have a plan to mess my teeth up again?”
The image of her front two teeth growing to an abnormal length appeared in his thoughts and he chuckled slightly before replying, “No. Although, it was pretty funny.”
“Says the boy who became a ferret,” she snapped.
He grimaced at thought. Being dropped from such a height multiple times hurt his normal body as much as it did to his smaller one.
Hermione noticed his reaction and immediately apologized, even though he deserved it.
They sat in silence for a while, reading their books. They enjoyed the warmth coming from the other. Hermione had tied her hair into a messy ponytail, keeping the bushy locks out of her face. Draco noticed the change and admired her features, but quickly looked away shunning himself for doing so.
Once they finished their books, which didn’t take a much time, they awkwardly sat there, still not talking, but acknowledging the others presence. Draco was the first to start a conversation. They talked to each other, teasing each other occasionally. They learned more about the other person and started to warm up to them.
“As much as I’d like to keep talking to you,” Draco stood from his seat, “we’ve should get back to our dormitories.”
Neither of them had noticed they’d been talking for hours. The sun had already set and the library had already been emptied of students.
“Yeah,” she stood and grabbed her bag, “we should.”
“Would you like some company in putting your book back?” Draco offered, putting an arm out for her to grab.
She giggled, wrapping her arm around his, “What a gentleman.”
They took their time to get to the isles and place their books back. They didn’t want this to end.
“Hermione?” Her eyes fluttered up to his liquid silver orbs, “would you want to do this another time? Like meet up here and just talk?”
“I would love to, Draco,” his eyes light up and, to her surprise, he pulled her into a tight hug.
In the moments they were in each others arms, everything around them seemed to have disappeared and time stopped. She fit perfectly in between his arms. When they broke apart, they locked gazes, eyes filled with affection. They walked out of the library hand in hand and took one long glance at each other before parting their separate ways.
When Hermione turned the corner, she giggled, hugging herself. She could still feel the warmth from his body as his arms were wrapped around her.
When Draco turned the corner, he leaned against the cold walls, sighing loudly. Her scent lingered on him and he inhaled, savoring it. He felt his insides tickle with content.
Both of them fell asleep that night, feeling contempt. Their dreams filled of fantasies of them being together.

Another self-indulgent post that is ✨cursed✨ from yours truly 💕
Slytherin boys as Leonardo DiCaprio memes. Why? No idea.

Inspired by The Auction (chapter 33), by @lovesbitca8 https://archiveofourown.org/works/19101535/chapters/45385237
The necklace floated over her, sprawling across her collarbones as he fit it to her neck. He closed the clasp, and she felt the metal warm to her skin. She took a deep breath and lifted her face to the mirror. It felt like an extension of herself, the emeralds and diamonds branching out across her neck like a tree taking root.
Draco pushed a loose curl back, and pressed a kiss to the spot behind her ear. She felt it ripple across her skin.
"You can do this," he whispered.
She met his eyes in the mirror. "I know."
Somehow, she did.
Source: The Auction, chapter 33 (by lovesbitca8)
Love this fic more than I can put into words (and I’ll be sad forever about it).
Thank you for everything you do, LB8.

Inspired by 'Tabula Rasa' by @senlinyu
Hermione is perched on the arm of his desk chair.
Their faces are getting slowly closer and closer until he can feel her nervous breathing. She has the most beautiful eyes. Her hair falls forward as his nose brushes against her.
His hand ventures up until his fingertips trace along her cheek.
She smiles. Her eyes smile and the corner of her mouth curves faintly up as she dips her head lower.

Inspired by All the Wrong Things, chapter 22 by @lovesbitca8
My blood is thundering. This fucking box ruining my life for five years, mocking me. Keeping her locked away like a pretty cream room in a manor. Can't touch her in her box. Won't be able to hurt her in her box.
Keep her in her box and she won't hurt you.
"Avada Kedavra."
It explodes in a shower of mirrors and brass and blue velvet. Something slices my cheek, blood mixing with the slide of tears down my face. It smokes. And quiets.
I stare at the hole in the ground, waiting. Waiting for something to feel different. Better.
A scrap of blue velvet flutters from the ceiling, sliding down to fall over my shoulder. I pluck it off my skin and run my fingers over it as I walk a wide circle around the blasted carpet, stepping on glass and brass in my bare feet, my blood mixing into the book pages and blue velvet.
I gather the remains, pulling the glass out of my feet, piling the brass and hinges, holding the fabric in trembling fingers.
And I piece it back together.
Classic Dramione fanfics
Title: Breath mints / Battle Scars by Onyx_and_elm
Rating: Explicit
Chapters: 51/51
Summary: For a moment, she's almost giddy. Because Draco Malfoy's been ruined by this war and he's as out of place as she is and — yes, he has scars too. He's got an even bigger one. She wonders whether one day they'll compare sizes.
Title: Isolation by Bexchan
Rating: Mature
Chapters: 49/49
Summary: He can't leave the room. Her room. And it's all the Order's fault. Confined to a small space with only the Mudblood for company, something's going to give. Maybe his sanity. Maybe not. "There," she spat. "Now your Blood's filthy too!"
Title: Hunted by Bexchan
Rating: Mature
Chapters: 36/36
Summary: Okay so this is my first HP fic so excuse me if there's a few errors with characters etc. I also want to point out that this will not be a fluffy fic and my main goal is to keep the characters realistic and the progression of the romance between Draco and Hermione will be relatively slow. This is Post-Hogwarts and ignores the epilogue. Hope you enjoy!
Title: The Auction by Lovesbitca8
Rating: Explicit
Chapters: 41/41
Summary: In the wake of the Dark Lord’s triumph over Harry Potter, the defeated must learn their new place. Hermione Granger, former Golden Girl, has been captured and reduced to human chattel. Sold to the highest bidder as the top prize at an auction of Order members and sympathizers, she is thrust into the rabid, waiting hands of the Death Eaters. But despite the horrors of Voldemort’s new world, help—and hope—seem to arise from the most unlikely of places.
Title: Manacled by Senlinyu
Rating: Explicit
Chapters: 77/77
Summary: Harry Potter is dead. In the aftermath of the war, in order to strengthen the might of the magical world, Voldemort enacts a repopulation effort. Hermione Granger has an Order secret, lost but hidden in her mind, so she is sent as an enslaved surrogate to the High Reeve until her mind can be cracked.
Title: Cruel and beautiful world by Lena Phoria
Rating: Mature
Chapters: 50/50
Summary: After years of captivity, Hermione Granger fights her way onto the streets of Voldemort's London with only the knife in her pocket and the blood on her hands. There's a checkpoint on every corner, a curfew enforced by Voldemort's most trusted followers, and the only way back to the Boy Who Lived is through the Death Eater responsible for her capture in the first place.
“Run,” he whispered immediately and took his wand in his hand. “Run immediately. He is back.”