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27 years old letter
Find it on ao3 here
Dadspy sprinkled with some Sniperspy
Edited by: @radiostaticc
Sniper was of course not the biggest fan for loud parties, but the kid is now 30, which he guess would make Scout not really a kid anymore, but who cares? He was the kid among them and shall stay forever. The little ankle biter who loved loud noises way too much, while alcohol not at all.
While most of the others were having fun being as drunk as one can get, Scout was at the table of gifts with his can of Bonk. Maybe it was how he sometimes did the same things, or maybe he spent too much time with his boyfriend, Spy. But Sniper noticed nervous movements on the Scout. Adjusting his clothes, like they never fit right; drumming on the can with one finger; briefly hugging himself with one arm. The kid was nervous to the brim and Sniper seemingly being the only one to notice, he decided to do something about it.
He walked up to Scout and put a hand on his shoulder, before greeting him, starting simple and kind.
"Staying out of the party? Your age is catching up to you kid?" he joked with a chuckle, relieved to see the other smile from it, but it didn't last long "What's wrong Scout?" he asked, low so it won't cause attention and not hide his worry. The fast runner got more nervous from the question. Chewing on his lips, looking around in fear that anyone else noticed, before giving in with a sigh.
"Can we go to one of your nests? I need air and privacy." he admitted.
"Sure kid, and don't worry. From the look of it, nobody will notice." Sniper said as they walked towards the front door of the base.
"Dear Jeremy,
When they reached the nest, Sniper gave the other time to say the problem. He was known for his patience and not many questions. So he waited. He watched as Scout finished his can of Bonk, tapped his foot on the wooden surface of the nest while getting his thoughts together and he waited as the problem was taken out.
Scout took out an envelope folded in half, looked at it for a little, before holding out for Sniper.
"My mom gave me this when I left home. Said dad wrote it to me when he left and I can read it when I turn 30. Problem is... I-I can't read. Doc said it's a normal dyswhat-the-hell. But I'm sure my da' didn’t know it was a thing I have when he wrote it. And just-"
"Would you like if I read it to ya?" Sniper cut in gently, grabbing the letter, but not yet taking it. Not until Scout released it and nodded as a silent answer. The envelope was already opened, so Sniper just had to take out the letter, unfold it and read it:
You're now old enough to maturely hear what I'm about to say. And old enough to be the age I was when I left you, your brothers, and your mother. I wanted you to have this letter at this age, so you can know how young and stupid a man can be in the age of 30. I also hope that you won't make the same mistakes by reading this and learning from mine.
When I met your mother and she boldly came up to talk to me, I knew that if a nobody like me can fall in love and not be alone in the feeling, then I should never let it go. But then I had to.
She never judged me and I never judged her for anything. She loved me the same way when I had to disappear for long times and I loved her the same way when she introduced me to her 7 sons.
Now before I say the next thing, I want you to know that you are not and never were the reason why I left you and your family. You were the brightest light in my life and still are, no matter where life takes us both.
These almost three years I could spend with you mean so much to me and it hurts so much that I had to leave. But my love for your family and you blinded me about how dangerous a job I actually had that put the bread on the table for the ten of us. I knew the moment when I received a letter with only your name on it, that I had to leave. I don't expect you to understand, or accept my choice. But I wanted nothing more than you to be safe. I made the worst choices in life, but loving my family was not something I could control. Your mother is the strongest woman this world has seen, so I know I'm going to leave you in good hands. She will protect and care for you, like I never could.
You can trust her in anything. I know, because I'm trusting her to keep the things she knows about me secret and give this letter to you when she knows it's time to face the truth of whatever lie she came up with. The truth of which is that I left to protect you and I still will always be with you. In the crowds, in the background, maybe even right next to you.
I'm going to do my best to keep you as close, but still as far to make sure you're safe and happy. Because that's what you deserve. You can say I'm an asshole and a coward, which you are right about. I was a coward for choosing running instead of fighting, but I know at this moment of writing this in your room, that I'm making a mistake. So I want you to learn from it. Love is the most dangerous thing a man can face and if you ever find it, please fight for it. Fight for the person, or people you love and they will fight for you if they're the right people for you. I didn't fight enough for you and your family. Which is why I could never ask for your forgiveness. All I can ask for is for you to never give up and know that you deserve to be loved.
Happy birthday Jeremy
With all the love from your dad"
Sniper had his own small pain in his chest by the time he finished, but it was nothing compared to the sobs he heard and saw when he looked up. He put the letter to the side and moved closer to hold the kid in a tight embrace. He was never a fancy pants, he couldn’t give two shits about Scout ruining his clothes, so he pulled the sobbing man close to his chest and let him cry his heart out. He deserved it. Even if Scout read, he couldn't imagine being alone after such a letter like this.
"Th-ank y-ou..." the boy hiccuped, before burying his face into the red shirt, trying to take deep breaths after feeling a hand caressing his back. "Freak-king asshole dad..." he tried to talk again with a little chuckle, but couldn't say more. So he leant his head against Sniper comfortably, the crying slowly calming down and soft snores taking its place.
With one hand, the sharpshooter put the letter back into the envelope and put it into his pocket before lifting up the kid bridal-style and carefully carried him down. He was happy to discover that the base was now quiet. Inside some retreated into their rooms, while others were sleeping in the living room. He walked towards Scout's room, pretending he didn't hear the extra pair of shoes failing to walk silently after them. After putting the kid into his bed, he put the envelope on the bedside table.
"Happy Birthday Scout." he whispered a last time, before leaving the room, closing the door after himself. "Come 'ere Spook." he said to the air, opening his arms.
"Merde." Spy whispered annoyedly for being found out, but still uncloaked and leaned into his partner's arms. "Bushman, I-'' he started worriedly, but got cut off by a kiss on his head
"I know Spook, I know. I love you too. You won't get away from me that easily." he comforted with a chuckle
"Liar..." Spy said, knowing Sniper too well to believe that anxiety is not eating him up about the letter and what he said about Scout's mom in it. He heard a sigh, before his head was lifted, so his lips could receive a gentle kiss.
"What if you take me to bed and show me just how much you love me then?"
"Sounds good, mon chasseur."
Me, the graveyard shift, to my poor evening shift coworkers who went out drinking with me then to my place after the second bar and didn't start walking home until dawn

I am drunk af and high AF. May or may not have done a little cuddling with my male friend while he was somewhat the second most sober.
My friend and him forced me to bed but I dont wanna stop