Dwende - Tumblr Posts
oc meme, narwhal speaks, oc, ocs, original children, there was a black blob too, but my tito told me not to mind it and to never give it a name,
This is really interesting, I hope you don’t mind my commentary. Your experience reminds me of the dwende. They usually live at anthills and can be nice or mischievous or even vindictive depending on how you treat them. The colors are significant since according to what I was told brown, white and blue are the good dwendes and the black one being an omen.
I’ve seen a blue one streak past me one time and of course there are stories of people getting sick after disrespecting their house.
“tabi tabi po”

I had to make a separate post about my oldest “OCs” cause they have an interesting story. 8)))))))))) please take this with a grain of salt. i was very imaginative kid and i kind of “saw” things. 2 of those things was a brown blob and a white blob. it used to scare the shit out of me but then an uncle told me they were “unseen friends” and that i should give them names. After i gave them names, i started seeing them as a monk and an old lady. They used to follow me around everywhere but as i grew older they just stayed in the house. I dont see them anymore???????????? but if i lit incense around the house they appear in my periphery. back ground story??? I dont remember much. aside from Charlie has a puppy. he never spoke (or opened his mouth at all). but he was very warm. he often patted my head. Angel was an elegant old lady. I never see her by herself??? she only appears with Charlie. she was a little more over protective of me and stricter.
but ye take my oldest “OCs” with a grain of salt cause idk man i was a young i dont remember much of youth.