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Dylan Mulvaney
Look at this man. His eyes betray him. He has that desperate urge of an effeminate drama club kid who needs the spotlights, cameras and validation of self from the outside.
He had his face bones shaved down to make him look feminine and instead he's a Frankenstein monsters mish-mash of neither masculine or feminine.
He is creepy as fuck. He calls himself a "girl" and twirls in circles and giggles as he prances across the room in a grotesque mockery of womanhood.
He is celebrated by liberals. He's been to the Whitehouse to meet with Biden. In Biden's defense I doubt he was aware of the meeting or that he was actually in the room with a man.
Women's rights and safety, tenuious as they already are, are being eradicated by men like him, misogynists who mask themselves in a stereotype of a woman, who claim to be a sub-set of women and therefore deserve the right to women's sex based laws, sports, shelters, positions and etc.
Dylan Mulvaney is a sick sick man. His supporters are also and deep down they all know it.