Eden The Hunter - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago

fantastic idea just came to me rn  like

tw for murder, (small) descriptions of a wound, assault, vomit, guilt, manipulation, and Eden

so, PC. a defiant one. 

PC walking through the woods, making their way to Eden's. They've been away for a few days, for school and work reasons, plan on staying in the woods for the weekend, then head back to town on Monday before the sun rises. They've got the supplies, and are mentally preparing themselves for the housework about to go down. It's a good routine, and they fall into it easily (no matter how long it took to get there) but work is work, and not a lot of people enjoy it.

they come across someone, twenty-something minutes before reaching the cabin. and they're tired, too tired to take a detour, to take another thirty minutes, so they just cross paths with the stranger. and then they get pinned down. :(

so the same song and dance play out: some creep’s on top of them, and they gotta fight the fucker off, and then the fucker gets rougher, and they're kicking, scratching, yelling for Eden. but they don't come. but you know what PC does have nearby? rocks and canned produce. while one hand is trying to push the assaulter off, the other is reaching for the bag of supplies, and the first thing that their finger scrapes over is the heaviest can of sliced peaches they found at the shopping center, like so heavy that this single can weighed down their bag. but in this rush of adrenaline, it's not as heavy anymore, in fact, they pick it up pretty swiftly. and bring it down on their assailant's head. 

obviously, they don't fall down immediately, so a few more clumsy bashes to the skull, and a weird, wet crunching sound later, they fall limply on top of PC, head in the crook of their neck. They're still breathing, PC can feel it.

With that same strength, they push them off their body, letting out a breath they didn't know they were holding before hyperventilating. taking a life is so weird. you never know how you'll react if it happens, or how the circumstances how it happens will affect you. they're not dead, a small part of PC says, you felt their breath. the can is no longer in their hands, lying near the body. They didn't mean to hit them that hard, really, honestly, they thought that the first hit would have them off. they're back hits a tree, and just now they notice they're backing away from the scene. they didn't mean to, and they're not dead, so they didn't do anything, and this was self-defense, so logically, it's okay. right?

but what if they had a family? or a life? what if they're not usually like this? but what if they've done this before? did PC just stop a serial woodland rapist? but really, what if this was a misunderstanding, what if the nature of the town just got to them, that this possibly innocent person was just chatting with them when PC suddenly attacked and bashed their head with a can of peaches? would they have done this if it happened in town, just an hour earlier? or did the seclusion of the woods give them the confidence to play it all out? what if they're the bad guy? what if the police find out? what if they wake up and walk to the station right now?

there's a rustling in the bushes nearby, making them jump, inadvertently snapping them back to reality. did someone see it? how many people go into the woods at this time of day? other hunters, and maybe people picking flowers and harvesting lemons and mushrooms? if someone else saw then they could tell PC what really happened, right? but a witness probably wouldn't be a good thing.

they're fucked. they are so very fucked. there's a body, and they are so fucked. god, they should've just let them do what they wanted, they should've let it happen, and they would've been alive. they could just go to the cabin and sink into chores to forget about but no they just had to go on and attack, and give this piece of shit a fatal wound, it's their fault, they wanted to attack PC! but then again, PC didn't have to take it as far as they did. why did they do that? what the fuck is wrong with them?

mind scrambled, they run away. Every step, there's a new thought, how it's their fault, or maybe it's not, but maybe it is, or maybe it isn't, and by the time they reach the cabin, their thoughts are too loud to notice Eden's voice. When the hunter grabs their jaw, forcing PC to make eye contact, they realize how blurry Eden is. blinking caused fresh, hot tears to stream down their face, but touching their cheeks, they realized their skin was already damp. Eden's voice was muffled, but they could make out a question.

"What happened?"

Trying to speak proved to be difficult, a weak, hoarse sound coming from their throat, a cross between a whine and a wail. whatever comes out of their mouth next is incomprehensible, looking at everywhere but Eden's eyes, hands weakly flailing, pointing at nothing and also pointing behind them. Eden only manages to understand an "I didn't mean to.." before they properly break down, fingers raking into their face, smearing what little blood was on their hands to their cheek. Most of it splattered onto their shirt, anyways.

Eden puts two and two together. 

Walking away from their spouse and into the cabin, they grab their shotgun, before coming back outside. It's a weird sight, out of context for PC, causing them to back away, but the hunter’s hand takes their arm. They ask PC to bring them there. As the question comes out, PC just shakes their head wordlessly, a small whine coming from their throat, fresh tears threatening to spill. They can’t go back, they don't want to go back. But Eden’s hand is back at their jaw, telling them again, very slowly this time, and PC reluctantly leads Eden to the sight.

A small idea pops into their head to take their time leading Eden there, or to go in the wrong direction, but PC, even in a state of panic, is smarter than that. They’re not sure how Eden’s going to react, the hunter’s definitely seen more gruesome sights, and someone who skins animals daily definitely wouldn’t flinch at a body, though that doesn’t stop a small part of PC to wonder if they’ll hate them for this, for causing so much trouble, Eden will definitely put them back in the cage, and they hate that stupid piece of junk, always in the corner of the cabin, taunting them to act up so Eden can shove them in again, each time longer than the last, it’s a wonder they managed to act nice enough for a week curfew. 

Reaching the body is as anti-climatic as one would expect. A body is a body to Eden, human or animal. Humans are animals anyway. But it’s PC’s reaction that has them slightly surprised- shaking harder than before, avoiding the sight of the body, physically turning away, their arm propped on a tree. And then they vomit. It’s more a dry heave before a choked waterfall of past meals come down on a small patch of flowers. They’re not sure how to react to that, keeping some distance, and taking that time to walk closer to the body.

The chest rises, but it’s such a small move that Eden could’ve missed it, but no, they’re breathing. It’s a nasty wound, a visible dent in their head, skin tearing enough to see the red inside, and the cause of it close by, next to the other discarded supplies. Whoever they are, they had it coming. The hand twitches in the corner of Eden’s eye, and their mouth opens narrowly, strained voice spelling out a single syllable word. PC didn’t hit them hard enough, they think, standing up and checking the rifle’s ammunition. They’ll help them out, alright, putting them out of their misery is help, and from the looks of it, they deserve the bullet that's now lodged in their skull.

The sound of the shot echoes out, causing PC to yelp. After emptying their stomach, they were just in a trance, their entire body slumped against the tree, birch digging into their skin, but god that shot woke them right up, their ears ringing like hell. They know what happened, it’s easy to put together through context clues, but there’s no way in hell they’re turning their head. 

The walk back to the cabin is blurry, in image and time, they swear they stood against that tree for hours, the echos of the shot in their head, even when it long passed, but now, they’re in the cabin, on Eden’s lap, face against their chest. It all seems so far away. Maybe it never actually happened, it was probably some drawn-out revenge fantasy. but they know better. As Eden strokes their cheek, PC can feel the dirt underneath their fingers, dirtying their skin.

Eden notices how PC doesn’t leave on Monday morning like they usually do. The past few days they’ve slept in, but Eden expected a bit more urgency when they woke up past 10, but they just stayed in bed for an extra twenty minutes. Not that they’re complaining. the day after the incident they tried to get back on schedule with chores, but only housebound chores, avoiding the front door altogether, it was only late into Sunday afternoon that they went out to clean the spring and wash Eden’s clothing, and after that, threw themselves into the rest of their tasks. Eden likes this, reminding them of the days before the curfew, they really like this. 

On Thursday morning, they find PC getting ready for the day, fastening their only other clean school shirt. When Eden asks where they’re going, they hope it's just for supplies and nothing more, but no, they say school, like it's some sort of priority or whatever. Before Eden can tell them to make breakfast, PC motions their head to the table, leaving once they see Eden’s done eating.

Thursday is not kind to them. PC’s used to the anxiety of living in this godforsaken town, but damn, everything is ten times worse, everyone looks like them and every catcall receives a harsher reprimanding than usual. They look down at their work in class and see blood in the crevices of their fingernails, causing them to ball their hands into fists and dread bundling in their stomach. When Whitney comes up to them in the hallway, biting a nasty hickey to their neck for everyone to see, PC can’t help but notice how that's the same place their assaulter fell onto them after it all went down. Every voice is a warped version of theirs, and the smell of blood catches them off guard multiple times, despite the fact that no one is bleeding. 

The line is drawn when walking home with Robin, and they forget anything that happened past this moment with their fellow orphan until they turn their head and see a deep dent in their skull, blood gushing from the wound while an uncanny face stares back at them.

They practically run to the forest, tripping over themselves multiple times. They swear the soil sinks deeper with each step they take, like everywhere they turn is a shallow grave, waiting for them to fall in.

Back in the cabin, PC throws themselves into work again, throws themselves at Eden, because that's the only person who doesn’t have that horrible face attached to their skin, and Eden feeds that fear. Why would they even leave this morning? Knowing damn well they’d past that small hill of dirt when leaving the woods. Not to mention the possibility of this situation happening again in the streets of town, far away from where Eden can help. Speaking of help, don't they owe Eden this? after they spent so long digging through the ground to properly bury that body for them? They’d happily do it again, but only if PC willing to kill again. Who would they kill next? Some wolves? more randos walking through the woods? Or, thought experiment, a friend of theirs? someone they care about? PC definitely wouldn’t want to do that. Its safer in the cabin and Eden wouldn’t mind if they never went outside, they dont care for the crops that much, prior to PC they forgot about it, and the spring is fine, PC will find another easy way to clean their clothes, really, as long as they don’t leave Eden, they really don’t mind

And in the end, it’s best to stay in cabin, where PC can do their little tasks, radio on full blast, because sometimes they swear they hear someone breathing labored breaths against their ear, and wait by the door for Eden to return because they do owe the hunter this, no matter how much autonomy they lose. in fact, with how often their mind wanders to Eden's rifle against the fireplace, so close, so available for the moment the hunter becomes too much, ready to blow their brains against walls of the cabin they decorated together—thoughts like these just prove Eden's point, proves that they're right. PC should just sink deeper into Eden's embrace, forget it all, do their chores, and be ready to willingly drop to their knees or them <3

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11 months ago

Day Twenty One: Teacher Telepathy

Day Twenty One: Teacher Telepathy

Eden and GN Pc

This idea was from @inkyquince's professor Eden. Yes, I wrote this for Inky and Necro

Contains student and teacher relations, thoughts of kidnapping, abuse and extortion of reader, stalking, adoption with the intent to lock you up and fuck you

Day Twenty One: Teacher Telepathy

Fucking coffee grinder broke right on his first day. Snapped right in his hands before he could even make a cup. Normally he’d fix it, but this one was a welcoming gift from Sirris, some electrical hunk of shit instead of an old school mechanical one like he prefers. He doesn’t know how to fix this fucking thing.  He’s not even sure what happened to the old one. So now he’s without coffee and a grinder for it. He’d have to stop by that little run down place right at the forest edge to pick up another.

He grabbed his ham and cheese lunch, wrapped in a brown paper bag, a bottle of filtered water, and house keys before heading out. The sun had yet to rise, leaving the shadows as thick as dark as the thoughts of people passing by.

All of them, fucking disgusting.

Each one echoed in his head like a chamber. Disturbed and deprived thoughts from everyone, though a few thoughts resonate fear when he walked by. Fearing his face, his build, his walk, or even his scars. Some even … Lusted after him, thoughts they believed to be private were loud about what they’d do to him.

It just made his mood worse.

When he got to school and managed to get some coffee from there, it was watery, tasted like trash and some kind of cleaning chemical. He dumped it after the first drink and decided to opt for his water to settle him over as he sat in his room and looked over each class roster. Nothing special, not surprised.

So before everyone filed into his workshop, he took the time to start whittling and enjoy the rare silence.


The classes were as loud as he expected. Not just out loud, he could quiet them down in a second, but their thoughts were all over. It gave him a migraine instantly.

Some of them thought this class meat they could fuck around, either with each other or. He made sure to nip that idea right in the bud. It was a hassle just dealing with everyone. Though there was you. You minded your own business, you were particularly cute, not rowdy/ but one thing that stuck out was how calm your thoughts were. They weren’t as foul as the others in town. Sure you weren’t focused entirely on the task assigned but the thoughts about the dog you saw at the orphanage made him smile to himself.

His eyes hardly left you. He studied every part of you. The way you carried yourself, talked to your peers. He didn’t even realize till the end of class that he’d been completely enraptured by you. Even by the end of the school day, his thoughts lingered on you. Even when he got home and took a shower,

he found his thoughts lingering on you still.

Looking down, he saw his cock twitching to life, the dark head began to swell and leak. He ran a hand from his stomach down to his mess of pubes as he thought about your face. The heat of arousal just builds as he adds more kindling to it. Thinking about if you were a virgin or not. You seemed like it. His hand grabs his dick and began pumping.

How tight would you be around him? Were you a quiet moaner or a screamer? You seem like the type to like it rough, and he could provide that. Ram into your hole and until you see stars.

He spills on his hand, and he takes a moment to look at what he’s done. There's shame, though not as much as he’d thought there’d be. His contentedness outweighs anything else. He could do this again and have no problems with the fact that you are his student.


It’s been a few weeks now, he’s gotten used to the schedule, he knows almost everyone’s names now, even if he didn't really did not care for most of his students.

But you, he likes you. He keeps an eye on you in class. Watching you as you work and being one of the rare student’s he comes up to help instead of telling them to pay more attention in class before kicking them off the machines for the day. He would have been fine with simply having perverted thoughts about you and jerking off in the shower every night. He really would have, but you saw one of his whittled pieces and smiled looking over it.

Those soft hands of yours gliding over the carved out wolf, your head filled with nothing but genuine awe. Shit, he wanted to ruin you now. You were too docile and sweet for this damn town. He built a cage under his bed for you. It was a spur of them moment thing on a weekend after Sirris dragged him along for drinks. He hated drinking, he wasn’t even sure why he agreed. But the buzz in his stomach and head had him trying to busy his hands and lead to a half finished cage. And when he woke up to see it, he made sure to finish it. The idea of you under there had him just staring, picturing you inside, as he stroked his cock a bit harder this time around than normal. Grumbling when he realized his cum flew and he had to clean the bars.

He’d made his coffee for the day, sat at his seat waiting for the morning to start when he heard a knocking on the door. He frowned, sat up from the chair and swung it open, expecting some snotting idiot to ask him for an extension on a project. No, it was you. Project in hand.

You sat in with him making small talk that he strangely found himself enjoying as he gazed at your project. You did well. Surprisingly so, most students just turn it in for a grade with stuff he’s seen a dozen times before, but you added your own flair and seemed to work hard on it.

You’d be good as a house spouse. Fixing his clothes, taking time to sew up that rip in his nice cable knit sweater. He let one question out, just to test the waters and masking it as concern for you. You answered and seemed happy he was asking something more personal than just to put your name and date on your paper. He asked more, and before he knew it, his watch went off, five minutes before the first bell. You gave him a smile and a wave.

‘Mr. Eden looks handsome today.’

His heart went into his throat as you went out the door. He locked the door and fucked his fist. Cumming all over his hand with two minutes still left.


You came into his room more frequently. He could hear your thoughts. You found him safe, even nice. He couldn’t have been farther from those things. In fact, he was the most dangerous thing to you at this school. But he loved that. He loved how safe and secure you felt when he simply was just in the room with you. Would you feel the same way he sat you on his lap during class? Skull fucked you while there was a test going on?

“Mr. Eden are you married?”

He could be. He’d marry you. Not only that, but he’d take excellent care of you. Make sure you never felt lonely, the bed was always warm, He’d even make dinners for you if you made breakfast and coffee. He answers. No. he doesn’t elaborate. And you were content with that, just the way he likes it.

Though your fist catches his eye. Bruised, just ever so slightly, probably even covered up with some kind of make up. He studied you more as you looked at his news carving. Just under your school shirt right at the neck, rubbed off by the collar, was a bruise, one from a rope. He shouldn’t be surprised. You lived at the orphanage. He’d heard about your debt, he was acquainted with Bailey, after all.

Maybe, just maybe, he’d give Bailey a call about you?


Sure enough, he was right. He’d been getting you to pay over four thousand a week for the past few months. Figures. Bailey asked if he was interested in you, already sniffing out the reason. He didn’t fully respond, though that was because he didn’t have to.

“The brat hasn’t been able to make their payments. Probably won’t even have this week's either.”

Bailey still owed him that favor… He mentioned it, and he heard a very rare laugh come from him.

“You want them?”

That alone caused him to rub the front of his legs, feeling his trousers becoming tight.


It was faster than he expected. Bailey made a comment he was getting soft when he requested it look like an adoption, even though he didn’t actually care about signing it. It just had to look that way to you.

When you had gotten the news, you’d busted into his room blabbering and pulling him into a hug with big wet eyes. Your thoughts were loud today, like new year's celebrations. It was cute, he found himself petting your head and when you calmed down he could hear the thoughts you were trying to push out of your own mind.

‘He’s going to be my dad now… I shouldn’t think about that kind of stuff.’

He’d never dug into thoughts. Not like this. He chased after what you tried to bury. Fantasies about you and him. Not as filthy as what he had in mind, but the fact you saw him in that light had him clenching his hand so hard his nails were digging into his callouses. What was stopping him from pushing you onto the desk and fucking you, just like you both wanted? Tying you up and dragging you home to lock under his bed until you couldn’t do anything but drool over his cock and beg for him to claim you as his own.

He moved closer. Slowly dragging his hand-over your knee and working over your thigh. He could hear you, even though you weren’t talking. He adored the little conflict running through your mind. Even more so with the fact you didn’t move away. Your mind ran a muck, and he kept pushing. You didn’t stop him. Eternally, you were hoping for more. And he gave it to you. Large hands pushing into your underwear to grope you. His middle finger rubbing against your hole.

Soon enough you were in his lap, his fingers inside you, sloppy and wet. The sounds of your hole being abused, and your heavy breathing were loud in his empty classroom. Your fingers digging into the flesh of his arm as he watched you like a predator. You were just as tight as he hopped, if not more so.

Your toes and legs curled as you came from his hand alone. You were gasping for breath. He simply unfastened his buttons and pulled down his zipper. Slowly pulling out his fingers before pulling another confiscated packet of lube out and squeezed it onto his cock.

And he was going to have you all to himself when he finally got you home too.

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11 months ago

Obsessed with @inkyquince‘s Professor Eden. Wrote a little tribute for my terrible woodshop teacher. May the offering please. 

He sat at his desk for lunch, the classroom empty as he munched on his ham and cheese sandwich, the same one he’s had since he started teaching. The only sounds were his muted chewing and the soft tapping of his shoe as his thoughts trailed on you. How he just finished the cage underneath his bed and was thinking of a way to kidnap you, how to seclude you either on your walk home or at the school after hours. Each bite brought a new and foul idea to his head as he stared down with an empty gaze at his papers. 

Plans drift to daydreams. How he’d love to fuck your tight hole during workshop. All the others focused on their projects as he drove his meaty cock- 

A knock on his door. He frowned as he stood up and threw open the door, and he saw you. 

“Mr. Eden, can I talk to you about something?”

He could feel his teeth gritting together, but he didn’t say a word as he opened the door more. He didn’t move as you moved under his arm to enter inside. He turned and made sure to lock the door silently. He could feel a bit of excitement pooling in gut as well as a twist of arousal in his loins. He stayed silent as he stared at you and gave you a questioning raise of his brow. 

“I wanted to tell you… that I like you.” 

The coiling in his gut reared up and he could feel his dick twitch but he didn’t get his hopes up, instead he put a guard up. “What?” he said in a low threatening tone. 

With his other students, they would have shuffled away at his tone, but the reason why he liked you so much was because you didn’t for some reason. You may have flinched a bit but you didn’t stop. “I like you… I think you are really handsome and strong, and I like how passionate you are about your work. I’ve seen some of your carvings and I think they’re really pretty.” 

He took you by your shirt and pushed you against the wall holding you up. “Do you realize what you’re even saying?” His voice was dangerous, hostile. 

“Yes Mr. Eden but… I still like you.” and you gently touched his thigh with a feather light touch of your fingertips. But he grabs you by the hair and drags you over to his deck and shoves you down on it. 

“Little slut. Want to fuck your teacher so bad?” He yanks down your pants and underwear. “Well you’ll get what you want.” 

He keeps your head pushed down uncomfortably on the desk as he unbuckles his pants and free his cock, now leaking as he reaches into his desk to pull out a packet of lube he saved for just such an occasion. 

He shoved your head down hard as he moved his hand away to open the packet. “Keep your head down.” And you did. Listening to the sound of him rubbing it into his fingers before pushing it into your entrance all of a sudden. 

It was uncomfortable. The lube still cold as he finger fucked you. His hand rested right beside you as he leaned over his desk and hovered over you. Staring down at you as you slowly got used to the feeling of his massive fingers worming inside you, twisting and pushing in deep. He slaps your ass every time you wince or flinch. It starts to feel nice after a bit too long but now you’re pushing back on his fingers and letting out soft pants and tiny moans. 

He pulls out quickly and suddenly before putting his hands over you, hovering over your whole body as he uses his hips to line up against your lubed up hole. You can feel his cockhead twitching. He pushes in with one thrust and goes as deep as he can. He’s big and the stretch hurts despite the prep. You want to scream, but he clasps his hand over your mouth as his massive chest pushes against your back. 

“You wanted this.” He huffs into your ear before biting it and your neck just to distract you from it. It doesn’t help much, but at least he has the decency to wait just a bit. 

He slowly pulls back before easing his cock into you deeper this time. Each lazy thrust gets him deeper until he’s fully pushed inside you. Taking a moment to enjoy your heat and letting out a sigh before grabbing your hips in an almost painful grip before fucking you like a wild animal. While his cock felt like it was splitting you open in both the best and worst ways, he was enjoying the chance to finally feel your hole. How fucking tight you were around his cock. How his daydreams and even wet dreams didn’t compare to how your body sucked him inside. He watched your eyes roll back as his cock head ran over every sensitive spot you didn’t even know you had. 

He felt the pull of his orgasm, so he wrapped around just to tease your sex a bit, while still holding onto you so tightly, sure to leave a bruise. His teeth still bite into your neck and shoulders. With all that, you came. Shivering and shaking, you tightened around his cock and he watched as he flooded you with wave after wave of cum. Each twitch of his release was so much more satisfying than the last. There won’t  

He stood up from his hunched over position, staring down at you. He didn’t expect you to come to him. That made everything so much easier. He’ll use your affection against you. For now, he’ll throw his jacket over you and take you home. He’ll be sure to lock you up before he comes back to finish the school day. Then when he comes home he’ll be sure to bring back a collar and some toys for his new puppy.

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11 months ago

Can you write something about how m!Black Wolf and m!Eden would react to a wolf!PC in heat please ?

Thank you have a good day/night

I know you've been waiting a while to get this. So I hope you enjoy!

M!Black Wolf and M!Eden with Wolf GN-Reader in Heat NSFW

Black Wolf

Starting to feel it

Black Wolf could smell the hint of it coming on. It was about to be breeding season after all. He was proud that you were taking to pack-life so well. Your fur has become so lustrous and shiny. You have become swift and agile, and hunting comes easily to you now. Some of their greatest hunts wouldn’t have been possible without you.  

But he could see the signs coming to everyone. Irritability, high energy, excessive grooming, not to mention the scent. He noticed ever since he was a pup that he had a much better smell than most, and now that the season was here the cave was starting to stink. 

You on the other hand, being a human once didn’t have the sense of smell that the others had, let alone Black Wolf. You hadn’t even realized a mood change until you heard Black Wolf huff at your cuddling. You've been clinging to him a lot, haven’t you? Still, if you try to get up he grabs your hand and pulls you back down to laze on his rock.

Black Wolf could feel it coming as well. The building emotions were like a tight coil in his gut. This one would be a harsh one. Maybe he should take you for himself, and the rest can mate amongst themselves. You’re his mate after all.     

He made sure to groom himself often. He wanted to look nice for you, and since you had trouble grooming your ears, he helped with those. He loved the shape of your ears and could easily lose himself in just licking away at them. 

In Heat

You start feeling an unmatched need to be filled, a pit of arousal forms in your stomach that feels bottomless. It’s scary. You just wake up and start grinding against the air. But since Black Wolf saw it coming, he’s right by your side, pulling you close and offering you tiny licks on your cheek when he smells your distress. 

But when you grind back against him, you see his tail lazily bat at your shared nest. You can see other wolf folk sniffing and creeping their way up, but black wolf let out a growl that made the rest of the pack scamper off as he wrapped his arms around you and took in your scent.

He grabs your thighs and starts lapping at your opening. His ears perk and twitch at every little noise you make. He drives to have you make more as he tastes your delicious skin. 

Soon he can't handle just a taste. He wants a full meal and he pins you down, his humongous body leaning over you as he uses one hand to shift your hips up so he can finally fuck you.

Your heat is no joke. You're so much hotter than normal. The warmth is addictive and he can't help but fuck it like the wild man he is. 

It's days long. He goes from fucking you till your legs give out and you are so stretched from his knot, to him carrying you to the stream to have a drink. Sometimes he has to carry you even while his knot is still inflated just because you're both overheating. 

He makes sure to cum inside you, over and over, and over again. Trying to stuff back as much cum as he can back into you, it's impossible. Feeding his natural instincts to breed you and fill you with as many pups as possible. 

After Heat

By the end of it, everyone is exhausted, drained, and starving. So it's up to Black Wolf and a few others to keep the pack fed. Though if you were much rougher on your mate, taking control and riding him yourself his hips may hurt as well. 

He'll be damn sure to bring back a feast for everyone and give you some of the choice parts so you can recover faster. A good mate provides for their partner. An alpha provides for them and their pack. 

He's now carrying you to his rock now. Lazing with you and watching the younger ones play and chase each other. He's found it calming for himself when he licks at your stomach. It doesn't matter if you're ticklish, he'll still do it. 


Starting to feel it

Even though Eden lives in the forest alongside the wolves, he didn't really know how mating season affected them since they spent that time in their cave. It was no skin off his back since it made prey easier to hunt. 

But he certainly noticed a change in his wolf spouse. Though he never thought he'd ever be thinking something like that. 

You were extra cuddly. At breakfast, after you made him food, you hardly bothered with the food you'd usually share. You just cuddle up with him and offer his arms soft licks. Which he didn't mind as long as you were good. 

You were constantly licking yourself and spending extra time in the bath, scrubbing yourself squeaky clean. Though he always helped with your ears, you always made cute noises when he did. 

He didn't have a nose like a canine, so he didn't notice any changes like that. But he wasn't a dunce either. He could sum up what was happening though he wasn't sure how to help you. He couldn't just let others handle the work around the cabin, and you were not running off with anyone else. 

In Heat

When you woke him up, he was desperately lapping at his cock, whining and grinding down on anything that could give you friction. You look so good, so alluring. So he grabs your head and pushes you down so your nose is pressed against him and you are choked on his cock. But if you manage to deep throat him he’ll offer your ears soft rubs as he fucks your mouth. 

He spares as much time as he can, but it's a bit of a nuisance. You’re lucky he loves you so much and you're a good spouse. He’ll have you ride his cock as he eats, then he’ll have to tie you to the bed since he doesn’t want you running off or stupid wolves trying to breed you themselves. Just be a good dog and he’ll be back as soon as he can. He has to do the chores since you can’t. 

He does like teasing you, especially if you have a bit of pride. He likes seeing you strain on the leash and whine as you are dripping and grinding against nothing. But he’s not too cruel. He’ll fuck you so you can’t move tomorrow and he doesn’t have to worry about you trying to chew through the leash to get cock. 

He does get a bit worried when you show no desire to eat or drink. He’ll force water down your throat if he has to. But he can’t force you to eat since he doesn’t want you to choke while you are all over his dick wanting more.

He can’t stretch you with a knot, but he can fuck you so stupid you forget all about it. He cums over and over again until he has to pass out, but he always leaves you just as tired.    

After Heat

He’s glad it’s over. Fucking relieved. As soon as he sees you wake up and not all over him, he asks if you are alright. If you're sore, he’ll allow you one more day of not having to do chores, but after that it’s back to work. He’s happy to see you finally eat though. 

Eden is a bit overworked himself, so he expects a bit of payback for everything he had to endure. But it can be as simple as a massage and getting back to normalcy as quickly as possible and he’d be fine with all his work.

He missed your cooking. He really did. So the next time he eats it, he takes a bit longer to enjoy it. 

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11 months ago

here’s the thing. much like no one ever wanna talk about yan avery, no one ever wanna talk about yan eden (though eden in canon is already yan tbf) so here i am to share my yan eden thoughts. i wanna be eden’s little puppy dog. i want him to collar me and cage me and tell me i’m his bitch. in the daytime i will be his perfect spouse and take care of the cabin while being extremely obedient. i will never step out of line. at night he will fuck me like the bitch i am. if i ever do somehow step out of line he will spank me and shove me in the cage until i’ve learned my lesson. when friends from school come looking (eg robin or kylar) eden will scare them off with his gun and i will have to fuck him for hours to convince him again that he’s the only one i ever think of. i will dedicate the rest of my life to being eden’s little bitch spouse. thank you.

listen. youre onto something and you should say so because Eden. my beloved forest husband is so depressed and lonely and horny. I can't even imagine him being anything but a mess.

the dude is emotionally fragile and is constantly insecure. but you know what would fix that? A loyal dog

The dude is so into ownership and control it's basically pet play. he is definitely a predator type and is frothing at the mouth to stick his dik into anything you related.

He's not polite about it either if you're within reach he's fucking you senseless I can imagine he only truly gets anxious when you leave. (either escaping or because you need stuff in town) starts to beat himself up about how he's unloveable and shit like that

but once he has you back in the cage hell feel better. hell, want you to say that he's the only one for you. god help you if you refuse tho

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11 months ago

okay more eden thoughts…being a bad dog and he makes you hump his leg to get off…hnnngh grinding on eden’s big beefy thigh (truly this would not be a punishment for me)….okay i don’t remember what else i came here to say sorry i got distracted

You have no idea how this is effecting me dude. I'm absoloutly frothing at the fucking mouth for stalkhome petplay with eden.

I Know this motherfucker tugs on your collar when you're humping his leg. Dude is absoloutly pinning you down and spreading you open every chance he gets and calls it an "inspection"

He is absoloutly making you gag on his fingers when you nip at him.

Anything to make you the well behaved loyal dog he knows you can be!!

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11 months ago

how the LIs come


pure!sydney buries his face into your chest, lapping at your nipple with a warm tongue. "you're beautiful," he breathes, eyes filled with adoration as he watches you roll your hips. you take him so well and yet, he is taken by you. when you place your hand around his throat, his eyes widen. "beloved," sydney gasps, clutching you as he fills you with the warmth of his worship.

"wonderful." corrupt!sydney's breath is warm against your ear as he rocks his hips into you. one of his hands is busy stroking you, coaxing breathy moans as you fuck yourself against him. your hand braces against the shelf. there are students milling around in the distance. "i can feel you clenching around me," he whispers, pushing himself in deeper. there's a note of fanaticism to his voice, an obsessiveness in his embrace that threatens to drive you over the edge. it takes all of your strength not to keen. thankfully, his fingers, so soft and smooth, slip into your mouth. "but we wouldn't want the others to know that, do we?"

"so fucking whiney," whitney curses, taking your hair in his fist as he fucks you against the desk. "you've been waiting for this, haven't you?" he sinks his teeth into your skin, rakes his nails across your hips as he comes. whitney is selfish, but his marks burn in a way you can't resist. he doesn't wait for you to adjust yourself and pulls up his trousers. you hear him fasten his belt. "better clean yourself up before the break's over."

kylar whines. he can't help it. all week, he's been saving himself for you, palming his groin whenever it got too unbearable, all because he wanted to fill you up once you were back in his arms. "you look so beautiful like this," he gasps against your neck, rutting into you with jerky, desperate thrusts. "you'll, hah, take everything that i can give you, right?"

there's a grumble that builds within eden's throat - part growl, part rolling of thunder as his hips meet yours. "you're mine," he says gruffly, his tongue licking a hot stripe along your neck. the hunter has you pinned. his massive body cages you in while he thrusts, cock twitching inside of you as he smashes his mouth against yours to swallow your moans. when he pulls away, he licks his teeth, admiring your sweat-slicked skin as his release leaks out of you. what a sight he is, your hunter. what a feast you are, his prey. "don't you ever forget that."

"we have to be quiet," robin muffles his moans by pressing his mouth against yours. he's got you in his lap, arms wrapped around your body as he thrusts. just a few minutes ago, he had been playing video games. now, his hands are occupied, sculpting your sides. your back. when you tangle your fingers in his hair and pull, he lets out a needy whine that you silence by taking his lips between your teeth.

ivory wraith hums, a sonorous thrum that vibrates the very marrow of your bones. when his pleasure crests, it is the surge of the current. the coiling of a great and powerful tide that washes over you, drowning you as he swells. "droplet," he sighs, pressing a cold kiss to your temple. the specter's embrace is gentle yet possessive, his caress carrying the promise of adoring you during this lifetime and a thousand more. "may we never part again."

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7 months ago

I just saw a post about parents building their son a cool new bed and being excited for him and his special interest is dinosaurs and you can tell and I was hit by insane baby fever

So I'm just thinking about Eden, hand making your kid's bed. Carving each piece of wood, whittling tiny designs in it. Your kid is getting too big for the cot and he'd rather die than have them in bed with you two so he sits, bare foot and surrounded by different pieces of lumber, perfectly measured to slot together and puts it all together.

Avery, who orders your kid a new bed, making sure it's one of the cool ones. A bunk bed with a lil play area underneath, with safe stairs for them to climb down from instead of a ladder. He bought the cot and made sure it was aesthetically pleasant, soft white painted wood and all pretty but loves your kid enough to indulge. Has other people build it while they're at school but watches you excitedly set up the play area and tucking their toys in and making up the bed. Something in him feels it's because you didn't get to be excited about a new bed. The other part brushes it over and kisses the back of your neck.

Wren yelling fuck as he hammers his thumb again. Grumbling loudly. Whines for a kiss every time you pop your head in. Wren was going to buy a cheap IKEA bed and make it up cool but Remy caught wind and sent over one of those fucking beds that takes forever to put together, has drawers built into it, everything. Remy smoothly told you it's because he makes sure his people are happy but Wren knows for a fuckin fact that it's because he already owned it and wanted to get it out of the manor. He's more excited to pick out sheets and new toys, because a kid needs a cool fuckin bed!

Bailey leaving halfway through, crumpling up the instructions. Snaps at you to leave him alone when he leaves the house. You feel uneasy, and try to take over, but shit, it's complicated... Where the hell is slot G? What's rod C? Its not even funny to make it into a sex joke anymore. You sit there, desperately checking the time, wanting your kid to get to come home to a upgraded bed after nagging Bailey to stop being a cheapskate. Then the door flings open and arguing voices spill over each other. The asshole drags his friends who all currently owe him a favour in, making them help him or god HELP THEM, he will start throwing hands. Briar idly questions your choice in the design, as Harper SWEATS, bullied into being the one who holds up the balancing edge of the bed frame. Remy and Bailey arguing about instructions and are so close to hitting each other until Wren smugly points out they've been reading it upside down. When it's actually put together, they all go to the kitchen and steal your beers as Briar stays behind and idly watches you make up the bed, offering tips on how to make it look cosier.

And of course your kid lets themselves in with their key, ignores all the men who did the work and flings themselves into your arms, babbling out thanks yous for the cool new bed! The ensemble quietly reminds each other to get vasectomies and Bailey just gives you the evil eye.

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5 months ago

Please support me

, I'm Karam Al Nabih from Gaza. My home, dreams, and university have been destroyed by the war. I'm a software engineer in my final semester, and I'm urgently seeking your support to rebuild my life and help my sick mother.

Please consider donating, even a small amount like 10 or 15 £, as every contribution makes a difference. If you can't donate, please share my story to help me reach my goal. Your support means the world to me.

Reblog pin post

Donate here: https://gofund.me/a9d0f2d7

Thank you so much! 🙏❤️

Vatted by @nabulsi @90-ghost

!!!!!! https://gofund.me/a9d0f2d7 Reblog if you can

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5 months ago

Hello my friend, please help me save my family from death and the cold in winter Help my child, donate $10 to save my family with 3 children, we need food and blankets to protect us from cold winter, please🙏🙏 any small amount help us.


!!!!! https://gofund.me/1400c60c

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5 months ago
Will Try To Draw/interpret Them All ( )
Will Try To Draw/interpret Them All ( )
Will Try To Draw/interpret Them All ( )

will try to draw/interpret them all (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)

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5 months ago
Tries To Shxxt You In The Forest (his Attempt At Flirting)

tries to shxxt you in the forest (his attempt at flirting)

Tries To Shxxt You In The Forest (his Attempt At Flirting)

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1 year ago

Imagine this: a younger/kid PC finding out about the attic, maybe even a picture from when Bailey and Eden were still in school, and is now determined to find Eden, and try to bring the two together again


Basically The Parent Bait, but there’s only one (1) annoying and stubborn kid (except anon has never seen the movie)

Bailey knew you were a menace as soon as you were dropped off on his doorstep. And he was right. You break out of the youth wing and wander around, you latch onto him as he passes by despite his best efforts to not be fatherly, and of course he caught you coming down the ladder from the loft.

Now you've followed him to his meeting with Eden, staring up at both of them with a big smile on your face as they feel a mutual relief that they kept their pants on.

"One of yours...?" Eden looks jumpy, ready to get gone. Its best that people don't know he exists, and if this kid is some sort of spy (a terrible one if they are), then it could mean trouble.

Bailey flicks some ash off the end of his cigarette. "You're meant to be at school, kid."

His glare doesn't change a thing, you're still there, swinging your arms back and forth as you rock on your feet, a giggle bubbling up from your chest.

"Is this your boyfriend from that old photo?"

Both of them freeze. There's an old photo? You used the word 'boyfriend', too, which doesn't help with how god damn fragile the line of friendship and lovers is between the two.

"We aren't boyfriends, what fucking photo, kid?"

Your little hand dives straight into your pocket, producing a faded picture with creases marking the material. "This one! From an old box in the loft. I don't know why you don't like me up there, it's just dusty."

There's so much innocence still in your eyes. So much lack of knowledge about the world leaving blank spaces in your head that you fill with dreams. You don't even seem to realise how the mention of the loft makes both men grow pale.

Bailey snatches the photo from you, briefly glancing at it to ensure its really them. Eden looks away from it. He'll have to burn it later.

"Wait here kid. Don't move - not an inch, do you understand? I need to talk about something you're too young for, so no listening in."

He grabs the fabric of Eden's coat, hauling him several feat away before speaking once more in hushed tones. "I'm worried about this one. They'll give me a stress heart attack when they're older, I just know it. Hope someone just adopts them so I won't have to put up with them."

No response from Eden as he looks at you over his shoulder, nodding his head when you wave at him.

Bailey continues. "They think I'm like. Their dad or something. It pisses me off, Eden, how can one kid be that dumb? I mean-"

"Or whoever raised them this far was just as much of a cold bastard as you and they think it's normal cause they don't know anything else."

Sometimes Eden says smart things. Sometimes. Bailey rarely likes it. "Yeah well they should learn better anyway."

Eden has something in his eyes when he looks back at you once more. A hint of pity and wistfulness.

"I want kids, I ever tell you that?" They're speaking quietly, but this one is whispered.

The hunter can't adopt. He doesn't have the paperwork, can't pass inspections. But you're an adventurous kid who runs off a lot.

"I can just report them missing. You'd be doing me a favour, and it's better than killing them because they know we used to be just like them."

A month passes before he's able to see Eden again. A month where it looks like the man hasn't slept and has claw marks on his face. He's smiling, though.

"The kid decided we needed a pet badger."

Fatherhood looks good on him.

"But also is asking when their other dad is coming for tea."

And you're still finding ways to make his life difficult.

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10 months ago
Cw // Scars
Cw // Scars

cw // scars

was minding my business and realized the reason why my pc likes eden so much HBREFBHJERF

my pc's reaction to this discovery:

Cw // Scars

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