Editing Event - Tumblr Posts

ㅤHuh? what's that? AHH!! It's an event!

HELLO EVERYONE!!! THANK YOU FOR 50 FOLLOWERS:3 in celebration of reaching 50 followers, I'm hosting an event!!

this event will run from tommorow (august 4) till august 13 !
all types of edits are allowed here (layouts , icons , graphics, etc.)
must tag me and use the tag #ipcaven50 otherwise i wont see it!
i'll be pick the winners using a wheel :]

PRIZES ! ! !
These are the prizes you'll get if you manage to be one of the 3 lucky winners ! ! !
any edit of your choice
A layout of any character you'd like (as long as its not in my blacklist , although mha is an exception for this one) , a rentry graphic , and any other edit of your choice (can be any of the edits i mentioned before)
1ST PLACE ! ! !
a layout , rentry graphics , stamps , pixel recolors & another edit of your choice :) (can be any of the edits i mentioned before)

Day 01 : A detective character OR an idol character
Day 02 : A smart character OR a dumb character
Day 03 : A snowy/cold theme OR a warm/hot theme
Day 04 : A cyberpunk theme OR solarpunk theme
Day 05 : Your least favorite character from your favorite media OR your favorite character from your least favorite media
Day 06 : A monochrome/dark theme OR a soft/light theme
Day 07 : Free day !
HAVE FUN ! ! !

Taglist :
@hiddencircus @ubecream @pinkidol @vvincian @frilliette @eskeys
@clcharo @9007k @therealcreepyspaghetti @astroellez @deertism
@saishimi @thedamselettee @thefranticfreakshow @jewelistic @kageblr
@mischiefesse @cosmoesse @lavendergalactic @sianachkit @kirakuurusu
@villyth @hwkwh @teakusu @doveish @schizsou @naicissism