Ehehe Hell Yeah!!! - Tumblr Posts
7 months ago
a list of shit we are not normal about at the moment, not listed in any order, just what came to mind first:
Sockeye salmon (dear god what creatures)
Rule #1 - Magic by Fish in a Birdcage
The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance
making stickers by hand (pro peace messages!!)
Lino cutting! Print making!! (Ask us about our prints PLEEEAASSEEE)
Crust clothes; jackets, vests, patches, pins THE WORKS!!
tarot! Apparently! This was news to me honestly but it’s been a program running in the background of our brain since… urghH June? I think?
Storytelling through comics (we’re always insane about stories and their impact and the way they’re told but comics have had a death grip on us for a while now)

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