Electora Flora - Tumblr Posts
Final flower for this challenge! Seems like my compositions have been shrinking lately. 😅 Ah well, I think my other circle composition did really well two years ago so maybe it will be well-received again? Or does this challenge just not do as well here as on Instagram? So far that's been the vibe. Ahhh... kinda makes me wish it wasn't a garbage platform... Anyways! Onto floral descriptions! Keep reading for more~
Electora Flora
Similar to the Lyta Flora, the Electora flora stores up energy from the sun and gives some of it off at night. The rest it stores in its roots, which can be harvested and used as a power source. Very few know how to do this though, as it requires some technical knowledge. Electora roots are commonly used in the Queen's Palace, as she is one of the few who know how to utilize them.