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~life update~
hellooooo lovelies,
It's that timeeeeee!!!!!!! Uni season is once again, in progress )):, which means that my content will be slowing down. I will try my absolute best to get some stuff up throughout this term, but I cannot promise anything. I'm still soooo new to writing and posting content, that I may not be able to juggle both (esp, cuz my semester is heckin packed!!!! and I work!!!).
So please, please, please, be patient with me. This year is going to be really busy for me, and I hope you understand. I may write quick little drabbles here and there, but many of my series(released/unreleased) will be on pause.
As for the epilogue for 'colours', it is still in the works, and I'm not sure when that'll be up. I will do my best <3
However, that does not mean that I will be absent from my blog, I will still be on here, browsing and whatnot, whenever I have time, so please do send me an ask or message every once and a while ((:.
Again, tysm for your endless love and support <3
~ ella
got all (4) of my wisdom teeth out today. absolutely brutal 🤧