Elbietabarszczewska - Tumblr Posts

𝐄𝐥ż𝐛𝐢𝐞𝐭𝐚 𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐬𝐳𝐜𝐳𝐞𝐰𝐬𝐤𝐚 (November 29, 1913 - October 14, 1987) was born from the union of a married man and an unmarried maiden. Her mother and Elizabeth herself were rejected by the family, considering it a disgrace on the family. After the outbreak of World War I and her father's departure, suddenly her mother's parents took them in and loved their granddaughter very much. From an early age she showed acting talents, by the way, her father's sister was also an actress, who supported her niece in developing her career. After graduating, Elżbieta began performing at the Polish Theater, with which she was associated almost until the end of her life. She made her debut there with the role of Helena from "Sen nocy letniej" ("A Midsummer Night's Dream") by William Shakespeare. In 1933 she met Marian Wyrzykowski, an actor and director who had a wife and daughter, at the theater. During this time, she starred in films such as "Pan Twardowski" ("Mr.Tvardovsky"), "Trędowata" ("Leprechaun"), "Znachor" ("Znachor"), "Nad Niemnem" ("On the Nemun River") and many more. After the outbreak of World War II, she separated from her beloved. During the war she was a waitress at the cafe "At the Actresses" and participated in underground theater life. Finally, in 1946, she married a divorced actor and bore him a son, who later also became an actor. Shortly thereafter, the actor Marian's ex-wife committed suicide, which Elżbieta later blamed on herself. However, she continued performing and having affairs, including with actors. The acclaimed actress unfortunately contracted Alzheimer's later in life. She was cared for by her son, as her husband died several years before her. In her lifetime, she was awarded medals of merit for theater and art. She left behind many great roles and appearances, and her acting has been described as timeless.