Emersyn & Quinn - Tumblr Posts

┍ ┑ ⋆✩⋆ ─── meet emersyn ┖ ┙
emersyn's profile ─── ⋆✩⋆
୨୧ full name ─── emersyn blake campbell ୨୧ nicknames ─── em, emmie, emma, ems ୨୧ date of birth ─── march 5, 2001 ୨୧ hometown ─── jericho, new york ୨୧ family ─── ryder campbell, nick, campbell, claire campbell ୨୧ face claim ─── madison beer
୨୧ favorite animal ─── dog ୨୧ favorite drink ─── coke, water, apple juice ୨୧ favorite food ─── pasta, pizza ୨୧ favorite celebrity ─── austin butler ୨୧ favorite book ─── the maze runner series ୨୧ favorite movie ─── legally blonde ୨୧ favorite color ─── any variation of blue ୨୧ favorite musical artists ─── justin bieber, billie eilish, taylor swift ୨୧ favorite holiday ─── thanksgiving ୨୧ favorite scent ─── vanilla ୨୧ favorite season ─── summer ୨୧ favorite song ─── any justin bieber song
fun facts ─── ⋆✩⋆
୨୧ Her favorite color is any shade or variation of blue.
୨୧ She met the Hughes family when her own family moved across the street from them in Michigan back in 2008.
୨୧ Instantly, she and Jack became best friends.
୨୧ As she grew older, she developed a gigantic crush on Quinn but never had the guts to tell him.
୨୧ Luke over heard Jack and Emersyn talking about her crush on Quinn, and him being a 13 year old boy, quickly exposed her in front of Quinn, to which he quickly told the girl that he didn’t have the same feelings for her and that he would never like her in the way, and it crushed her.
୨୧ With the humiliation and heartbreak of her crush not liking her back, Emersyn decided that would be the last summer she spent with the Hughes family.
୨୧ The next couple of summer’s Emersyn chose to stay with her aunt and uncle in California instead of going to Michigan which crushed Jack, who just wanted to spend time with his best friend, but the two were always FaceTiming and texting each other.
୨୧ One summer while in California, she and her cousins went to a karaoke bar that was letting teens in, and her cousins forced her to go up and sing.
୨୧ Ironically enough, Justin Bieber had been walking past when he heard her singing and walked in.
୨୧ She internally freaked out as he walked up to talk to her, and gave her his number, wanting to sign her to his label. ୨୧ After going home and calling her parents, she was soon moving to California and was signed to Island Records and being mentored by Justin himself. ୨୧ The Hughes family was sad to see her moving so far away from them, but they really supported her career choice, especially Jack who was extremely proud of his best friend. ୨୧ In 2017, she released a song called ‘Dead’ and the following year, she released her first EP titled ‘As She Pleases’. ୨୧ In 2019, when he was first drafted to the New Jersey Devils, Emersyn was one of the very first people outside his family that was told.
୨୧ Unfortunately, due to her very busy schedule, she was unable to be there in person for him, but Luke made sure he was facetiming her to let her watch.
୨୧ In 2018-2019, she dated Jack Gilinsky, but cheating scandals and rumors of a toxic relationship broke the two up.
୨୧ 2020 was actually the first summer since the revel of her feeling for Quinn that she started going back to the lake house.
୨୧ She comes a day later than everyone else, and as soon as he sets eyes on her for the first time in a long time, the breath is instantly knocked out of Quinn.
୨୧ Emersyn tries her best to only talk to Quinn when she needs to or he talks to her.
୨୧ Towards the end of the summer, Quinn begins to question his feelings for his little brother's best friend and decides to spill to Jack himself.
୨୧ August 12, 2020, the day before leaving, Quinn takes Emersyn out on a date, and they make it official.
୨୧ with her going back to California and him going back to Vancouver, the long distance was tough, but the two make it work.

⋆✩⋆ ─── adore you masterlist main masterlist
⋆✩⋆ ─── part one part three
⋆✩⋆ ─── IN WHICH . . . emersyn surprises her best friend by showing up at the lake house, and quinn soon goes to his brother when he realizes his feelings for the singer.
⋆✩⋆ ─── feel free to send in any request for things you want to see in this series, or in any of the other series on my page. Or if you just want to share some thoughts about what you read, or if you want to talk about oc's!

June 1, 2022
“Hi, Emmie, we miss you!?”
“Mama H!” Emersyn cheers as the woman answers her FaceTime call.
“Is that Emmie?!”Jim’s face appears next to his wife’s, ginning widely at the girl he saw as his daughter. “Hey, superstar!”
“Hey, Papaw H! How are you guys?” She asked, looking off screen as a voice calls her name, “The blue one, Justin!”
“We’re good, honey! What with the call?” Jim asked the brunette as he smiled.
“Well, I wanted to let the two of you be the first to know that I’m coming to the lake house risk summer!”
A gasp leaves Ellen’s lips as a smile makes its way onto her face, “Are you serious?!”
“Yes! I feel like it’s been a long time coming, and besides, I miss everyone.” Emersyn pouts, “And with mom and dad going on their little getaway and Ryder busy with his own life, I need this.”
“I’ve been telling you that you need a break!” A male voice calls throughout the background just as a shirt lands on her head.
“Justin! Stop messing up my bedroom! Go home to your wife!”
“You said you would go get waffles with me!”
“Ugh! Fine! I’ll see you guys in a couple of days! Love ya’ll!”
“We love you, sweetheart!” Ellen blows the young woman a kiss before hanging up, “Oh, I’m so happy! Our girl is coming home for the summer!”
Jim smiles sweetly at his wife, his own excitement building up in his chest, “Maybe this is the summer where Quinn will get his head out of his ass and finally admit that he’s had feelings for her from the very first summer she stopped coming.”
June 10, 2022
The slick black car pulled into the driveway of the Hughes lake house, cars piled up outside from the amount of people staying there this summer.
Choosing to get her stuff from the trunk later, the brunette girl bounces up the stairs and knocks on the door.
The red wooden door opens up and Emersyn grins when she notices that Ellen is the one to open it.
“Emmie, my sweet girl!” Ellen pulls her into a tight hug, both women hugging each other for dear life, “Oh, I’ve missed you so much!”
“I missed you! You’re making me cry!” Emersyn can feel herself tear up as they pull away from each other, the brunette wiping her tears away.
“I heard our girls voice!” Jim’s booming voice filled the air as he comes around the corner, straight to the girl he had practically helped raise since she was eight. “Hi, honey.”
“Come on, all the boys are out on the dock.” Jim leads the girl towards the back door as his wife follows along. “Hey, boys! Look what that cat dragged in!”
Everyone turns in the direction of Jim's voice, shouts of happiness leaving the lips of those who knew Emersyn on a personal level as they rushed to hug her, all of them talking over each other.
But two people stood off to the side, both with totally different emotions swirling around.
Jack stood with a dropped jaw, tears pooling as he it had been years since they had spent a summer with each other. Of course, the two talked on the daily and texted, checking up on each other. And Emersyn had been to a handful of his hockey games while Jack tried to go to as many concerts of hers as he could.
But they hadn’t actually spent a summer together since the summer that Quinn had embarrassed her after Luke spilled her secret about her crush on Quinn — one that was still so much present even though it had been years.
Quinn sat off to the side, his entire body frozen as he takes in the girl standing in front of him. The two hadn’t talked since that one summer. And every time Quinn tried to get Jack to give him the singers new number, his brother always refused.
If she wanted him to have it, then she would’ve given it to him.
“Holy, fu— is this real?” Jack asked from his place, watching as his best friend nodded her head.
“Hi, Jacky.”
And that’s all it took for the two best friends to rush towards each other, Jack picking the brunette up to hold her to him tightly, the middle Hughes boy swaying them slightly.
“Are you here for the summer?” He mumbles in her neck, only loud enough for her to hear.
“Yes. I decided that it—,”
“No. Let me help you get your stuff up to your room.” Jack cuts her off, placing a hand on the small of her back, pushing her towards the inside of the lake house.
It’s quiet as Jack watches Emersyn unpacking her stuff in the bedroom that was designated for her when she came to the Lake House for the summer, which for the last nine years had stayed empty.
“The entire summer?”
Emersyn laughs as she pushes the now empty suitcase under the bed, “I’m here the entire summer. Well, I do have to fly back to California in a couple of days just for a concert. I promised Justin I’d come sing Overboard with him.”
Jack nods as she comes to sit next to him on the bed, “How’s that crush on Quinn?”
Emersyn groans, throwing herself back as she uses the palms of her hands to cover her eyes, “You would think that after nine years, and one toxic ass relationship, that I wouldn’t have one anymore but it hasn’t gone away.”
“Might help if you stopped watching his games, or stopped looking over his Instagram, or let me set you up on a date with —,”
“I’m not going on a date with anybody for your team.” She cuts his off, “Dawson and Nico are great guys, but no.”
“Worth a shot.” He shrugged.
“I tried really hard to forget about my crush on Quinn, but it seems impossible. And I know that he doesn’t feel the same way, he made that pretty clear in 2013, but….,”
“You want him to return the feelings.” Jack smiles softly.
“Yeah.” Emersyn sighs, “God, that sounds so stupid.”
“Maybe one day he will. It’d be nice if you were my sister one day.” Jack smirks, nudging his foot with hers before the smirk drops, “I don’t know how I’d feel about it though.”
“What do you mean?” She sits up, eyebrows pinched together is confusion.
“Emmie, he broke your heart to the point that you haven’t been here is nine years. He let his friends laugh at you. He embarrassed you.” Jack shakes his head, “He’s by brother, and I love him, but your my sister and I love you just as much.”
“Jack! Stop hogging Emmie!” Trevor rushed into the bedroom, cutting off the conversation between the two best friends as he picks the singer up and throws her over his shoulder.
“Trevor!” Emersyn squealed, clutching tightly to his sides to make sure she wouldn’t slip from his grip. “Put me down!”
“I don’t think so, pop star.”
June 11, 2022
Emersyn had officially made it an entire day without talking to Quinn. Trevor and Jack had done a great job at keeping her as far away from her as possible.
But this morning as she was sitting on the porch, watching the sun rise, she had no luck seeing as she was the only one awake.
“Hey.” Quinn comes to sit in the empty seat next to her.
“Hi.” She doesn’t turn her head to look at him as he shoulders tense.
Quinn notices the way she rubs the palms of her hands on her bare thighs, a habit that she picked up on when she was nervous about something.
“How’s things in sunny California?” He asked, leaning back in his seat.
“Good. I finally moved out of Justin’s place.” Emersyn nods, “Which isn’t all too great ‘cause I live next door and he can just walk in whenever he feels like it.”
Having been a minor when she first moved to California, her parents staying in Michigan, she needed an adult to live with, and Justin offered to be her legal guardian until she was old enough.
And the brunette wanted to move out whenever Hailey had moved in with him, but both told her to stay, and she ended up doing that until about a months ago.
“Emmie.” The door slides open and Luke pops his head out with a pout, “Will you make me some of your pancakes?”
A giggle leaves her lips as she stands up, walking towards him, “Come on you big baby.”
Quinn watches the girl walk inside with his youngest brother, a sign leaving his lips as he throws his head back, “I am so fucked.”
June 14, 2022
“We need to talk.” Quinn shuts Jack’s bedroom door as the Devil’s player was trying to find a specific t-shirt that Emersyn had asked him to get so that she could throw it over her swim suit.
“Talk about what?” Jack doesn’t turn from his closet as he pushes clothes around.
“I’m in love with Emersyn.”
Jack freezes as the words come from his brother’s mouth, t-shirt clutches tightly in his fist before he shakes his head, “No.”
“No? What do you mean ‘no’?” Quinn looks at his brother in confusion as Jack turns to him.
“You think I’m going to let you love my best friend after what happened?” Jack asked, a dry chuckle leaving his lips. “Think again.”
“No. It has been nine years since I’ve spent an entire summer with Emmie because of you.” Jack tells him, “Hell, she didn’t even come to Luke’s first NHL game that she promised him she would come to because she didn’t want to face you.”
“I know! Jack, I was 13–,”
“I don’t give a damn if you were 31! Emmie has spent her entire life trying to please you, to make you see her as more than my best friend!” Jack’s voice grew louder as his grip on the t-shirt got tighter, knuckles turning white out of anger. “I’ll be damned if you hurt her all over again!”
“Tell her.”
“What? No!”
Jack’s jaw flexes as he clenches down on his teeth, “Either you tell her right now, or I do it.”
“That’s not fair.”
“Not fair? You what’s not fair?! Her being gone for nine years, not wanting to step foot into this lake house, because you hurt her and embarrassed her!” Jack’s voice carried throughout the house as he makes his way down the stairs, feet pounding loudly with each step that he took.
“Jack! Stop!”
“Emmie!” Jack calls out for the girl as he holds the t-shirt out to her.
“Oh, thank yo—,”
“Quinn is in love with you.”
Silence falls over the entire lake house, Emersyn's standing in shock as she holds the t-shirt in her hand.
"Jack." Quinn hisses, not able to tear his gaze away from the fallen expression on Emersyn's face. "Emmie."
"Stop." Her voice cracks as she holds a hand up, pushing the t-shirt into his chest as she walks by him and heads up the stairs.
"Seriously?" Quinn looks at his little brother before following after the brunette, "Emmie! Hey, Emersyn, talk to me!"
"What the hell just happened?" Trevor asked after closing his mouth after it fell open in shock.
“Emmie, will you please open the door?” Quinn calls out as he knocks on the bedroom door, forehead pressed against the wooden surface.
Silence fills the air as the brunette inside doesn’t say a word, throwing stuff into a suitcase as she texted Justin that she wanted to come back a day earlier for at least a couple of days to clear her head.
"Emersyn, please!" Quinn knocks once again before the doorknob is turning and the Canucks player pushed it open standing in the doorway, "What are you doing?"
"I have to go back to Cali to do a show. I don't have the time to talk." She replies as her phone dings, Justin texting her back with flight information for flight that was leaving in two hours.
"So, you're just gonna runaway again?"
Emersyn spun around, "I didn't runaway the first time! I was heartbroken, embarrassed! I took some time for myself because thirteen-year-old me was heartbroken!"
"I seriously don't have the time for this." Emersyn says with a shake of her head, grabbing the now zipped suitcase and quickly walking out of the bedroom.
Quinn stands there for a moment before he's rushing after her, ignoring the looks from all of the hockey players spread out in his lake house living room. "I love you! Is that what you wanted to hear?! I'm in love with you!"
"I am not talking about this right this moment. I have a plane to catch."
"So that's it?"
Emersyn spins around to look at him once more as a tear falls from her eyes, "I waited nine years for you to say something, to heart you say that you loved me the way that I love you. Nine. I'm sure you can wait a couple of days before I'm ready to talk."
And with those last words, Emersyn walks out of the door, leaving Quinn standing there.