English Teacher Would Cry - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago

Okay so obviously Sheev Palpatine is just pure evil. But why does he do evil so well? Like if evil, why hot? Honestly his audacity and pure diabolical-ness needs more love.

It's satisfying to watch/read how his plans fall apart, but after the gazillion time it just loses it spark. Especially after the sequels. What even was that? Ignoring the obvious blunder of bringing him back, Where's the masterplan spanning decades? The hiding in plan sight?? The running circles around everyone??? Disney really be saying that they brought him back only add nothing and kill him off in the lamest way possible ๐Ÿ˜ญ A downfall should be earned, not dumbing down the big bad so the perfect, infallible protagonist can roll over them.

The prequels may not have been the best, but coupled with legends, Palpatine's genius shined through. I'd say that it plays a big part in his character that the more it gets taken away or overshadowed, the worst the character gets.

--Not that I have anything against fluff writers, but ao3 has too much fluff. (Or maybe I just suck at the filters)

๐Ÿ™Please provide fic suggestions of angst!๐Ÿ™

An personal favorite example of mine, although a really obscure piece of lore (and not a fanfic), would the the Legends one-shot comic by the name of Republic #64: Bloodlines. Befriending a jedi for decades and then callously casting him aside is not unique at all, but the comic presents it in a way that you feel really bad for the jedi. It provides snap shots of the most defining moments of their so called "friendship". Ronhar Kim would save Palpatine's life from an assassination attempt (*wink wink;) ) after they have met at his birth father's funeral. And whaddya know, Vidar Kim was Palpatine's political mentor who he succeeded in office! What a great coincidence, the galaxy sure is a small place :D

Ronhar Kim does not play a huge role in the star wars universe, and yet, it's his betrayal that hit the hardest for me. Guy was just this normal jedi, serene yet defiant in the face of death, who befriends a seemingly sincere politician. Attempted to bridge the gap between the Senate and the Jedi, who arguably came up with the plan that could have exposed the sith lord, and yet all that was him eating from the palm of the one Sheev Palpatine.

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