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2 years ago
 A Forest Of Glow
 A Forest Of Glow
 A Forest Of Glow
 A Forest Of Glow
 A Forest Of Glow

❥ A forest of glow

Just a lil something I toughed out over the course of 3-ish days. as it goes right now, this is the largest fully colored picture I have ever completed. 

the image is a lot bigger when you click on it

feel free to use these as backgrounds and the such if you want to, since I got questions about that in servers.

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10 months ago

I wonder if this even matters. I wonder if it’s really true that not buying from certain companies decreases demand, or if 102,165 products being sold has the same result as 102,166. I wonder if the store just throws away the expired stuff and restocks the same amount next time. I wonder… if it’s time we start acting as citizens, instead of as consumers.

am I buying dolphin safe tuna? am I buying bat safe tequila? am I buying orangutan safe candy? am I buying bird safe windows? am I buying coral safe sunscreen? am I

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