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Not so secret Sormik Santa for @eachainn!! She wanted them celebrating some other winter holiday than Christmas so… I made up an Elysian holiday. It involves bonfires, food, and apparently making snow on a mountain that is actually mainly above the clouds. (it’s probably some mashup of Samhain/“Halloween” and winter sports olympics feat. ghostly pale and snowy white Normin. Meebo can collaborate with Lailah to make omelette norvégienne.)
Merry Christmas, fam!!
Also check out @sormikadventcalendar!

Mikleo’s 5☆ and 6☆ images from the 7th Anniversary gacha vol.1 (March 15, 2021 to April 17, 2021)

ive been playing some tales of vesperia and just finished the zestiria anime! theyre both so fun....so many good kids......🥺
Vague epilogue sormik thought:
Sorey finger-combing Mikleo's long hair. it's already brushed, but long hair is quick to catch small tangles, and the silky softness between his fingers is a welcome sensation
More welcome though, are Mikleo's soft hums and sighs. The way he pauses in his movements just to stand and sway with the pleasant, light tugs of Sorey's fingers