Erased Manga - Tumblr Posts
1 year ago

My brother recently taught me how to color in manga panels and so this is what I’ve been doing for the past 2 days. The trick is to use layer styles! Especially multiply. First panel is from Billy Bat and the next 3 are from Monster and Erased speaking of which…
Manga spoilers for Erased and Monster underneath cut!!

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I had a lot of fun with these and I will do more lol
it’s really fun figuring out what kind of lighting each panel needs and what kind of mood I want to set
The first one (the Billy Bat one) doesn’t really fit the tone tho? But I had fun and that’s what matters
monster manga
monster anime
Billy bat
Billy bat manga
erased manga
erased anime
johan liebert
kenzo tenma
dr tenma
Kevin Yamagata
satoru fujinuma
my doodles :D
manga edit
manga coloring
gaku yashiro
monster spoilers
erased spoilers